Winbox loader can be downloaded from the MikroTik download page. When winbox.exe is downloaded, double click on it, and the Winbox loader window will pop up. There are two Winbox loader modes: simple which is enabled by default and advanced.

Winbox is a small utility that allows administration of MikroTik RouterOS using a fast and simple GUI. It is a native Win32 binary, but can be run on Linux and MacOS (OSX) using Wine. All Winbox interface functions are as close as possible mirroring the console functions, that is why there are no Winbox sections in the manual. Some of advanced and system critical configurations are not possible from winbox, like MAC address change on an interface Winbox changelog

Download Winbox 7.6

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By default winbox shows most commonly used parameters. However sometimes it is needed to see another parameters, for example "BGP AS Path" or other BGP attributes to monitor if routes are selected properly.

I installed the winbox using npm. I also included the styles and scripts in the angular.json. I acn make it work if I use the JS and CSS files and add some script in index.html. But, I want it to Angular way. Any idea?

FWIW, I have been able to reproduce the issue where it throws ERROR: One or more files did not pass the validity check!. I am using yay on EndeavourOS and have been able to delete ~/.cache/yay/winbox and it works the second time, every time. I'm not sure it's a Mikrotik issue, or it would not work so reliably after wiping cache.

Found an issue with 4.4.3 and latest beta.

When CPE is in NAT mode traffic will seem to flow like normal BUT winbox / vpn connections will constantly fail and reconnect from BEHIND the CPE. I have enabled and disabled many of the settings and nothing seems to fix the issue BUT putting the CPE in bridge mode. Network is running OSPF/MPLS/VPLS.

If upgrading, you can backup your saved managed sessions from tools export but be sure to savethem to a location outside of the application because overwriting the applicaiton will replace theentire winbox environment. When exporting be sure to go back to the / then find the path to your user profile. 006ab0faaa

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