In 1980, Kirk, age 28, joined the staff of Shady Grove Church in Grand Prairie, Texas. (It is now called Gateway Church and has two campuses.) It was there that he and his wife, Deby, were to experience some great victories. Let me have Kirk and Deby tell you a story, just as they told it to me.

"We were serving at Shady Grove Church where Pastor Olin Griffing often taught on the subject of worship. We were being taught what it means to worship the Lord. An outstanding teacher came to the church and taught us what it means to bring a sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord. We had never heard of that concept." Kirk then thought to himself, 'This subject really needs to be in a song.'"

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"So, as we were driving along the freeway, going home from church one Sunday morning, I began to think how I might write such a song. Suddenly, I began to hear this catchy tune in my mind, and within five minutes I had the chorus of a song. I had written it in my head. As we arrived home, I said to Deby, 'Hey! I have this song,' and I went to the piano and played and sang it for her. We both liked it and decided to title it "We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise."

Kirk continued, "The following Sunday, I taught the new song to the congregation. Apparently, sitting in the church service were a number of students from Christ for the Nations Institute in Dallas. Some time later, the school recorded a number of cassette tapes featuring the singing of the students. Without my knowledge one of the cassettes had on it, "We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise." The tape was sent out to churches and individuals across the nation - even to other countries. It took two or three years for news to get back to us that the song was being circulated. We were surprised at the sudden popularity of the chorus and never dreamed that it would go anywhere."

The first two lines of the chorus of this popular Biblical song are taken, almost word for word, from Jeremiah 33:11, and in the third and fourth lines, the bringing of our sacrifices of thanksgiving and joy are spoken of in Psalm 100. In fact, our offerings of praise are also mentioned in that favorite Psalm.

I will never forget a season of my life about sixteen years ago when our family was hit with one thing after another. The weight of the burdens for my loved ones threatened to take me under emotionally and spiritually. I clung to my time alone with God in the early mornings, when I would dwell in the psalms and cry out to Him in my prayer journal for a breakthrough or just a glimmer of hope.

The psalmist David modeled this for us in many of the psalms he wrote. He often wrote songs of worship and thanksgiving while running for his life from King Saul and his men, even while hiding in caves (Psalms 57 and 142), or from his own son Absalom (Ps. 3). Can you imagine running for your life and hiding in a dark and damp cave, yet turning to praise and worship?

Psalm 57 is such a beautiful example of giving a sacrifice of praise even in the midst of sorrow or fear. I encourage you to read the entire psalm out loud. Notice how David cries out to God about his dire circumstances, asking for mercy and protection, but he also chooses to praise and worship his God, even as he struggles with fear. This beautiful song of lament, coupled with praise, crescendos to a shout of thanksgiving:

When trials come, I know it is often difficult to focus our thoughts, let alone to choose to praise and worship Him. But you can borrow my hope for now if you need to. These are some of the practical ways that help me focus my heart and mind on praise and worship, even when I thought the storms would take me under:

Judy Dunagan is an acquisitions editor for women's books and Bible studies at Moody Publishers. She has a heart for discipleship and making God's Word and prayer come alive in everyday life. She is the author of the book The Loudest Roar: Living in the Unshakable Victory of Christ. Judy and her husband Rick live in Colorado. Connect at

Job had a lot to thank God for. He was the richest man on earth. He was healthy, wealthy, and wise. He loved God and God loved him. He had a wonderful family. He was concerned for the welfare of the weak and the poor. This great man had made suitable sacrifices all his life, and God was well pleased with him.

What is God asking you to surrender to Him? Perhaps He wants you to sacrifice your complaints about how you think God has treated you and offer Him praise instead. When life is not going well, our praise is a costly sacrifice.

Sacrificing is always difficult. In fact, truly living a sacrificial life may feel like we have to give up our lives for the sake of Christ. But it is only by losing our lives that will we actually find them!

Sadly, many Christians get so side-tracked with arguments centered on opinions and preferences of worship style that they (metaphorically or literally) put their hands in their pockets and refuse to sing, shout, or even listen.

As Kauflin explains, our praise to God in corporate settings will often require us to sacrifice our preferences for the sake of lifting up the name of Jesus with our voices along with others in our church congregation.

Sacrificing is always difficult. Loving God with all of our heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37) is difficult. In fact, truly living a sacrificial life may feel like we have to give up our life for the sake of Christ. But as Jesus said in Mark 10, it is only by losing our life that will we actually find it!

Robert Hampshire is a pastor, teacher, writer, and leader. He has been married to Rebecca since 2008 and has three children, Brooklyn, Bryson, and Abram. Robert attended North Greenville University in South Carolina for his undergraduate and Liberty University in Virginia for his Masters. He has served in a variety of roles as a worship pastor, youth pastor, family pastor, church planter, and now Pastor of Worship and Discipleship at Cheraw First Baptist Church in South Carolina. He furthers his ministry through his blog site, Faithful Thinking, and his YouTube channel. His life goal is to serve God and His Church by reaching the lost with the gospel, making devoted disciples, equipping and empowering others to go further in their faith and calling, and leading a culture of multiplication for the glory of God. Find out more about him here.

Father, thank you for the privilege we have of coming before you again and again, hour by hour, moment by moment to offer sacrifices of praise to you. Recognition that you are at work in our lives. Instill afresh in us this habit of praise and prayer, that we might live in your presence consciously -- in joy, in trust, in love -- all the days of our lives. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

These days as we are getting deeper into the Biblical principles related to giving to the Lord and being delivered from mammon, even giving ourselves to Him to be full-time serving Him whether we work or drop our job, it is amazing to see what Bible says concerning this.

Where our treasure is, there our heart is also. If our treasure is here on earth, with these earthly things and riches, our heart is here, but if in a practical way our riches and money are sent to heaven by our giving, our heart will be with the Lord.

So He reveals Himself to us and draws us with His beauty. As we spend time with the Lord, He unveils us to see who He is and what He is, and we are simply drawn to Him; we realize that He is the real treasure, the real joy of our heart, and the real riches.

When we see what He has done and what He is continually doing for us, when we realize how wonderful He is and how generous He is in giving Himself with all His riches to us, we cannot but consecrate ourselves to Him. Amen!

We have a deeper desire for higher riches, deeper enjoyment, and more profound knowledge of the Eternal One; what the world offers us and especially what money can buy for us cannot compare to this One.

If we full offer to God what belongs to Him, the needs of the church will be supplied, we will have a heart for the gospel, we will be delivered from the love of money, and the Lord will richly supply us.

Lord Jesus, we love You and we cast all our cares and anxious thoughts upon You. Thank You for Your rich care for us. We want to bring the whole tithe to the storehouse of God so that there would be food in Your house. Amen, Lord, we do not want to keep what is Yours: we simply bring it to You and give in oneness with You. Save us from holding back what is Yours. Save us from not giving. We trust in your promise. We praise You for Your infinitely rich promise of blessing us when we bring the tithe to the storehouse of the house of God. Amen, Lord, we want to gain You as our supreme reward; what we want is Your smile, Your presence in us and with us!

Heb. 13:15-16 shows us two main aspects of our giving: on one hand, we offer up a sacrifice of praise continually to God, and on the other hand, we do not forget doing good and sharing with others, for with such sacrifices God is well-pleased.

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

Are finances tight? Has your family experienced the loss of a job this year? Pray for the Lord to show you something you have to share and ask Him for direction for who might have need for this particular item. A dear friend and sister in a particularly tight financial season has a very generous heart. She was just telling me how learning to live so frugally she has to be careful with how she expresses her heart to be generous. She has been carefully saving up and praying for the Lord to show her how to use His provision to bless others. As I listened to her heart to give, I was so moved because it was truly out of her lack that she desired to share - a beautiful sacrifice of praise. 152ee80cbc

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