Hi! Looking for ways to reduce distractions in my life I've stumbled over the light phone and I've totally falled in love with its philosophy and design. However, looking at the FAQs I've sadly found out there won't be any Whatsapp implentation in the foreseeable future. Living in Italy, where sms have fallen out of use, this would mean being completely disconnected from my friends and family. Everyone (including old people) uses Whatsapp here and I'm sure this applies to many other countries in the world.

I understand the introduction of Whatsapp may bring some privacy issues but one could opt out of its use like any other app on the phone. Seeing as messages are already supported on the light phone i dont see how introducing whatsapp would detract from the overall experience.

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I understand implementing an external app might be very costly and time consuming but the lack of Whatsapp is the only thing that's stopping me from buying a light phone and i'm sure this applies to many other people who are trying to reduce their smartphone usage. I can't ever give up being connected to my loved ones and if I can't use the light phone as my main device i can't see why I should even bother to buy it in the first place.

I understand there may be many problems that led to where we the light phone is right now but as a fan of the project and supporter of the cause I couldn't not talk about what I feel is the elephant in the room.

I dont want to loose the photos and videos, but at the same time i dont want to store them locally on my phone, is there a way i can store them in iCloud ? Ideally i dont want to store the photos / videos to my camera roll, but would like to just unload some of the whatsapp data to the cloud.

I think there is a feature in whatsapp where you can export a chat / group inc the messages and media, but my phone is so full with whatsapp i cant even export this data as there is no space free to export it too !

What i think the best solution is: Go to Whatsapp -> Settings -> Chats. Enable Save to camera roll. From now, all your incoming photos and videos will be saved automatically into your Photo app. The name of the album with the saved photos and videos is called WhatsApp. But the incoming photos and videos are also saved locally in the WhatsaApp app.

After the iCloud backup, the photos and videos are still saved locally on your phone in your WhatsApp app. To delete this, go to WhatsApp -> Settings -> Data and storage usage -> Storage usage and choose a chat. From here you are able to delete the media which is stored locally in the WhatsApp app.

Lately, while I'm using WhatApp my phone screen blinked .. Sometimes, suddenly the screen will turn Blank and in split seconds, it automatically return back to normal screen.. This happens rather frequently.

I got a new phone, a Google Pixel 4a. I am transferring data and settings from my old phone, an HTC One M8. I made a Whatsapp backup that saved to Google Drive then installed Whatsapp on the new phone, it detected the backup and I have all my chats, photos and animated gifs.

In Whatsapp > Settings > Chat backup I have NOT enabled "Include Videos" yet somehow all videos that were sent to me via Whatsapp when I was using it on my old phone ARE in my new phone? Maybe that was because of how I transferred data between the old and the new phone during the initial setup? I used the Google Pixel app and both phones were connected via a cable. I can play these videos on the new phone in the "Files" app.

In Whatsapp > Manage Storage .. it only sees about 300MB of used space. But when I connect the phone to the laptop and browse the Whatsapp media folder all the videos ARE in there in the Whatsapp Video folder, taking up almost 2GB. Yet they will not play IN Whatsapp, only via the "Files" app.

Possible solution?

It's like Whatsapp doesn't see the videos even though they are there? Maybe it's because of how those videos got on the new phone in the first place? Did that Google Pixel Setup Wizard put them in the wrong place? They were originally in the internal storage of my old phone and my new phone only has internal storage also.

As an example of a video that was originally sent to me via Whatsapp on my old phone but does not play in Whatsapp on the new phone but DOES play in the "Files" app... From the "Files" app I can see its location is:/storage/emulated/0/Whatsapp/Media/WhatsApp Video/ViD-2021.....mp4

An example of an image that does display in Whatsapp on the new phone when I check it in the "Files" app its location is:/storage/emulated/0/Android/media/com.whatsapp/Whatsapp/Media/WhatsApp Images/IMG-2021.....jpg

Now when I go back in to Whatsapp this time the thumbnail of the video is no longer greyed out suggesting that I just have to click on the thumbnail for the video to play but when I do I still get the same error message:

DID make them play in Whatsapp... What was confusing me is the first few videos I was testing to playback within Whatsapp had been deleted by the original sender at their end so they weren't playing but for an entirely different reason!

As to why I had all my Whatsapp videos on the new phone even though I had not enabled Whatsapp to backup videos that was because the Pixel install wizard transferred them over from my old phone. Whatsapp > Manage Storage.. was only seeing about 300MB of used space because the Whatsapp videos were copied over from the old phone to the wrong place on the new phone where Whatsapp wasn't looking.

I guess that's just a feature of how Whatsapp works: if someone sends you a video via Whatsapp and then subsequently deletes it at their end from their Whatsapp conversation with you it will no longer play from your Whatsapp... EVEN if you still have the video in the Whatsapp media folder in your phone!

I'm in the process of installing Whatsapp on my phone, and it's asking me for a phone number. I'm going to be using a different SIM card when I'm abroad. If I give the application my US phone number now, will it still work when I've switched to the new SIM card's number?

I've done both and it kind of depends on what you want to do with it. If you want to make it easy to place WhatsApp calls with friends in the US, then it's probably easiest to do that with your US number, which they already have. If your intention is to use it to place calls to hotels and restaurants in Europe, then either phone number will work, but perhaps your preference is to give them a local phone number, the temporary one.

I use whatsapp all the time at home. It helpfully tells me if someone in my phone book is already on whatsapp (via their Nz phone numbers.) When Itravel and change sim/ph number what's app notices and asks if I want to change to the new phone number - the answer is always NO - so friends still know how to find me via whatsapp. My first name can be abreviated various ways (or not) so its important that I don't swap the ph no every few months

WhatsApp just announced a new web application see here.

For some reason, the interface requires the phone to be connected all the time. Is it for performance reasons (not to create additional load on their current servers)? Is there any other constraint that cause that?

Your session on WhatsApp Web is an extension of WhatsApp on your phone. WhatsApp Web connects to your phone to sync messages, thus you can see all messages on both devices. Thus, the first requirement to being able to use WhatsApp Web is an active WhatsApp account on your smartphone.

As you may know your Whatsapp history is only being stored in a database on the phone itself. To see that history in your web browser, it needs to get it from the phone. Whatsapp could have redesigned it, so that everything is stored in the cloud (as many competing messaging apps do). But that seems to be against their philosophy. They keep it tighly coupled to a (one) phone. As you may know you cannot install Whatsapp on multiple phones using the same account. The web interface is just a remote for Whatsapp running on your phone.

And even though I don't know for sure, I think it's more secure too. It wouldn't surprise me if the data that's sent between the web app and the phone is encrypted in a way that even Whatsapp themselves cannot decrypt. Maybe the QR code is generated client-side (in the browser) and by scanning it using the app there is no need to exchange the keys through Whatsapp's servers. That way they don't ever get the encryption keys and will not be able to inspect the data that gets routed through their servers.

If you're looking to buy a new phone, you may want to wait until Amazon Prime Day next week to see if it has any phone sales. You can also check out CNET's guides for the best phones to buy in 2023, or the best iPhone to get right now.

Not everybody wants to use WhatsApp - so let customers call you too. Get a phone number for regular calls from a supported voip provider and connect it to 3CX. You can decide which provider works best for you - so you can get the best call pricing. No lock-ins or bundled phone numbers with unexpected call charges. Not sure where to begin? Check out Voxtelesys or Callcentric in the US. In the UK and Europe, try Telxi.

WhatsApp automatically downloads new photos and videos that are sent to you. These are stored on your phone, but can also be saved to your camera roll. An updated version of WhatsApp now gives you more control over what media is stored on your phone.

Virtual phone numbers can operate on any device that is capable of accessing internet access, installing third-party apps, and receiving voice calls. For example, such a number can be used to make calls from laptops, smartphones, VoIP desk phones, or softphones. Nowadays, many people are using virtual phone numbers to register for social media and online messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, and more. It is also a perfect solution for any business that has an in-office, remote, or work-from-home setup. There are numerous apps and services that let you select a local or international number from various nations and regions, as well as capabilities such as call forwarding, routing, and voicemail (more on them below). 006ab0faaa

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