Vultr now has hundreds of thousands of customers, with millions of cloud instances deployed. Because snapshot storage was previously free, users tended to leave old snapshots in their accounts indefinitely (we get it - we would too if it was free!).

Unfortunately, these snapshots take up real disk space, which is expensive to provide. With more new users every day, and 18 locations around the world, it is no longer possible to provide free storage for the rapidly-growing number of old and unused snapshots.

Download Vultr Snapshot


We priced snapshot storage the same or less than other cloud providers at $0.05/GB per month. This allows us to cover the cost of physical storage, and continue to keep your cloud computing costs low.

A server snapshot is a point-in-time image of the entire instance SSD for data disaster recovery. We do not stop the instance when taking a snapshot, and booting from a snapshot is similar to rebooting after a non-graceful restart. Modern file systems and databases handle this scenario well. Still, you may want to take additional measures to guarantee your data's consistent state when running very active and write-intensive database-type systems. For example, for MySQL, you can set a cron job to run mysqldump to separate directory on the local file system.

You are not able to restore individual files from a snapshot directly. When restoring a snapshot, you restore the entire instance. You can restore a snapshot to a new instance and then retrieve individual files if needed.

At the Server Type selection, select the Snapshot tab and pick your snapshot from the list. You can identify the snapshot from the description. Make sure that the instance size is equal or larger than the snapshot size. For example, if the snapshot was created from a 25 GB instance SSD, you could only restore to a 25 GB instance or larger.

When you delete a snapshot, the action is permanent. Vultr can not restore deleted snapshots. A snapshot is independent of the instance it was made from. Therefore, deleting the snapshot does not affect the other servers in your account.

I have set up servers on Digital Ocean, AWS and Vultr before but it is always good to know how to restore a system when disaster strikes. Never rely on backups or snapshots to save you in the time of disaster but restoring a backup or snapshot will get you going to fast (depending on how frequent you backup). It is a good idea to know how to reconfigure your servers and also copy files and code to git or other offsite platforms regularly.

First of all, i would like to thank Support team and especially Martin Langmaid for their devoted help to this community. We have managed to install a FusionHub instance at for $5 a month instance. Now the details:-

A suggestion for the Peplink folks: make the setup wizard include changing the admin password (do that first!). Nothing like having a virtual server with a default password live while you go hunt up the SpeedFusion license! Password change and restart should be the first thing, not licensing, for safety.

Good. I noticed when I setup a cloud instance many hundreds of attempts against common ports within hours (not peplink related, but the volume of brute force bot activity against the cloud providers IP space.) I would have also preferred if the default was something like adminbuildnumber.

Oh, on that note I found that if you create a default linux or lamp instance first at vultr and enable a firewall on it (no cost at vultr for firewall which is between the internet and the cloud instance), then you can reinstall over that instance and choose the custom peplink snapshot image you created.

If the organisation you are setting up any appliance/FusionHub is not going to operate with InControl2, you can still do this option to create immediate installation security. Once secured you can then remove the device from the InControl2 group & go into the Web Admin of the appliance/FusionHub to turn off InControl2 functionality.

Snapshots are a point-in-time image of the entire instance SSD for data disaster recovery.The instance will not be stopped when taking a snapshot; modern file systems and databases handle this scenario well.

Hi, did you resolve this? Having the same issue with vultr. Used vultr for a few years without issue, now not running the fusionhub raw file. Even tried destroying old server and building a new one, still getting the same above error, then drops to a shell prompt. They also say they have made changes to to my server but it is still not booting to fusionhub as before.

Unfortunately the Vultr support team have been unable to get my server to boot a fusionhub raw image file. I explored other hosts and got DreamCompute working first time with the same raw file. Added bonus is there is no data cap with them. Similar setup procedure, select Dreamhost from the landing page then just build a volume in the Volumes tab using the RAW file and then launch once ready. Console can be accessed from the Instances tab.

I heard that we now need to submit a ticket to Vultr support to turn UEFI off on the vm, then the raw image will work. If you then save a snapshot future vultr vms deployed from the snapshot will also have UEFI disabled.

so i contacted vultr to submit a ticket to have UEFI disabled they set my console to bios according to them. it seems i still cant access the the webgui. Capture5.JPG1556149 14.1 KB

Capture6.JPG974717 39.8 KB

This guide shows how to provision new Fedora CoreOS (FCOS) nodes on Vultr. Vultr publishes FCOS images, but they are out of date, so we do not recommend using the standard Vultr images. Instead, a current FCOS release can be uploaded as a custom image.

You also need to have access to a Vultr account. The examples below use the vultr-cli and s3cmd command-line tools. Both of these tools are available in Fedora and can be installed via sudo dnf install vultr-cli s3cmd.

I have a website up and running on a VPS instance from Vultr running Ubuntu 18.04LTS, everything is fine. I wanted to try out a snapshot of the instance in a restore session just in case something bad happened to the system. So I created a new instance and deployed that snapshot as expected, but I couldn't view my website and got error establishing a database connection after changing the DNS to the new IP address.So the restore session failed in this case and didn't achieve its goal. I contacted the support team but they only pointed out that I must correct some network configuration on the new instance after the snapshot restore, but no specific instructions as to how to do that on Ubuntu 18.04LTS.I consulted their documentation, but it didn't mention something about the new network setup of netplan replacing ifupdown in Ubuntu 180.04LTS servers.

So given that, I am totally lost with this setup. I feel it is irrelevant to the new netplan system. So I would be very grateful if you could help me with the right networking configuration in this case scenario to have my live website restored.

The hint kindly provided by @MichaelHampton prompted the debugging action on the WordPress side of the setup. Yes, my duplicated site is now up and running once again and ready to be in public after changing DNS. However, I am not going to do it now, because I was just examining this method to have it handy in case something bad happened to my system. By the way, this opened roads for me as how to develop my website(s) on a different VPS server. Yes, one might think the downside of it you have to pay for that server, but that's fine, this will push me to do the development as fast as I can afford paying the new server (relatively cheap per hour payments). Another advantage, I can have others visit the development site and have their opinion before going to production site.

All I have to do is telling them the new IP address and the domain name, of course, they will then edit their /etc/hosts accordingly on their machine in this manner:[new-ip-address-no-brackets-pls] www.example.comthey may clear browsing data on their browsers and then view that development site deployed from a snapshot of the current live site, while all other universe views the same site in its original state, what a wonderful setup for website development!

now the tricky part is to do MySQL editing, I am using MariaDB. First of all you wouldn't be able to login as before to your mysql even after all of the replacements done above, I wouldn't be given the permission to login to mysql on this new server no matter what (no idea why). So a workaround would be to logging as localhost which was scenario-saving:mysql -u root -h localhost -p

mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; and then I could view my newly restored instance with all of its sites. If you have more than one site, it is obvious you have to change IP address inside the respective wp-config.php files, all other replacements under /etc/ are central on the server no site-specific.

Lastly, if your provider supports a recovery ISO but not snapshots, you can skip the snapshot step and start by booting to the ISO, it just means that the process will require downtime on the source VPS.

WARNING: this will expose your disk publicly. For security, you may want to rename the /mnt/disk.raw disk file to a random filename. For additional security, consider setting up SSL on the webserver so that the disk transfer is not unencrypted.

Snapshots are a great way to quickly migrate a VPS. Unfortunately, a few providers like DigitalOcean and Vultr do not allow you to download snapshots, making their snapshots useless for cloning a VPS onto a different provider.

Basically, I wanted to put a LEDE instance in the cloud-which seems a bit strange-but the reason for this was to use the excellent Luci interface-specifically, luci-app-statistics and collectd. Reason is, I have some remote probes which I wanted to all send back their information to one master server. I did investigate trying to build a collectd on its its own-but I'm not a Linux expert-and I thought why go through all that, when LEDE/OpenWRT gives me that already 152ee80cbc

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