Use of a wallet for managing database credentials will enhance your security and management of user passwords as now you will only update passwords in your wallet and have no need to share user passwords with the application teams. The wallet should be the only place where a database password is stored. The location of the wallet is configured in the sqlnet.ora file.

Through the use of the Oracle TNS (Transparent Network Substrate) administrative file to hide the details of the database connection string (host name, port number, and service name) we further reduce the spread of configuration details- and allow clients instead to use only an alias to indicate the database they want to connect to. The wallet contains a username & password combination for a TNS alias and the tnsnames.ora file provides the database connection string details for that alias. A client that wants to create a database connection refers to that alias. The database client library combines the details from tnsnames.ora with those from the wallet in order establish the connection.

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Hi John

When I unzip the contents and move it into the oracle client \network\admin folder, the connection from TOAD works correctly

When I then try to add a 2nd db's wallet connection details to the 1st (updating the tnsnames.ora), the connection fails with

ORA-28860: Fatal SSL error

There are two possibilities that I know of to get this to work. The first is to get a "Regional wallet" from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) from your autonomous transaction processing (ATP) database, put that on your local workstation, and update your sqlnet.ora to reflect the path to the regional wallet. The regional wallet will work for the ATP's you have defined in your region and you won't need an individual Instance Wallet. The trade off is the same as the benefit, a single wallet opens an encrypted channel to all of the ATP dbs in your region, which depending on what you are doing might not make sense from a security perspective.

Which leads us to option two. Download instance wallets for each ATP instance and make an entry for each instance wallet in your sqlnet.ora file that points to each wallet.

I have gotten the regional wallet, and instance wallet to work. I have not done more than one wallet, but have seen it described in articles found on the web, but don't currently have a link.

John is correct that it really is not a Toad issue. If you can get it to work with SQLPlus, tnsnames.ora, and sqlnet.ora, it will work with Toad.

Hope this helps


I don't think is exactly a Toad problem because the Oracle client is making the connection, not Toad. Toad isn't even aware of the wallet location. If there is another application that uses the Oracle client to connection to different databases at the same time, I suspect it will have the same problem.

You're right - this is an Oracle client problem. I found other people on other forums/blogs complaining about (or just mentioning) the same problem. For example Richard Martens blog:


I installed Oracle XE21C for testing purposes and used it's client to connect to our Cloud databases... and guess what?! It worked like a charm! I connected successfully to both databases using 2 wallets! No need to change anything in TNSNAMES or SQLNET - everything stayed the same as in my previous comment.

We are now ready to access the secured resource, but we must provide the UTL_HTTP package with the wallet details so it can make the secured connections. This is done using the UTL_HTTP.SET_WALLET procedure. Repeating the previous test now works successfully.

From Oracle 11gR2 onward, if you are using the -auto_login option on the wallet, you don't have to specify the wallet password. You just pass NULL instead of the password. Thanks to Jason in the comments for pointing this change out!

I have generated jks keystore using keytool and using the jks keystore I have csr. The same csr I have sent to Signing authority.The Signing authority have given the trusted certificates(root,intermediate and server) which I have imported using keytool command.After importing I came to know about password policy restriction on Oracle Wallet(combination of alphanumeric,special characters and minimum length 8) and also that to convert jks to wallet, the passwords need to be same.I have changed the keystore passwords(storepasswd,keypasswd) using following commands :

Cannot open and encrypted wallet (path to wallet) while process is managed by OPMN. Enable it as SSO wallet. The wallet has auto-login enabled which some searches told me to check. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

This page shows an approach that might work. The directions are for WebLogic but I suspect they will work for JBoss/wildfly as well. Try setting the "" option as a connection property on the datasource. It also mentions that you can set the "" as a system property.

The Oracle wallet is not directly supported (configuration, patches, etc) for JBoss/Wildfly but you are free to use it of course. The issue in Oracle Wallet/JDBC driver is does not support multi-threaded access when SSL is enabled.

My testing environment consists out of a single instance 12c database running on ASM. Before I investigated OKV I already tested with transparent database encryption and the wallet was located in ASM. Therefore the scenario described in the OKV documentation for migrating an existing TDE wallet to Oracle Key Vault applies to me.

So now there is only one problem left: the wallet in ASM still exists and currently has the current keys. OKV documentation does not describe what to do next. My suggestion would be to remove the wallet from ASM and update sqlnet:

By completing the following tasks, you can configure UTL_HTTP.REQUEST to work with websites that require client authentication certificates during the SSL handshake. You can also configure password authentication for UTL_HTTP access to websites by modifying the Oracle wallet generation commands and the DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.APPEND_WALLET_ACE procedure. For more information, see DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN in the Oracle Database documentation.

To connect securely to remote SSL/TLS resources, we recommend that you create and upload customized Oracle wallets. By using the Amazon S3 integration with Amazon RDS for Oracle feature, you can download a wallet from Amazon S3 into Oracle DB instances. For information about Amazon S3 integration for Oracle, see Amazon S3 integration.

Create an Oracle wallet that contains both the web server certificates and the client authentication certificates. The RDS Oracle instance uses the web server certificate to establish a secure connection to the website. The website needs the client certificate to authenticate the Oracle database user.

The following example converts the client certificate named client_certificate.p12 to the Java keystore named client_keystore.jks. The keystore is then included in the Oracle wallet. The keystore password is P12PASSWORD.

You can either create a new database user or configure an existing user. In either case, you must configure the user to access the Oracle wallet for secure connections and client authentication using certificates.

Modify your OSH ssl.conf (default location should look something like /home/oracle/Middleware/Oracle_WT1/instances/instance1/config/OHS/ohs1/ssl.conf) so the directive SSLWallet points to the directory where you saved both files, for example:

Why do you need "orapki" to create wallet? Wallet can be created with mkstore: mkstore -wrl wallet -create?

There was a memo from oracle support that starting from ver. 23, mkstore is being depricated in favor of orapki

That being said, i wonder how to use orapki on client side to execute the same command and phase out mkstore?

The user interface will remain unchanged (and in case of use of wallet feature, the data specified as user and password are ignored by Data Express), and the only change needed, from the user perspective, is that in order to use the new feature, you must set the dxeconfig.cfg configuration file properly.

We are running IFS 9 UPD17. We are configured with an external load balancer in front of 2 web servers, one on each of 2 Windows 2012 R2 servers. SSL is configured on the external load balancer. We want to copy the Oracle wallet with the certificate for the external load balancer's server to the database server. IFS's installer does not automatically create the cwallet.sso Oracle wallet file for the external server. IFS's documentation states the following:

"When Oracle needs to connect to an external proxy (using its own certificate) a wallet must be created and the certificate imported manually. Refer to the Oracle documentation (orapki) for the version in use. The wallet should contain the root and possibly the intermediate certificate."

Can anyone tell me how the IFS installer takes the pfx file supplied to it on the SSL Configuration page of the installer wizard, i.e., the file specified in the PKCS12 Store field, and produces the cwallet.sso file in C:\\ohs\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\\keystores\ifs ? If I can find that out, then I should be able to take my pfx file for the external load balancer's server and create the Oracle Wallet file cwallet.sso.

Thank you again Srikanth. I have tried and I have used some of the commands you supplied but I have been unsuccessful. I am hoping to get some specific step-by-step instructions for properly creating the Oracle wallet and importing the certificate for our load balancer. Hopefully someone on the community has done this exact same thing described above in my original question. e24fc04721

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