Could you set brave://settings/wallet default wallet to None if you want to use MetaMask? Also wallet extensions are not compatible with each other for dapps usage. As a work around you can install each extension in a different browser profile to keep them sandboxed away from each other.

Same thing happens to me. I dont want to use youre stupiid wallet, i want to use metamask, if this doesnt get fixed in deleting this browser, it supposed to make things easier to people and now its just driving me crazy

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MetaMask supports EIP-6963, which introduces analternative discovery mechanism to the window.ethereum injected provider.This alternative mechanism enables dapps to support wallet interoperabilityby discovering multiple injected wallet providers in a user's browser.We recommend setting up SDK, which supports EIP-6963 by default.

Thanks @Alexey

So, I can change my wallet at anytime, right? Because I have a STORJ address on my Coinbase wallet.

So, can I stop the service, change the wallet address and restart?

For now I have done about 5GB of Bandwith used, I think it is not enough. But for now I have 0$ as payout. Is this normal?

You always can import your wallet with the same secret phrase or at least a private key to the Metamask and connect it to zkSync to withdraw your tokens.

If you use a mobile wallet, many of them supports WalletConnect, which is available on zkSync too.

Hello, I have the same problem on my react project, on the web the qr code works and it asks for the signature but when I open my application in a mobile device (IOS) it only opens the metamask app but it does not trigger the popup with the request is signed and therefore I do not get a return in my application

Similar to how browsers serve as your gateway to the internet, wallets serve as your gateway to interacting with crypto apps, also known as dapps. Illustrating the role of traditional and digital wallets as you know them today may be helpful in understanding the nature of a crypto or web3 wallet.

Hi, I am new to retool and I want to add a button that would open Metamask for wallet connection. I have import the web3js library but and window.ethereum is currently present in my browser. When I add the code below as run script to the button, metamask doesn't open

MetaMask is a software cryptocurrency wallet used to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. It allows users to access their Ethereum wallet through a browser extension or mobile app, which can then be used to interact with decentralized applications.[1][2] MetaMask is developed by ConsenSys Software Inc., a blockchain software company focusing on Ethereum-based tools and infrastructure.[3][4]

Websites or other decentralized applications are able to connect, authenticate, and/or integrate other smart contract functionality with a user's MetaMask wallet (and any other similar blockchain wallet browser extensions) via JavaScript code that allows the website to send action prompts, signature requests, or transaction requests to the user through MetaMask as an intermediary.[7]

Trust Wallet and MetaMask are digital wallets where you can store, send, receive, exchange and purchase cryptocurrencies. They are both simple and beginner-friendly platforms that traders can use to easily and confidently get into the markets.

Trust Wallet has been the official decentralized wallet of the Binance crypto exchange since it was acquired by Binance in November 2017. Trust Wallet is widely considered to be a user-friendly, secure and easy-to-use wallet. It supports more than 4.5 million different kinds of digital assets on more than 65 blockchains.

Regarding security, Trust Wallet is a hot wallet, meaning it is directly connected to the internet. Trust Wallet, however, is a non-custodial wallet that gives you complete control of your private keys and your assets on a blockchain.

With MetaMask, you will enjoy a seamless experience regardless of the platform you are using. The security measures built into the application are equally strong compared with Trust Wallet because it is both non-custodial and a hot wallet.

Consider your needs for a crypto wallet in general. Trust Wallet and MetaMask differ in benefits, features and operability. You will need to compare and contrast the two wallets. The list will help you analyze and decide which wallet fits you.

If you compare some Metamask wallet with let say Binance exchange the funds on exchange are infinitely more secure then Metamask. All you need for Metamask is secret phraze and the original owner cannot do anything to block the attacker from the wallet. The wallet now has basically two owners and there is nothing that can be done here. Fo Binance let say if you have good security enabled with 2FA, SMS, email confirmation it is very hard for the attacker to withdraw your funds even if he has email and password. If Binanace gets hacked and the attacker gets private key then it is the same story as with Metamask.

So what to use to trade some coins that are only on Uniswap and transactions have 2 layer security? Does even exisits some wallet with 2 layer security? It seems I need to become my own cybersecurity specialist just to trade some shitcoins :)

If you want better wallet security you could consider hardware wallets. Also, Metamask can't be hacked by just knowing some secret phrase (unless it's your private key, in which case it has nothing to do with Metamask). Metamask stores the private key locally and encrypts it with the password you give - the attacker needs both your password and the locally encrypted keyfile to get to your private key.

MetaMask is the most popular cryptocurrency wallet app and browser extension used to access the Web3 universe. In just a few simple steps, you can unlock this powerful tool and begin exploring the Polygon ecosystem.

You will need to manually add Polygon tokens other than MATIC if you want them to appear in the wallet UI. Be aware that tokens that haven't been imported yet can still be sent to your wallet's address:

Have you ever had funds in a browser wallet like MetaMask, Trust, Coinbase Wallet, etc, gone to connect to a dapp, then seen that either the address or balance is wrong or, worse yet, you fail to see your wallet as an option?

This is a common problem. As the popularity of blockchain technology grows, more and more people are starting to use web3 wallets to store and manage their digital assets. However, desktop users sometimes run into issues with their browser extension Ethereum-based (Polygon, BNB chain, Arbitrum, Optimism, Fantom, etc) blockchain wallets.

One reason why a desktop computer user may not see their browser-injected Ethereum-based blockchain wallets is that the browser extension may be disabled. Some users disable browser extensions to improve browser performance or to free up system resources. However, disabling the MetaMask extension will prevent users from accessing their wallet.

Desktop users may also not see their browser injected wallets if they have multiple wallets installed. Some users may have installed multiple wallets, such as Coinbase Wallet, SafePal Wallet, or Trust Wallet, in addition to MetaMask. Many times if a user has multiple wallets installed on their browser there is a collision in the space that the dapps use to detect the wallets and in some occasions, only one wallet will be available.

This is the case with MetaMask which injects to the `window.ethereum` browser space as do many other wallets. With current EIP standards, this space can only hold one wallet so the wallet that loads the slowest will override the previous one and be the only wallet available.

A secondary issue that may exist with multiple wallets installed is that some wallets can be set as the default browser wallet (usually enabled by default in these wallets). If another wallet is set as the default wallet, that usually means that that wallet will override the window.ethereum space in the browser and MetaMask will not be able to inject its wallet provider for the dapp to use.

Brave is a great browser with an excellent focus on privacy, paid-to-view ads, and a native web3 wallet! However, it does come with some challenges around web3 wallets. In the same vein as the conflicting wallet issue above, you must switch off the built-in browser as your default wallet if you want to use a browser-based extension wallet like MetaMask.

Finally, a desktop computer user may not see their browser-injected Ethereum-based web3 wallets if they are using an outdated browser or extension. MetaMask and other wallets may update their software frequently to address security concerns or to improve functionality. If a user is running an outdated version of their wallet extension or their browser, they may experience issues accessing their wallet.

In summary, there are several reasons why a desktop computer user may not see their browser-based web3 wallet. These include not having the extension installed, a disabled extension, multiple wallets installed, or an outdated browser or extension. By following the steps outlined in this blog, users should be able to address these issues and access their wallet.

If you are still having issues feel free to visit the Blocknative Web3 Onboard Discord channel or tag us on Twitter for further support. We are always happy to assist and love working in the wallet space!

And these attacks are commonplace because hackers do not need to access your wallet directly. Instead, they can rig your computer system or just your browser to attain the information they need to steal your funds.

For these reasons, MetaMask also recommends you use a hardware wallet if you own a significant amount of crypto. Luckily, you can actually use these two wallets together to get the best of both worlds. Yes, you can combine the Web3 agility of MetaMask with the offline security of a hardware device.

First, get yourself a Ledger hardware wallet to safeguard your private keys. Ledger devices come with a software called Ledger Live (available on mobile & desktop), which is basically the equivalent of the app store to the iPhone, providing you with a safe gateway to all your crypto services and downloadable for free through this link. e24fc04721

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