Under U.S. law, NOAA Fisheries is responsible for managing marine fisheries within the U.S. exclusive economic zone, the more than 4 million-square-mile zone that extends from 3 to 200 nautical miles off the coast of the United States. Individual states are generally responsible for fishery management from their coastline out to three miles. We work with federal, regional, state, and territorial partners to ensure the sustainable management of U.S. fisheries in the EEZ.

NOAA Fisheries works closely with eight regional fishery management councils, who are responsible for the fisheries in their region. Council members represent commercial and recreational fishing as well as environmental, academic, and government interests. The councils:

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We also work closely with three Interstate Marine Fisheries Commissions (Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific States), who coordinate with NOAA Fisheries and states to collect data and manage fisheries resources in their shared coastal regions.

Under the MMPA, NOAA Fisheries is responsible for protecting whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals, and sea lions. It also establishes a system to govern interactions with marine mammals during commercial fishing.

The ESA protects species that are at risk of extinction and also provides for the conservation of the ecosystems on which they depend. Regional fishery management councils must take both the MMPA and the ESA into consideration when developing fishery management plans.

Under the Magnuson-Stevens Act, U.S. fisheries management is a transparent and robust process of science, management, innovation, and collaboration with the fishing industry. There are three pillars of fisheries management:

As part of this process, the regional fishery management councils work to provide fishing opportunities and create economic benefits in their region while also meeting conservation and management requirements. The councils develop management plans that prevent overfishing, allocate fishing quotas to different fishing groups, implement gear restrictions, and protect sensitive habitats. To ensure transparency and incorporate stakeholder feedback, proposed decisions are subject to review and comment by scientists, stakeholders, and the public.

Scientists routinely monitor fisheries to ensure they are sustainably managed. Stock assessments are critical to this process. Using data gathered from commercial and recreational fishermen and other scientific observations, stock assessments:

Enforcement is a critical component of sustainably managed fisheries. NOAA's Office of Law Enforcement is responsible for making sure that that all fishermen in U.S. federal fisheries follow the rules. Special agents and enforcement officers ensure compliance with U.S. marine resource laws and take enforcement action when these laws are violated. From tackling seafood fraud in the United States to helping reduce illegal fishing internationally, these special agents and enforcement officers make sure there is a level playing field for honest fishermen. OLE protects marine resources and their habitat and helps safeguard the health of seafood consumers and the livelihoods of coastal communities.

Fish swim beyond geographical boundaries, so we must also work to promote science-based management practices in international fisheries. Through membership in international fisheries management organizations, we promote the same fisheries management and conservation practices we have here at home. These international efforts help level the playing field for U.S. fishermen who operate in some of the most sustainably managed and heavily regulated fisheries in the world.

I did download windows 10 and used "Parallel" that makes it much easier than bootcamp ( I got lost in the language of the IOS image... could not figure out what it was) and yes now I can play the Big Fish games again, too bad the old ones I had are now unusable because apparently Catalina has some kind of block that does not download the game manager.I hope either Apple or big Fish will figure out the problem and fix it.

The problem is that Catalina can't handle it, but IMO, it's not Apple's fault. Big Fish was notified a long long time ago that this change was happening and did nothing handle it. After looking at Big Fish's support site, they offer almost nothing in regard to solving this solution -- they give only high level support.

Fishery Managers oversee the activities that occur at a fishery, which includes but is not limited to: screening cultivation areas, monitoring fish growth, maintaining equipment, prepping food, distributing medications, and coordinate with other managers in affiliated fisheries. They will also engage in normal management activities, such as assigning tasks to workers, training new workers, scheduling, record keeping, and remedying any issues that may arise (disease, low quality harvest, etc.).

Fishery Managers work at fisheries, which are more industrial environments consisting of large ponds, pools, or tanks where the fish are kept. There may also be a great deal of heavy equipment around, which can be potentially dangerous if standard safety procedures are not following. Though many fishery facilities are indoors, some may be located outdoors and require that the Fishery Manager be exposed to adverse weather conditions.

Most Fishery Managers work full-time with a lot of potential for overtime and abnormal hours, since fish require constant care and oversight. Some Fishery Managers may have to travel to different fisheries throughout the day or oversee multiple crews.

Fishery manager careers focus on care and husbandry (spawning) of commercial or natural fish hatcheries. Most managers are experts in the fish and aquatic conditions that are found in a particular region of the world, or type of water. While jobs do vary, there are a subset of tasks that are common to most fishery management careers, like:

The job demand for Fishery Managers is expected to grow by 11% between 2020 and 2030.* Large corporate fisheries are now able to produce larger crops with fishery farms and fewer workers, leading to a lack of demand in the industry. However, Fishery Managers who wish to work for larger corporations may see more opportunities in the future.

Smaller farms are slowly going out of business thanks to the success of larger farms and the rising expenses of supplies required to keep a fishery running. However, smaller farms who find a niche following in local, organic, or other markets can be successful.

Most Fishery Managers are required to have a Bachelor's degree, particularly in the Natural Sciences, Aquaculture, Technology, or other related field. Most do not go on to pursue Master's degree or higher education.

*2020 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary figures and job growth projections for fishing and hunting workers reflect national data not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed September 2021.

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A fish manager is not an upwardly mobile trout, nor is it a pet store employee in charge of aquariums. Fish managers are in charge of overseeing fish populations within a region or specific body of water called a fishery. It's the manager's job to maintain a healthy fish population and take measures when the fish stocks are at risk. In the United States, there are both freshwater and saltwater fish managers. They work with federal, state and local governments to create fishing policies.

It's a really big job. Fish populations can be very delicate -- many factors can impact the wellbeing of fish. Fish managers have to monitor the environment and watch out for pollution from dangerous chemicals or runoff. If a predatory population increases, the other fish populations will likely decrease. But perhaps the biggest factor is overfishing from humans.

Fish managers must also have a deep understanding of the fish they oversee. They have to know where and when the fish reproduce. They need to know the life cycle of each kind of fish. If the fish are susceptible to certain diseases or chemicals, the manager should be aware of that, too.

There's another factor fish managers have to keep in mind when they do their job: the human factor. The decisions fish managers make have real-life consequences for millions of people, from fishermen to consumers. Fishermen who rely on harvesting specific fish stocks for their livelihood may find themselves out of a job if a fish manager places restrictions on fishing. It's not always an easy decision -- the fish manager has to balance the needs of the community with those of the environment.

As you can probably imagine, this sometimes means the fish manager has to deal with delicate situations. For example, in the United States, some tribal communities rely on fishing as a means of subsistence or as a way to preserve cultural traditions. Many areas in the United States have special regulations that protect these communities and their fishing practices, sometimes at the expense of recreational or commercial fishing. Fish managers have to take all of this into consideration when creating policies. 152ee80cbc


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