I was also an early writer, and when I began to write, at about the age of seven, stories in pencil with crayon illustrations that my poor mother was obligated to read, I wrote exactly the kinds of stories I was reading: All my characters were white and blue-eyed, they played in the snow, they ate apples, and they talked a lot about the weather, how lovely it was that the sun had come out.

The weather radar (Nigeria) shows where it is currently raining or snowing. The radar map is updated every 5 minutes with a new radar observation. The different colours indicate the intensity of rainfall or snowfall. Light blue indicates drizzle, blue a medium intensity, and red and yellow indicate very strong precipitation, usually associated with thunderstorms. Current lightning strikes are marked with small orange dots on the map (Europe only). Note that lightning is not shown on the forecast, as it cannot be predicted. Moreover, some countries do not operate a weather radar network, and in those countries satellite data is used to estimate rainfall, which is less accurate than a realtime weather radar.

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The rain/snow forecast is computed by estimating the movement of precipitation cells observed by radar and extrapolating this movement into the future. This so called precipitation nowcast is the most accurate precipitation forecast possible but the forecast horizon is limited to about an hour. Longer forecasts are not possible, as new precipitation cells are developing or existing ones are disappearing within a short time. Real weather is more complex than just the displacement of existing precipitation cells. 

 The forecast works very well when weather fronts or large organized precipitation structures are moving regularly, without disappearing or being created. If the radar animation of the last hours shows local thunderstorms or precipitation cells forming and disappearing in an irregular manner, then the forecast is not vey accurate.

Lagos experiences two main seasons throughout the year: the rainy season (which typically begins in April and lasts through mid-November) and the dry season (from November to March). The best time to visit Lagos is between the months of November and February: the weather is drier, the air less humid and the temperature cooler due to the harmattan winds.

In August, Lagos experiences a short break from the torrential downpours of the months before. Although it begins to rain again from mid to late August until November, the weather conditions are much milder than in the low season. Around this time is also when schools close for their summer break, decongesting the city and making it easier to explore. In addition, November kicks off the festive season in Lagos, with several events and festivals occurring within this month.

January is a great time to enjoy Lagos in a moment of post-holiday calm, as the December peak starts to recede and the city gets back to its daily rhythms. The weather remains favorable as the crowds thin out, making it one of the best months to visit.

By March, the weather warms up significantly and heat and humidity replaces the cool, dry weather of the previous months. Still, since rain is relatively uncommon, March can still be a good month to explore the city, and enjoy outdoor evening concerts in slightly cooler temperatures. Make sure to book accommodation and taxis with air conditioning.

These months usher in the heavy rains that can impede movement around the city. The weather is also quite hot and humid, with activities mostly held indoors due to the risk of downpours. On the occasional sunny and dry days that do occur, consider a beachside getaway or attending a block party on Broad Street in Lagos Island.

Most Nigerians will tell you December is the best month to visit Lagos. The harmattan winds blow from the Sahara toward the Gulf of Guinea, ushering in cool, dry weather conditions. The coming and going of people adds buzz as well, as adopted Lagosians head to their various hometowns for the holidays and many arrive in town from abroad. Several events are planned to coincide with this annual return of diaspora Nigerians living abroad; visitors can also enjoy the Christmas and New Year festivities, with events and festivals held all month long.

Last night it rained, at least that was what the wet floor outside led me to believe. Today it looks like the sun is having a swell time using all its power to smile on us. I, for one can never be certain of what the weather is going to be like, so I took out time to get at least four things that would definitely help in the current Nigerian climate. Surviving this Nigerian climate without looking like a hot mess is major key.

iOS and Android users, it is high time you make good use of your weather app. You do not want a situation where you are not dressed for the downpour that might meet you halfway when you are up and about your day. Be prepared. Check your weather app and plan your outfit and pack that bag and briefcase accordingly.

I am kind of used to the weather in this part of the continent. I took part in the last two editions of the Lagos Marathon where I posted a record of two hours 55 minutes and two hours 42 minutes.

But the energy of Lagos was the same, the hustle & bustle of the city, the unimaginable traffic jams, the beach-loving population and the happy but aggressive nature of my people. With tropical & humid 28 degrees (or 82 degrees Fahrenheit) weather, could you blame them?

How true are claims by United Nigeria Airlines that it diverted Flight UN504 to Asaba due to bad weather at the Abuja airport. THE WHISTLER investigates using Open Source Intelligence Tools for planespotting

According to the International Civil Aviation Organization (EUR Doc 013), an aircraft can land in cloudy weather, even when there is no visibility at all provided the airport is equipped with Instrument Landing System category IIIC (CAT IIIc)

United Nigeria Airlines Flight UN504 made a direct flight to Asaba from Lagos, the flight was not diverted from the Abuja path. Also, the weather conditions were favourable for a safe landing in Abuja especially with the installation of CAT III ILS at the airport. Furthermore, 11 flights landed and took off from the Abuja airport during United Nigeria Airlines aircraft flight time.

Climate crisis impacts everyone in different ways and as we know, the average Nigerian in Lagos is not the average Nigerian in Bayelsa or Jigawa; but whether you are a working professional or a local farmer, an observation of extreme, unpredictable weather conditions over the years is apparent. People notice that things are changing, and they are usually able to immediately connect these extremities to issues like food insecurity (or scarcity).

To put it in simple terms, the climate is the sum total, or average, of the weather conditions of a certain place, at a certain time. These conditions include temperature, humidity, precipitation and wind. Climate change, therefore, refers to a shift of these conditions with time. What that means is that the average weather conditions on planet earth are not what they were a thousand or even a hundred years ago, and these changes tend to be negative rather than positive, making the earth less friendly to newer generations. The actual effects of climate change are multifold, and they reflect in obvious phenomena like flooding and global warming, and in less observable ones like longer periods of drought.

The city of Abuja falls under the Koppen climate region that experiences tropical dry and wet climate. Abuja city and the whole of the Federal Capital Territory (FTC) receives three categories of weather conditions annually, which include sweltering dry, humid rainy, and warm seasons. The harmattan weather is experienced each year briefly, and it is characterized by dust and dryness. The seasons associated with rain starts from April and comes to an end in October, and during this time the temperatures during the day reach as high as 28 degree C to 30 degree C. During the night, the temperatures reach as low as 22 degree C to 23 degree C. During the dry season, the daytime temperatures as high as 40 degree C and during nighttime may reach as low as 12 degree C. The FCT region lies on the Jos Plateau on the windward side and is within the region of rising air masses resulting in frequent precipitation from April through to October.

Carlos Milani discusses the Anthropocene, climate emergency and the need for new thinking and Global South perspectives in fighting climate change. This report outlines climate issues in the Horn of Africa. Senegal, Wall Street, and water. Africa\u2019s lack of weather stations is costing lives. Green exploitation is still exploitation. Namibia\u2019s $10 billion hydrogen project raises a myriad of concerns. Meet Kidus Asfaw, one of the TIME100 Climate stars. The southern hemisphere is set for record-breaking heat as summer begins. Wildebeests and wolves are the secret weapons against climate change. Sierra Leone\u2019s Nyangai Island is disappearing. ff782bc1db

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