As you can see, the same objects have different colours. There is no fix for that. So you have a choice, design a custom map for reforged players to look good, or for classic players. This is an universal problem all maps like dota etc have it.

Desync/CrashesFor the next bug i cant make a screenshot. One of the biggest flaws of wc3 being old, is that you can't reconnect (it's not technically impossible, netease has this feature). One fix would be to have a seperate custom game client that is left alone. Yes custom map developers can change the maps, but every patch by blizzard can change random unrelated things, that break them again. Especially the patches after 1.28 increased desyncs. Just had 2 desyncs today with footmen Frenzy 5.4. after 1 hour of gaming. Some developers are active, others are not, so many maps will drop in quality or are unplayable.

Download Warcraft 3 Reforged Custom Maps


Yes, maybe 50% of custom maps still work fine without desync. Eventually reforged players will get cool looking great custom maps. Eventually the desyncs will get less. Eventually some map developers fix their maps. Eventually we get more comfort features instead of old features like hostbots etc being removed. Eventually it will be good. But as it is now, it's shit, it's 100% worse than before, and will stay that way for the next months.

The Hive Workshop is a forum-based community that mainly caters to Warcraft 3 players, but they also have a Starcraft 2 section as well. It offers everything from fully made custom maps, to individual assets such as icons, 3D models, even spells. It recently launched a new version of itself into beta in 2020, offering an improved service for users.

ThunderPope also called out the sections preventing users from creating custom games with copyrighted material from third parties and Blizzard's ability to remove anything they find "objectionable or inappropriate" (or unlawful, abusive, racist, etc). Likewise, the SC2 policy always forbade anything infringing copyright. ThunderPope says this will mark the end of popular fan-made maps like "Anime Fight" and "DBZ Tribute."

The original Warcraft III has been updated to run through the same client as Reforged, which is missing vintage WC3 features including custom campaigns, clans, and automated tournaments. If people want to keep playing online, they need to update to a version that's inferior in numerous ways. Blizzard clamping down on fan-made maps and modes is the kicker.

No one cares. Stop wasting our sub money on Devs for these games.

You do realize that for a lot of people Warcraft 3 is the game that got them into WoW and invested into the Warcraft universe right?

*!@#ing up warcraft 3 reforged left a very bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths, and fixing it will go a long way in alleviating their current dislike of blizzard.

Which is also a good thing for WoW.

Let's not even start with the fact that Warcraft 3 reforged seemed to have sold relatively well given its state, so it's very likely that this dev time more than pays for itself and has nothing to do with WoW.

any amount of fixing this years later means nothing. They knew what they were releasing and released it anyways. They don't give two sh*ts about you, it's all about "GIVE ME MONEY."

If you bought this and didn't get a refund after seeing what they released you are part of the problem.

No one cares. Stop wasting our sub money on Devs for these games.

You do realize that for a lot of people Warcraft 3 is the game that got them into WoW and invested into the Warcraft universe right?

*!@#ing up warcraft 3 reforged left a very bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths, and fixing it will go a long way in alleviating their current dislike of blizzard.

Which is also a good thing for WoW.

Let's not even start with the fact that Warcraft 3 reforged seemed to have sold relatively well given its state, so it's very likely that this dev time more than pays for itself and has nothing to do with WoW.

any amount of fixing this years later means nothing. They knew what they were releasing and released it anyways. They don't give two sh*ts about you, it's all about "GIVE ME MONEY."

If you bought this and didn't get a refund after seeing what they released you are part of the problem.

The sad thing is this is 100% correct. There was an interview or something some time back with a dev who worked on it and he said they knew how incomplete and awful it was, but they were forced to release it. Management knew how godawful it was, and they didn't care. They only cared it was out there to be bought.

Just to clarify this should only have a chance to occur on older custom maps that imported graphics or had major customizations in a very old editor. Reviewing your crash logs I only see this map crashing which is why I provided that workaround.

Not to mention the large amount of custom maps that has been exposed in using methods and triggers which have an inherent tendency to cause desyncs.

A lot of them in fact. It may have partly been resolved with the use of Host Bots and GProxy/GProxy++ letting you reconnect, but it just shows the underlining issue in using unstable methods, the maps I have been able to check (the ones not locked) all used methods that were strongly recommended to not use on Hiveworks as they were known to cause desyncs/DC.

So i recently came back to the game after May and was looking forward to enjoy some of my favorite custom maps only to find disappointment after updating to the latest patch which broke the game for me.

Now im only able to load maps made by blizzard and any custom map ends up with a error. This particular error is unique because it just shows you the error template with no text added to it. (Shows up the normal error window with the red mark and just a black background)

With Warcraft 3 Reforged having just gone live and a swarm of players no doubt attempting to access their favorite WC3 custom maps, time will soon tell just how close Blizzard has come to its goal.

Warcraft 3: Reforged is taking a beating for several reasons, but the transgression that has the broadest implications is contained within one phrase. According to Blizzard's custom games policy, any Warcraft 3 maps you make are the "sole and exclusive property of Blizzard."

I've been playing a bit of Warcraft 3 recently, mostly because there's enough players now that custom maps which aren't DoTA actually get players. I have one which I was looking forward to playing again, but unfortunately in the new Reforged client, it doesn't work.

Since the original 2002 release of Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos, the World Editor feature has allowed players to create custom games using the maps, sprites, and features available. This freedom resulted in the creation of many favorites in the multiplayer community, including the original Defense of the Ancients map which would inspire Dota 2 and League of Legends years later. Unfortunately, Blizzard wasn't unable to capitalize on the success of those mods and have taken measures to protect itself with an updated copyright policy.

On the official Blizzard forums for Warcraft 3: Reforged, user ThunderPope breaks down what exactly has changed in the new acceptable use policy. The trademarks of any custom maps are now Blizzard's property rather than the players and there will be no compensation if officially used. Copyrighted material cannot be used for creative content, invalidating many community favorite mods like DBZ tribute. Furthermore, Blizzard can simply remove any content if it so chooses and the newly implemented report function seems like a way to target such offenders.

The reason why members of the community believe Warcraft III: Reforgeds TOS could discourage the creation of custom maps is because it requires creators to waive the "moral rights" to their creations.

The excerpt dealing with moral rights seems to suggest that as long as local law prohibits these rights to be transferred over to Blizzard, the creators of custom maps are forced to renounce them, potentially having their names as creators of said maps removed.

Many of these custom maps are already circulating on the Warcraft 3: Reforged Reddit and other forums. Hopefully, the minds behind their development keep tweaking them and manage to help them stay fresh for the new release.

I've downloaded some Warcraft 3 custom maps from but I dont know where to put the custom maps. I'm using Warcraft 3: Reforged and I want to play these maps. I searched alot on my Machine but the maps folder is not in the installation path of Warcraft 3.

Players can also host custom games, using maps either created in the World Editor, or the default multiplayer scenarios.[17] The map editor allows a variety of custom maps to be created, such as a number of tower defense and multiplayer online battle arena maps, the most notable of which was Defense of the Ancients.[17] The game also offers friends lists and channels for chatting, where players can create custom channels or join Blizzard-approved ones.[5] Warcraft III also allows players to band together to form "clans", which can participate in tournaments or offer a recreational aspect to Warcraft III. Global scores and standings in matchmaking games are kept on a "ladder".[18]

As did Warcraft II and StarCraft before it, Warcraft III contains a World Editor program that allows players to create their own custom scenarios and maps.[57] The World Editor is powerful enough to allow modders to change almost any aspect of the game and create new maps that feature little of the game's original content.[58] Despite its wealth of features, the World Editor was easy enough for players without any coding experience to design new games.[58] Through, players can then share these maps with others, increasing the popularity of custom maps.[17] To facilitate modding, Blizzard and third-party developers released tools for a variety of tasks.[17][59] Though the editor has received updates through game patches, it is not officially supported as a product.[57] e24fc04721

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