For releases of Firefox 89.0 and earlier Marionette will only be enabled in

GeckoView based applications when the Firefox preference

devtools.debugger.remote-enabled is set to true via


Marionette will only be enabled in GeckoView based applications when the

Firefox preference devtools.debugger.remote-enabled is set to True via

moz:firefoxOptions. This will be fixed in the Firefox 90 release for Android.

Download Webdriver Firefox Selenium

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Can't decide why I should prefer the one over the second one, as I see a lot of discussions about this topic. But I could not really understand the benefits of Firefox over Chrome.Some saying that it is easier to navigate the web browser location to firefox rather than the chrome driver. (when instantiating the web driver )

EDIT: I am asking from a perspective who wants to develop a bot that will run on a daily basis on a production server (Ubuntu or some other Linux dist)

Finally I got it: you need to unset all proxy settings everywhere (environment variables, and - in my case this was the issue- on Gnome). Later when you create the webdriver, you need to pass a profile which sets the browser proxy settings to what you actually use (in my case an automatic config url)

I only have a default profile in firefox (called c1r3g2wi.default) and no other profiles. I want my firefox browser to start with this profile when I launch it using the selenium webdriver. How do I do this in Python?

I got the same error when I set environment variable export PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 to get rid of pyc files on every test run. I was able to revert the change by updating selenium pip install --upgrade selenium. OSX (10.10)

I have a problem with creating valid function which will highlight certain defined elements on the webpage. Please note, that I am coding beginner, and the problem may be either simple environment setup issue, or lack of major knowledge of the javascript/selenium features.

And now the question begins, what should I do to make WebDriver to highlight this specified element with for ex. red border? While browsing the Stack and other similar pages, the only answers I found was something about using JavaScript Executor in Java syntax, or some webdriver functions using

I'm new to programming and started with Python about 2 months ago and am going over Sweigart's Automate the Boring Stuff with Python text. I'm using Spyder 3 and already installed the selenium module and the Firefox browser. I used the following code in python file

Oddly enough, if I go into terminal and type "python" and then put the code in, it works, but not when I run the file in Spyder. Where do I need to put the geckodriver.exe file for it to work? I've tried putting it in various folders (same folder as the python file, same folder as the webdriver file, in the user bin, and so on) but I get the same error

unzip and put the executable in desired folder in your projectuse **os ** or any path library to get the path your executableimport osfrom selenium import webdriverpath_executable = os.path.abs( path/to/executable )browser = webdriver.Firefox( executable_path= path_executable )

or you need something flexible which will work no matter the os and no need to download executable but its slower use pip to install webdriver manager webdriver manager doc$ pip install webdriver_manager then from selenium import webdriverfrom webdriver_manager.firefox import GeckoDriverManagerbrowser=webdriver.Firefox(executable_path=GeckoDriverManager().install())

I want to run a firefox webdriver with selenium so that I can spare a login with requests in a web crawler. I got the idea from this stackoverflow solution link, since the login with requests does not work for several reasons. I always get an error that the browser can't be started because the permission was denied. Here is my code:

I'm trying to get Selenium 3 working for Firefox and was running into one error msg after another. After downloading geckodriver and adding it to the system path, this last error was the same permission denied issue you are seeing. After quite a bit of searching around and piecing things together, what finally worked was adding the firefox.exe to the path as well.

I have installed Python 3.6.2, Selenium 3.5.0 with GeckoDriver 0.18.0 and the firefox version is 54.0.1version on windows 7. I am trying to run a selenium script which is loading a firefox where i get mismatch with firefox version error. Please let me know what is the issue. The code and error message below.

I am running e2e tests based on selenium-webdriver (firefox). Some of my test cases are based on comparing result messages. The problem is when I run tests on my local machine (and my local firefox browser) the language is automatically changed from EN, which ruin some of my test cases (which compare same messages but in different languages).Firstly I tried changing it in my browser. I reorder my preferred languages list, so that EN is on the first position. On every test run it all goes back to the original order (with EN on the second place). I also tried removing the language that is being chosen automatically. But after first tests run, the list of languages gets back to it previous form (with EN being second).

But this take no effect at all. During tests I still get wrong locale and after running tests in my firefox settings I am still getting wrong language at first place (in language preference list).How can I set english to be my accepted/preferred language during my tests?

OK, I have resolved it. The problem was I mixed 2 approaches, both of them I found in comments in selenium-webdriver code. First one that I found on github (most recent master branch) looks like that:

So, here it is available to call setPreference() on Options object. This code snippet comes from most recent master branch. The problem is, the current master is released as unstable (4.0.0-alpha.sth...).The last stable version that was released is 3.6.0 and there are many differences between apis. So I found similar code example directly in the selenium-webdriver package that I am referencing in my project, and setting preferences in that version looks like that:

I am facing an issue wherein I am unable to launch firefox from Selenium Webdriver version 3.4.0 from my Windows operating system (Windows 7) which is 64 bit.Currently, firefox version 52.0.2 is installed on my machine.I have also added selenium jar files to the library, still it is showing error.

After this, I downloaded GeckoDriverService form and ran below code, now after running below updated code with the Geckodriver path, firefox browser is getting launched but not closing automatically. Also I am getting some message in console.

About the "Javascript error (AddonManager)"... I almost went nuts today trying to fix this, since all the components were installed gradually within the last week.In the end I solved it.Here's the solution and the explanation:geckodriver v.0.16.0 "is only compatible with Selenium 3.4 and greater" (as it says on their page).A week ago selenium 3.3.1 was the last version. As of April 21, selenium3.4.0 was released.I had to recreate the project from scratch, re-adding the Selenium jars. For some reason simply replacing them on the old project, didn't do the trick.

Try giving the Firefox binary absolute path as a parameter in your code and when invoking from win7 provide this as in input to your JSP and then it could solve the problem. From your above stack trace it says firefox binary cannot be found in /usr/bin/firefox but you are trying to invoke the webdriver in win7 where the path is different.

Is there any way to open a Firefox browser and then connect to it using selenium? I know this is possible on chrome by launching it in the command line and using --remote-debugging-port argument like this:

Can this be done in firefox? I have been searching and checking questions relating to this for a while now but no luck. 

The only lead I found is that geckodriver has a --connect-existing argument but I am not sure how to use it. How do you pass arguments to geckodriver and use it in selenium?

For a test suite, I'm running a python script controlling a Firefox instance using selenium webdriver. I want to change the setting dom.disable_open_during_load in about:config to true. Although this is the default setting in my default Firefox profile, selenium changes it to false (user-defined) whenever I'm starting a webdriver instance. It seems to use an anonymous, slightly changed profile?! I can then manually change it back, but I was struggling to do it with code: neither using a new profile nor using a pre-set profile configured with Firefox' profile manager solves the problem.

When I run that, it starts downloading: [WDM] - Downloading: 19.0kB [00:00, 13.9MB/s] and then it fails I get following error: selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: Process unexpectedly closed with status 127

Geckodriver tries to load the profile from a different directory as /home/username/snap/firefox... because its not configured to the snap installation. If you still want to use the snap installation, because it gives you features, which the apt installation doesn't provide (like in my case), then you can still do it this way:

In this article, we will teach you how to install your own automation environment and run your own tests using Selenium/WebDriver and a testing library such as selenium-webdriver for Node. We will also look at how to integrate your local testing environment with commercial tools like the ones discussed in the previous article. e24fc04721

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