When writing WCF services, most of us find ourselves writing quick test applications. To give you more time to do what a developer should be doing (adding business value to the project) the Visual Studio team added a WCF test client that can help you reach goals faster.

When developing a WCF service, we always need to test the service operations frequently during the coding stage. Normally, we can create a console project, generate a WCF client proxy, and invoke the service operations through the proxy class. However, this still seems a bit inconvenient and wastes much time on repeating the proxy generation and client-side invoking code. Fortunately, from WCF 3.5, there comes a useful tool with Visual Studio that can help simplify WCF service testing. This is the WCF Test Client tool.

Download Wcf Test Client For Visual Studio 2022

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If you run this debug target, it will launch a VS Code instance with client/testFixture as the active workspace. VS Code will then proceed to execute all tests in client/src/test. As a debugging tip, you can set breakpoints in TypeScript files in client/src/test and they will be hit.

Change the URL to instead. If all goes well then you should be prompted for a client certificate and our local test client certificate should be listed among the options. This is what it looks like in IE:

Again, modify the URL address to The break point will be reached and you should see that the clientCertInRequest variable is not null any more. It was populated with the local test client certificate. This is what it looks like in Chrome:

This section describes how to use the AWS IoT MQTT test client in the AWS IoT console to watch the MQTT messages sent and received by AWS IoT. The example used in this section relates to the examples used in Getting started with AWS IoT Core; however, you can replace the topicName used in the examples with any topic name or topic filter used by your IoT solution.

Devices publish MQTT messages that are identified by topics to communicate their state to AWS IoT, and AWS IoT publishes MQTT messages to inform the devices and apps of changes and events. You can use the MQTT client to subscribe to these topics and watch the messages as they occur. You can also use the MQTT test client to publish MQTT messages to subscribed devices and services in your AWS account.

MQTT topic names and topic filters are case sensitive. If, for example, your device is publishing messages to Topic_1 (with a capital T) instead of topic_1, the topic to which you subscribed, its messages would not appear in the MQTT test client. Subscribing to the wild card topic filter, however would show that the device is publishing messages and you could see that it was using a topic name that was not the one you expected.

Do not use personally identifiable information in topic names, whether using them in the MQTT test client or in your system implementation. Topic names can appear in unencrypted communications and reports.

There are times when you need to use the WCF test client in places where Visual Studio is not installed, namely a production server or a non-developer machine at times. There is a post on StackOverflow that addresses this exact concern: -wcf-test-client-without-vs However as time moves on the answers are becoming a little outdated; and if you work at an organization like I do where the network security is above average, bordering insane, then you cannot just download anything you want as it is blocked. I cannot download files from google drive or onedrive. Therefore I had to recreate a portable WCF test client for myself yesterday following the instructions that are provided on the stack overflow post and msdn forum. I just want to document what I did so I can re-reference it later if needed.

The following table is a transformation of information from this post here: -US/c3c7221c-c06f-4364-887a-fb20f22877be/wcf-test-client-problem I am giving credit where credit is due to Jakub Berezanski who aggregated this very useful information. Thank you to goes to him.

With an integration test, we test the API from the outside out by spinning up the (in-memory) API client and making an actual HTTP request. I get confidence out of it because I mock as little as possible, and I will consume my API in the same way as an application (or user) would.

To make the test compact we can use the IClassFixture from xUnit.The test class now inherits from IClassFixture, and gets an instance of its generic injected into the constructor.To prevent the repetition of creating a client in each test, the constructor instantiates an HttpClient and assigns it to the private _client variable, which is used in each test.

Campaign Monitor is a popular email marketing and automation tool. It has the inbox preview test in the Unlimited and Premier pricing plans, which start at $29/month. The test generates screenshots of your template rendered in around 20 popular web, desktop, and mobile email clients.

You can check a web preview while working on your template and when finished, switch to email client previews. Select email clients you want to test and get a list of generated previews. Look at each preview to see whether something is wrong.

Email Preview Services offers real-time and real-device screenshots for 60 email clients. It also provides email analytics, inbox and spam testing, and an email editor. On the Enterprise plan, its functionality can be accessed via a white-label API.

If you are working with marketing email campaigns and use a dedicated software, it can be helpful to use built-in template editor and preview features. Usually, their email template libraries offer templates tested and optimized for the majority of clients.

As you develop a web service, you can typically test it directly by using the Test Client. In some cases, you will need to test indirectly by creating a separate web service that acts as a client for testing.

Some web services can not be tested standalone with the Test Client. In these cases, you will need to create a separate web service to act as a client of the main web service for the purpose of testing. You will need to test in this "indirect" way if the web service you want to test:

You can test it by setting up a service control and a client web service for that control. The following gives the basic steps for setting up a service control and control client. Note that you do not need to create a separate web service client for every testing scenario.

Also, the test server instance provides us with the ability to get a preconfigured HTTP client through the CreateClient() method. In the code above, you are using this ability in the class constructor, where the HTTP client is assigned to the private variable httpClient.

Like you saw in the unit test example, the GetGlossaryList() method is decorated with the Fact attribute. You may notice that the code implementing the test is missing the Arrange step. Actually, in this specific case, the Assert step has been performed by the class constructor. In fact, it created the HTTP client instance for all the tests. So, in this test, you simply call the API and analyze the response, ensuring that it is as expected.

After making sure that adding a new term to the glossary requires you to be authorized, you need to create a test to verify that an authorized request works correctly. So, to have a valid access token from Auth0, you should register your test project as a client application, and configure it with the appropriate parameters. Fortunately, Auth0 automatically generated a test client application for you when you registered the Web API. To find the related parameters, access the Auth0 Dashboard and move to the Applications section. Here, you will find an application named Glossary (Test Application). If you registered your Web API with a different name, you should find that name followed by (Test Application). Click the name of that application and take note of the Domain, Client ID, and Client Secret parameters:

You may worry about storing credentials in this configuration file. However, since your test project is not intended to be public, the scenario you are setting up is a machine-to-machine one. So, storing the client's credentials in the configuration file is ok.

Yao Huang Lin, who works at Microsoft on ASP.NET MVC and Web API, explains in his blog post "ASP.NET Web API: Introducing IApiExplorer/ApiExplorer," that "IApiExplorer is an abstraction layer that allows you to obtain a description of the structure of your Web APIs. This information can be used to produce documentation, machine-readable metadata, or a test client." Yao has a follow-up post explaining in detail the process of "Generating a Web API Help Page Using ApiExplorer." 17dc91bb1f

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