I have a newly created forms server 12c 12.2.1 running and am trying to get forms with webutil working. The test form that installs with the server works fine but I compiled one of my forms that utilizes webutil and am getting a webutil error oracle.forms.webutil.clientInfo.getClientInfo. I even tried using the webutil_demo form and receive the same error.

Can you think of anything i may be missing? I know this is right for the most part as i originally tried to compile my forms and would get webutil errors then adding the pll/plx file fixed that. Then when i first ran a form i was getting security errors due to jacob.jar not being signed so i signed that and now it actually asks if its ok to run jacob.jar as a self signed cert. So those steps sound to be correct.

Download Webutil For Forms 10g

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I have deployed a frs-12c on a rhel 7 virtual machine with jdk1.8-u261 . Forms I have deployed on it are launching but are not able to execute any of its pl/sql code (be it custom ones or built-ins). This the case for both the out-of-box webutil_webstart configuration and the custom one with self-signed jacob (java 1.8, release 1.18) jar.

Note: test.fmx works fine.

Case-1: webutil_demo.fmx is launching and the tab-switching works. However, "Cliet Info>Get Client Info" and "About Webutil" buttons are not returning anything while nothing gets thrown.

Case-2: To see validate the configuration of the deployment I found the "Webutil Diagnostic Test Form For Checking Webutil Configuration (Doc ID 553849.1)" article on support and downloaded webutilconf12c.fmb

When running it I got the form to launch, however, when pressing "Check Configuration"

Case-3: To see whether if the problem was webutil libraries or whether something else might be wrong (whether if I had a db connectivity or grant issue) I picked-up a simple Alert-modal launch fmb (Modal launched when button is pushed) namely Model_msgt.fmb from the web

I suspected that something broken on the client-side and found the discussion thread: /tech/developers/discussion/4000512/weblogic-forms-reports-12-2-1-2-problems-with-dll

When I checked my "C:\users\myuser" directory for the webutil directory I was neither able to find the "webutil" directory nor the .dll files (d2kwut60.dll jacob-1.18-x64.dll JNIsharedstubs.dll) that are orignally under $ORACLE_HOME/forms/webutil/win64 in the server-side.

1. First you have to create a schema in the database to later compile the webutil.pll library. Against this scheme it is necessary to execute the file create_webutil_db.sql that is in the $ ORACLE_HOME / forms directory

4. If the environment we are configuring is for development, we must ensure that the $ ORACLE_HOME / forms / java / frmwebutil.jar file is in the FORMS_BUILDER_CLASSPATH variable of the regedit.

The basic WebLogic environment variable settings are described in the installation guides, but the following list accounts for most of the scenarios you are likely to come across on the server, including forms compilation from the command line. Remember to adjust the paths to suit your installation. The paths below assume you've installed using the same paths I used in my installation guides. Also, remember to adjust the FORMS_PATH and TWO_TASK variables as required.

Typically, each separate environment will have it's own section in the "formsweb.cfg" file, where environment-specific settings are placed. You only need to specify a value in a Named Configuration if it differs from that in the default configuration. For example, a named configuration might be simple, like the following.

 It's is worth explicitly setting the NLS_LANG environment variable in the ".env" file to match the NLS details of the database the forms connect to, thereby removing any implicit character conversions.

The solution is to alter the order of the Jar files set by the "archive" and/or "WebUtilArchive" entries in the "formsweb.cfg" file. In the case of the "jacob.far" file, if you have it listed in the "archive" parameter, you will probably need to make the following change.

1. Open any affected forms in Forms Builder and re-attach webutil.pll (delete the attached library and add it again). After that, save and compile the form(s). Next, try running the application again and the problem should be resolved.

Now, I can place webutil into a new forms module fine (or at least I think so as I do not get any errors and it looks ok) but when trying to run this form module through Ctrl-R and press a button which uses some webutil procedure I get:

I have also tried to add "?config=webutil" at the end of Forms Builder -> Edit -> Preferences -> Runtime -> Application Server URL, but then its even worse as when running form module through Ctrl-R, the web browser starts and right away gives en error that it broke.

Oracle HTTP Server listener receives the request. It finds /forms path in the URL and forwards the request to the correct Oracle WebLogic Managed Server based on the WebLogic handler mappings. The mapping is defined in forms.conf.

Oracle WebLogic Managed Server maps the request to the Oracle Forms Services application that has a context root named /forms. It maps the request to the Forms servlet using the frmservlet mapping specified in the application.xml file.

Determines which baseHTML or basejnlp file to use, based on (a) what browser (user-agent) made the request, (b) what platform the browser is running on, and (c) the settings of various parameters in the formsweb.cfg file.

Whenever a variable (like %myParam%) is encountered, the Forms servlet looks for a matching URL query parameter (for example, &myParam=xxx), or, failing that, looks for a matching parameter in the formsweb.cfg file. If a matching parameter is found, the variable (%myParam%) is replaced with the parameter value.

The Oracle HTTP Server listener receives the request. It forwards the request to Oracle WebLogic Managed Server, since the path /forms/lservlet matches a servlet mapping in the web.xml file (the one for the Forms Listener servlet).

This file must be present in any of the directories named in the FORMS_PATH environment setting, which is defined in the environment file (default.env by default). You can also specify the directory in formsweb.cfg (for example, form=c:\\myform).

Oracle recommends that you make configuration changes in the formsweb.cfg file using Oracle Fusion Middleware Control and avoid editing these files. To change the baseHTML files, create your own versions and reference them from the formsweb.cfg file by changing the appropriate settings.

Modify the formsweb.cfg file so that Oracle Forms Services can access your application module. You edit this file in the Web Configuration page of Fusion Middleware Control. For more information, see Section 3.2, "Configuring Forms Services".

When configured, the Oracle Forms Services module hrapp.fmx is accessible on the Web by entering "...?config=my_application" in the browser URL (the name of the Web Configuration section in formsweb.cfg).

In the value of a variable specified in the configuration file (for example, formsweb.cfg), which is substituted (directly or recursively) for a variable reference in (1). Such values are typically maintained using Fusion Middleware Control; see Chapter 3, "Configuring Forms Services".

The information displayed depends on the value of the initialization parameter TestMode. This parameter is set in the $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/WLS_FORMS/tmp/_WL_user/formsapp_12.2.1//war/WEB-INF /web.xml file. An example is shown below:

Replaces variables (%variablename%) in the baseHTML file with the appropriate parameter values specified in the Forms servlet.initArgs file, formsweb.cfg file, and from query parameters in the URL request (if any).

In troubleshooting webutil download file issue I copied webutil.olb and webutil.pll from a dev server with the same version OS and FWM onto this prod server that webutil is not working. I'm not sure if that cause FRM-40039:Cannot attach library webutil while opening form xxxx.

This document will describe a new feature added to Oracle Forms WebUtil and how to use it. This new feature will allow administrators to configure the target/destination directory for where library files (i.e. *.dll) sent to the client for use by WebUtil are stored. The files used, by default are configured in webutil.cfg found on the server. For example:

At runtime, on the client, the WebUtil registration file (webutil.properties) will be written to the user's Home directory. This will only occur the first time WebUtil is used by this user. Upon subsequent attempts to run a form with WebUtil, libraries (dll) will not be downloaded if webutil.properties already exists. The result of this file pre-existing means that attempts to run a form from another server or configuration, which may use a different webutil configuration may fail to work as expected because new dll files will not be downloaded. Deleting webutil.properties from the user's Home directory will correct the problem.

You have added the necessary changes to the configuration file, copied the new webutil.pll file and created a new webutil.plx and stored it in the correct location. You have reattached the new pll and WebUtil Object Library and recompiled the related form (fmb). Yet, attempts to run a form do not download the necessary libraries, thereby causing the form to not run correctly.

If previous attempt to run any Forms application included WebUtil, it is possible that the client side registration file (webutil.properties) has been stored on the client. If this file exists on the client, attempts to download will not occur. Locate and delete this file from the client machine. It may be found in one of these two locations:

Here we are: the start of the configuration wizard. In the contrary of what the text is telling us: we do not have the need of the schemas where the wizard is talking about. We only want to configure the Forms and Reports part, not the portal and discover products. If you want/need those, than probably these schemas are needed. I know for certain the forms and reports do NOT need these. So, let us press Next. 17dc91bb1f

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