Aboard the slaver ship, Romana is freed by another Tharil named Lazlo, and she hides in the hull. She encounters Adric; the two work out that the ship is made from an incredibly dense dwarf star alloy that can contain the Tharils. K9 arrives, and informs the two of dimensional instability in the null space, which they attribute to the alloy, causing the space to collapse in on itself. Romana rejoins Lazlo, and takes her to the gateway and through the mirror, while Adric remains aboard the ship.

Originally, the fifth story of season 18 was Sealed Orders by novelist Christopher Priest before being abandoned. Stephen Gallagher, who had written a number of radio plays, was called upon for a replacement, resulting in Warriors' Gate. Commissioned in March 1980, this was Gallagher's first script for Doctor Who and had the working title Dream Time. The story was influenced by a radio serial he had done in 1979 called "The Babylon Run" as well as the films of Jean Cocteau, such as Orphe (1950), in which mirrors provide a gateway into another world.[3]

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A strange creature forces its way into the TARDIS, steering it to a white void occupied only by the ruins of an old building and a spaceship. This empty space is a gateway to the past and future. The creature responsible for taking them there is Biroc, a member of the enslaved race known as the Tharil. The gateway offers the only exit from E-Space, but the void is contracting. Are the Fourth Doctor and his friends fated to spend eternity in E-Space? What final shocking revelation awaits the Doctor?

In the abandoned building, the Doctor is confronting two skeleton warriors when he points out that he "usually gets along with machines so well". The Doctor tricks the skeletons into killing each other by staying still and letting them hit each other with their weapons, therefore getting himself out of a predicament.

Back at the building, the Doctor attempts to extract information out the skeletons by tweaking their machinery with a sharp dagger. After a few taps a mechanical voice from the fallen skeleton identifies itself as the "Gundan" whose directive is to "kill the brutes". It emerges that the Gundans are machines designed by human slaves of the Tharils to fight back against their masters, who fled to safety through the "gateway". When the Doctor attempts to find out the exact nature of the gateway, the Gundan shuts down from power failure, frustrating the Doctor when the conversation was "just getting interesting". The Doctor wishes that an alternative power source was nearby when he is surprised by K9's arrival. The Doctor uses K9 to obtain more information from the machine, who reveals that there are three gateways and they are one, implying that although they are different entrances, they have the same exit and that the "masters" came from the gateway.

While this is happening Rorvik and his men find the Doctor talking to the machine and just when they were getting very close to finding out the gateway's secret, one of the Gundans decapitates the other Gundan and then retreats through a gateway. During the chaos the Doctor escapes with K9, who is even lower on power supply, and when the crew catch up to the Doctor, he escapes through a gateway by walking backwards into it.

The Doctor can see Rorvik and his men on the other side of the mirror. Biroc explains to the Doctor that the mirror is a gateway to E-Space. The Doctor's damaged hand is healed by the time winds, and K9 can pass through the mirror and be healed, but for him it wouldn't be permanent. Biroc and the Doctor go to a mansion in the strange black-and-white world beyond the mirror.

K9 is getting worse, and when he hears Packard and Lane discussing odd readings, K9 decides to investigate. Packard and Lane have noticed that distances seem to be getting shorter. They go back to the ship, seen by Adric, who follows them and meets up with Romana. Romana and Adric follow Lane to the damaged area of the ship and discover that the ship's hull is made of dwarf star alloy. K9 finds Romana and Adric, repeating warnings. Adric tries to shut him up, and Romana is captured by Lane and Packard.

#DoctorWhoMarathon Ep 549 - Warrior's Gate 2/4 (Serial 5S Story 114) - 10 Jan 1981. #DoctorWho 2/2

to get materials to fix K9. The Doctor is playing around with robot warriors. Basically, two episodes in and I'm confused again. Not sure why most things are happening here. pic.twitter.com/bClBGA8Kp6

Also, bloody hell, the design work. The ship! The gateway! The banqueting hall! The knights (which remind me of Keys of Marinus, making me wonder if maybe Gallagher saw it as a kid)! This is the best looking story in... ever, maybe?

So I\u2019m not entirely sure what\u2019s going on, or if that\u2019s my fault or that of the script. Also not sure how the various aspects of this \u2013 the Tharil stuff, the gateway, the symbolism of the coin toss \u2013 actually links together. Maybe it\u2019s a sort of John Rawls thing? You don\u2019t know if you\u2019ll be ruler or ruled so don\u2019t make the system shit?

Oh, oh, oh, this one scene had me cackling too much, which is when Arun tells us about his most loyal animals: horses. They were fed and nursed by his hands only, hence the failed attempt to escape Jack, princess Su Lin and warrior Zhao go through.

I do not think you understand what 'science' is. Science is whatever is repeatable. If symbolic connections worked in a repeatable way, they would be investigated by scientists using scientific methods. As it happens they don't work in a repeatable way, so scientists ignore them and hope that by doing so they can make them go away.

warrior's gate is a classic, and certainly a story of the type that hasn't been done since troughton's era in sheer surrealistic terms. The face that it allows Romana to become more the Doctor than the Doctor himself is exactly why i dislike the Williams era: Baker was allowed to shift the Doctor into something that he found fun to play, and millions of people found fun to watch but was NOT the character that he started out as. And that's a problem. This story almost jolts him back into character since "the problem of Romana" is solved. Traken shows us a Baker that is closer to the Hinchcliffe Doctor than we've seen in years.

Warrior's gate also makes us realize how nice it was that the VCR was starting to come into play. Its non linear storytelling shows a great deal of understanding and prescience over what would turn out to be sisemic shifts in viewing habits: recording to rewatch later and finally time shifting. You could create a program that would reward second and third passes since you could now count on the viewer to be able to do so.

Warrior's GateGold Rings3 for 1st place, 2 for 2nd place, 1 for 3rd placeChallenge typeRaceAppearancesSeries5-6First appeared20 November 2006Last appeared26 March 2007Warrior's Gate was the introductory challenge for each week of seasons 5 and 6. It's set at an enchanted wall which separates the human realm from Raven's realm, and uses a CGI graphic to render the magic of Raven's realm being held in a force-field marked by the gateway.

There are six winches, partially assembled, with three on either side of the gateway into Raven's realm. The Warriors must put the handles on the winches, and turn them, so as to move the golden scroll suspended on the ropes up to the wall. When the scroll reaches the wall, it will automatically open, revealing what symbol the warrior will wear for their week (however, the audience could easily guess what they'd be, as the warriors were still wearing the coloured outfits for that week, devoid of their symbols i.e. red would wear the sun symbol, green would wear the tree symbol, etc.).

First to get their scroll up to the wall will receive three gold rings, whilst second will receive two and third will receive one. Then, after explaining the rules of the tournament, Raven will open the gateway and lead his warriors into his realm.

The lead vehicle for a convoy supported by the Louisiana National Guard's 1086th Transportation Company, Task Force Muleskinner, rolls up to the gate of Forward Operating Base Warrior at dawn on May 23, 2012. The unit was on a five-day convoy from Bagram Air Field to FOB Warrior and back as security for more than a dozen Afghan-owned cargo trucks. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Ken Scar, 7th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment)

The Warrior's Gate was a gate in to the Lordcity of Istar. The Great White Road led up the Water Gate and the Warrior's Gate on the west side of the city. The gate was originally named the Minotaur Gate. It got that name for a battle that had been fought there with Minotaurs and Istaran Warriors with some Knights of Solamnia help. The battle was fought to an honorable standstill. Above the archway was a Minotaur skull carved in fine Ergothian marble.

Teen gamer Jack Bronson (Uriah Shelton) lives with his financially struggling single mother Annie (Sienna Guillory) in a picturesque suburban neighbourhood. While working part time as a store clerk, Jack is asked by his manager to take care of an antique casket, out of which, one day, pops Princess Ni Ni (Su Lin), who is on the run from various sword wielding warriors. Jack befriends and westernises Ni Ni into a mall-loitering moron, before she is suddenly abducted and whisked back to her time. With the help of a soldier ally, Zhoo (Mark Chao) and a time-travelling wizard (Francis Ng), Jack steps through the portal in the hope of rescuing Ni Ni from being married against her will to the tyrannical barbarian king Arun (David Bautista).

In Enter the Warrior's Gate, a teenager is magically transported to China where he learns to convert his video game skills into those of a Kung Fu warrior. The film is like The Last Starfighter re-imagined as an epic Chinese fantasy and that's exactly what drew director Mathias Hoene (Cockneys vs. Zombies) to high concept project in the first place. 006ab0faaa

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