Most people who have made a huge impact on the world had a sense of destiny. Although they do not always know the details of their journey, they have a clear purpose and vision that motivates and drives them to fulfill their destiny. We can see this in the lives of many Biblical characters. Joseph, for example had a dream through which God revealed to Joseph what he was going to do. Joseph had a sense of destiny and continued to believe God through many hardships. Eventually the dream God had given him was fulfilled.

It is my conviction that both individuals and nations have a God-given purpose and destiny. God created us with a plan and a purpose. What is your purpose and destiny? What about the United States of America?

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I believe it is time for America to return to God with all of her heart and embrace the destiny God has for us. We have lost sight of our purpose and have focused on many other pursuits. We have had wild success, but have not understood our destiny. God blessed us greatly for a purpose, but we have lost sight of it. How does the Body of Christ in America understand our destiny as a nation?

Galatians 3 and other Scriptures make it clear that the blessing God promised to Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3 has also been given to us in Christ. God blessed Abraham greatly. God will also bless us just as He blessed Abraham.

Ephesians 1:3 states that He has blessed us with all blessings in Christ! He has forgiven our sins and made us His own children, making us heirs of His household. He has given us the promise of eternal life. And He has given us His Spirit to dwell in us.

The Bible is full of promises that God will bless those who trust and obey Him. Psalm 37:4 even says that if we delight ourselves in Him that He will give us the desires of our heart! We cannot imagine the things God has prepared for those who love Him (I Corinthians 2:9). Being blessed by God is the first part of our destiny.

No law can stop us from loving others! Political unrest, economic distress and uncertainty about the future cannot stop us from loving and serving others! What would happen if every follower of Jesus in America who have been so blessed by our Father becomes a blessing to the people around them and in their community? I think we would transform society. This is part 2 of our destiny.

In the last part of His promise to Abraham God said, and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." This verse is quoted or referred to more than 50 times in the Old Testament and several times in the New Testament!

God did NOT choose Israel just so that they could be blessed and self-satisfied by themselves. His plan was not just to bless them and to reject everyone else. He wanted to bless the nations through His people. However, they became self-centered and thought that God only wanted to bless them. God made it very clear in His promise to Abraham, however, that He would bless them so that they could bless the nations.

The purpose of God blessing us is that we will bless the nations. The biggest blessing we have to offer is the free gift of salvation through Christ. God loves sinful and lost people. He longs for lost sheep to be found and for lost sons and daughters to come home. He wants sinners to receive the free gift of forgiveness through the cross of Christ. He wants people to know Him and walk with Him.

Becoming a blessing to the nations refers first to the gospel. However, God desires that we bless the nations in every way by loving them, serving them and sharing Christ with them. This is Part 3 of our destiny.

God loves the world! He blessed us by sending His only Son as sacrifice for our sins. He wants us to become a blessing to all nations and peoples. This is our destiny. Now is not the time to be fearful or to be distracted by all of the turmoil around us. Our best days are ahead of us! Let us move forward in a spirit of faith and love to fulfill the calling and destiny God has given us.

Jamie Rohrbaugh is an author and speaker who teaches people to manifest victory in every facet of life. She believes that you have a God-given destiny of righteousness, peace, power, wealth, and joy in God, and that these things are freely available to you through personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Jamie's work has been featured on YouVersion, The Elijah List, Charisma Magazine, Intercessors for America,, Spirit Fuel,, and other outlets. Her podcast, Take Your Territory with Jamie Rohrbaugh, is available on iTunes and Spotify.

Jamie thanks this word today was exactly what I needed, you are so blessed today in sharing it with me I return those blessings to you and ask God to multiply them in whatever your needs are today. Thanks

Demography is destiny. That ominous-sounding pronouncement, credited to French philosopher Auguste Comte, is today taken to mean that a nation's fate depends on the youthfulness of its population. For a poor country to become rich, it needs lots of young people ready to work, to support those too old or too young to work, and to pay taxes. This is called the "demographic dividend."

Shannon's two most treasured roles in life are wife and mom. She's also a college instructor with an MBA in Marketing. She and her husband live in Colorado with their little "blessing." Life threw them an unexpected curve ball when they spent several years going through the agonizing pain of infertility and underwent multiple rounds of IVF before being blessed with their son. Nowadays, Shannon likes to soak up each adventure that life has to offer with her family of three and blog about her experiences as a homeschooling mom, a self professed "slap and go" thrifty crafter and decorator, and really anything that might help out a friend! Follow "raising a blessing" on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest to keep up with all of her latest family antics. See you there!

To truly love as God loves is to see the wonder and richness of the distinct differences in all of creation and his natural order of interdependence. This is the way to mutual blessing and the discovery of the ultimate destiny of creation. Learn how to become enriched and blessed as you enrich and bless others and all that is around you!

 Dr. Daniel Juster is director of Tikkun International, founding president of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations and was the senior pastor of Beth Messiah Congregation from 1978-2012. His hunger and quest for truth led him through two evangelical colleges, two graduate-seminaries and four degrees. He authored many books and articles advocating for Messianic Judaism.

It is good, and you, the whole person, are good. As I write this blessing in Block format, I remind you, spirit, incessantly that you are a chip off the Old Block, not the block that is the Father of Lies, but the Block that is the Father of Lights.

So, I bless you, spirit, to SHINE HIS LIGHT, not merely through effort of your own, but through cause and effect, and through allowing Him a place to shine through you and in you. I bless you with the stubborn persistence to shine and be who you are even when you are broken. A light shines because it is light. It does not have to work to shine or make light. It is light.

Beloved, I would like to invite your spirit forward, this time to attention, and though I am not a drill sergeant, this blessing might be a bit more on the proactive side of things. And that is okay.

Spirit, I bless you to move to and dwell in the land Father wants for you in this season, and I bless you to receive from and give to the land the things Father has in that exchange. I bless you to expand and your vitality to grow.

I bless you to not neglect the gift of G-d that is in you from conception, from the new birth, and from the laying on of hands. I bless your altar and place of dedication to the King to not be corrupted or disrupted by any scheme of the enemy, and that when the enemy attempts to assault you at the altar, that the L-rd would thunder against him and all of his schemes. 

I bless you with a deep revelation of the Holy Trinity and the Divine Council as you spend time meditiating in His presence.

Spirit, I bless you with deep peace, and I bless you with a strong and well-callibrated plumbline that helps you not take the bait of deception.

I bless you not to succumb to the temptation to 

throw a wet towel on yourself, 

limit yourself, 

corral yourself, 

edit yourself, 

emasculate yourself, 

or engage in the abominable practice of pharonic circumcision to your vitality and your fullness just because others cannot handle you, spirit.

But, spirit, with you, as you partner with Him and hear what He wants to do, and it blesses you and you partner with it, and walk in agreement with it, may the light fall into place where He wants it, and may you be enlivened to action and to causes that will leave the kingdom effects in place, so that, at least with you He does get what He wants.

I bless you spirit, with the revelation that Father loves what He sees when He looks at you, and He laughs with you and helps you to ascend to the place where His blueprints are. I bless you with an enjoyment rather than a self-flagellation of your identity, because spirit, He made you, designed you, and hardwired you as you are, whether Prophet with your high-strung emotion and cranky attitude toward unrighteousness, or Servant with your knack for helping everyone, or Teacher with your Anchor truth, slow gait, and FREAKING AWESOME PLACE OF SAFETY, or Exhorter with your breathtaking revelation and breathless pace of horizontal human relationships, or Giver with your wealth of gathering resources and being able to discern the pith of a situation, or Ruler/Judge/Deliverer, with your capacity to build an empire with a skeleton crew and do much with few imperfect resources, or Mercy with your touchy-feely Ethereal affection and intimacy and erstwhile whimsy and bouts of meloncholy.

Every gift that comes from the Father of Lights is both good and perfect, even those gifts that seem hard and come with a high responsiblity, and even those gifts that may seem like they are causing pain. I bless you with the skill to parse out between the pain that comes from the clowns and the enemy, and the pain that comes as a gift from the Father to refine you. ff782bc1db

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