Here is a recommended template to create Wii full covers for games that don't have a retail cover:


It was made by Neorame, the same person who designed the Wii 3D boxes template used on GameTDB.

A summary of different WBFS Managers out there... 

Similar to the USB Loader releases page, but to list out the different manager tools to load images to your WBFS device, without using the Wii itself... 

Download Wii Covers Wbfs Manager

Download File 🔥 🔥

FORT PIERCE - The property manager of Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate and an aide to the former president are due back in federal court in Florida on Thursday to face charges in the case accusing Trump of illegally hoarding classified documents at his resort after leaving the White House.

Carlos De Oliveira, the property manager, is scheduled to be arraigned in Fort Pierce before a magistrate judge on charges including conspiracy to obstruct justice in the case brought by special counsel Jack Smith. De Oliveira made an initial appearance in court late last month but didn't enter a plea because he hadn't yet found a Florida-based attorney to represent him, as is required under court rules.

Advanced Features in 1.0


- GUI based on GTK, only for GNU/Linux

- Managing multiple partitions in a simple-WBFS Designed with MultiLanguage (i8n) for 16 languages.

- Wiithon uses a database (SqlLite) which allows display of all game and your covers WITHOUT HARD DISK

- Wiithon is ready to be associated with ISO files. A simple double click will add your ISO to the drive.

- Searcher of games

- Copy partitions between WBFS. (1:1 copy). Copy 1 game or all, avoiding any replacement to the destination.

- Refresh WBFS partitions without having to reopen the program.

- Option to avoid running Wiithon as root by giving the option to run in user space.

- Add ISO by Drag & Drop

- Add a directory, search for all ISO files recursively

- Rename NAME (maximum 128 characters)

- Rename IDGAME (up to 6 characters and letters and numbers)

- The table can be ordered by any of its columns.

- Download covers and disc-arts automatically.

- Allows synchronize our covers with a folder. (As your SD for usbloader)

- Version Cosole (CLI): wiithon --help

- Use of multithread and multiprocess for more high speed.

New changes in 1.1:


- Shows information on games (obtained from WiiTDB). This includes all information to be found in the boxed set (synopsis, number of players, online ...)

- Support integrated RAR. (with info progress). Work with RAR > 4 GB in FAT32 partitions.

- Format partitions WBFS.

- Download sure all the covers. It rotates until someone downloads the URL. (54 covers providers & 27 discs providers)

- Preferences categorized into tabs.

- Open the folder where you downloaded Wiithon cover artwork.

- Wiithon appears in Applications -> Games (instead of office)

- Remake CLI (console)

- Icons adapted to Karmic.

- Changed the 80% of source code. Many other minor functional changes.

- Created a PPA to receive updates automatically.

Changes (2.5):

-Added indirect Drive-To-Drive transferring and cloning. (Click Drive-To-Drive expander (the line under the buttons) to show related options).

-Added automatic RAR archive extraction (drag and drop or use the browse button).

-Added batch extraction and deletion. (Hold shift to select a range of items, or hold Ctrl to select separate individual items).

-Added exporting list of games on drive to a .CSV (Comma-separated values) file. Right-click on left-hand list and click export. Can export entire list or only selected items.

-Added ability to use more than one cover directory (all downloaded covers will still be downloaded to My Documents\WBFS Manager Covers)

-Added estimated total size for Games to Add list.

-Added Italian, German and Chinese (Traditional) language support

-Added information about the number of items in each list.

-Added message informing user that they're using the wrong version if they try using 32-bit version on 64-bit Windows.

-Updated some icons and imagery (courtesy of BarbaxX).

Changes (2.2.1):

-Automatic cover downloading (You will be prompted the first time you run the program if you want to enable or disable this. You can also change this setting later from the Edit->Download Covers from Web menu). Please be a bit patient, it takes a couple of seconds to download as the site is somewhat slow. While it's downloading you'll see a placeholder image which will be automatically updated once the download is complete.

-Added Region code information

-Changed default location for covers to My Documents\WBFS Manager Covers for better UAC compliance.

-Added functionality to help debug the "crash on startup" situations, namely what tommyv and kruy are facing.

-Added Spanish language support, coutesy of dgtor.

Changes (2.2):

-Added multilingual support (currently only French, courtesy of TheCrach), contact me if you'd like to add support for your language.

-Added Hombrew Channel creation (not completely tested).

-Added Cover support. Hover mouse over an entry to see the cover.

-Added support for automatically downloading covers. You will be prompted on the first run to enable or disable it. You can also change this from the Edit->Download Covers from Web menu.

-Now defaults the selected drive in the drive combo box to the last used drive.

-Added region code information.

-Item counts for both lists.

-Added Check for Updates to Help menu. Currently only links to WBFS Manager blog which will list updates. Plan to implement proper updater later to help everyone keep up to date.

Cover file instructions:

Copy covers into the My Documents\WBFS Manager Covers directory to show them in WBFS Manager


Set your own cover directories from the Edit Menu in WBFS Manager (Edit->Set Covers Directory...).

All downloaded covers will always be saved in My Documents\WBFS Manager Covers.

Covers can be disabled by unchecking the Show Covers option (Edit->Show Covers).

Covers can be in subdirectories.

Cover files must be named as follows: DISCID.png where DISCID is the 6 letter disc ID for a given game. For example, Wii Sports cover would be: RSPE01.png

If you use set your own cover directory, that directory will be checked first, then this directory.

Multilingual support details:

WBFS Manager will automatically use the language of your operating system if it is one of the supported languages. If you'd like to manually change the language you can do so from the Edit->Language menu.

Contact me at wbfsmanager { at } if you'd like to add support for your language to WBFS Manager.

Changes (2.1):

-Added rename functionality (thanks to Sorg).

-Application now directly uses libwbfs, rather than using wbfs_win.exe.

-Added icons for better usability.

-Added list sorting functionality (right click on each list for the different sort options.

-Added blocks used to status bar.

-Added visual indicators to "Games to add" list. Check mark if the iso was copied successfully, red error symbol if the copying the iso failed.

-Changed "size" label to "estimated size" in the "Games to add" list. Added iso size information. Reported estimated sizes are still estimates and may be significantly different from actual size on WBFS drive. Sizes on the "Games on WBFS drive" list are accurate.

-Added first time welcome screen with basic instructions.

-Added "Refresh Drive List" button in case a USB drive was not plugged in when the program started. Clicking Refresh Drive List should show USB drives that were plugged in after WBFS Manager started.

-Added support for dropping a folder instead of one or more iso files. All iso files in the dropped folder and its subdirectories will automatically be added.

-Added progress bars and an activity indicator to indicate the program is running and has not crashed to Windows XP users.

Note: There is no shared code with the other wbfs_win GUI apps that have been released. 

The wbfs_win.exe from the wbfs_win_delta release is also no longer being used by this application. It now uses a cleaner, less hacky way of using the libwbfs source code for direct manipulation.

Note 2: Although I've tested this a good deal it's only the first release and it may have some bugs. If you notice any let me know. For the most part everything should be ok as the actual work with the ISOs and WBFS drive are done in libwbfs. Of course, pulling your USB cable out while copying files isn't going to help.

What it does:

This application basically provides a GUI for the command line-based wbfs-win, used for accessing legal Wii Backups stored on disk drives that have been formatted to the WBFS file system.

It provides all the basic functionality that comes with wbfs-win, including formatting to wbfs, adding backups, getting a listing of backups already on the drive, extracting ISOs from the WBFS drive, etc.

Completed Future Plans:

-Using libwbfs directly to achieve greater flexiblity.

-Use a separate worker thread to improve responsiveness when doing IO operations.

-UnRar functionality to automatically UnRar files and add the iso to the WBFS drive.

Thanks to Kwiirk for the wbfs tool, Sorg for the rename disc functionality, Waninkoko for a good deal of things and Team Twiizers. 

Thanks to TheCrach for the French translations, BarbaxX for the German, dgtor for the Spanish, cerocca for the Italian and Perugino, villadelfia for the Dutch and IvanChen for the Chinese translations.

Thanks to BarbaxX for addtional icon and imagery work.

The UnRar DLL library is used in this application for UnRaring archives.

Hopefully I've given everyone thier due credit. If you feel you deserve credit for a portion of the code used in this application please let me know. 006ab0faaa

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