Install the Remote Development extension pack. This extension pack includes the WSL extension, in addition to the Remote - SSH, and Dev Containers extensions, enabling you to open any folder in a container, on a remote machine, or in WSL.

In order to install the WSL extension, you will need the 1.35 May release version or later of VS Code. We do not recommend using WSL in VS Code without the WSL extension as you will lose support for auto-complete, debugging, linting, etc. Fun fact: this WSL extension is installed in $HOME/.vscode/extensions (enter the command ls $HOME\.vscode\extensions\ in PowerShell).

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You can also access more VS Code WSL options by using the shortcut: CTRL+SHIFT+P in VS Code to bring up the command palette. If you then type WSL you will see a list of the options available, allowing you to reopen the folder in a WSL session, specify which distribution you want to open in, and more.

Having problems launching VS Code from your WSL command line? This troubleshooting guide includes tips on changing path variables, resolving extension errors about missing dependencies, resolving Git line ending issues, installing a local VSIX on a remote machine, launching a browser window, blocker localhost port, web sockets not working, errors storing extension data, and more.

If you plan to collaborate with others, or host your project on an open-source site (like GitHub), VS Code supports version control with Git. The Source Control tab in VS Code tracks all of your changes and has common Git commands (add, commit, push, pull) built right into the UI.

The main purpose in developing the Visual Studio Code Swift extension was to provide an IDE that wasn't limited to macOS. We wanted to make it easier for developers to work with Swift on Linux and Windows.

Unfortunately we currently do not have anyone available to do Windows support. Because of this we are unable to properly maintain a Windows version of the extension. We know there are issues with debugging Windows executables but in the current situation we are unable to resolve these.

Is there anyone in the Swift community who would like to join us in improving the developer experience for Windows users. The work would involve testing features to verify they work on Windows and resolving Windows specific issues. We know that this will be someone who is most likely volunteering their own free time and don't have any expectations.

Yeah I realise the resolving Windows specific features work is limited by lack of support from the toolchain and there is only so much that can be done. There is work based around debug formats. See the conversations in issues Add option to output CodeView debug info for Windows Issue #153 swift-server/vscode-swift GitHub and Windows Debug settings Issue #80 swift-server/vscode-swift GitHub.

Regarding the verifying of issues and basic experience the last time the extension was fully tested on Windows was with the release of v0.1.0. Any feature detailed in the changelog after that has not been tested on Windows. I think the best way forward now, would be for me to create a bunch of issues (for testing features) in the vscode-swift repository and label them "windows" and then if you guys can assign yourself to verifying it by adding a reaction to the first comment. I should have the issues done by the end of today (GMT).

Debugging support is a known quality issue, and my recommendation for that currently is to use CodeView debug information with WinDBG (or WinDBGX). Although its not as convenient as what I would like, it does help a great deal with debugging.

Edit: To be more explicit, I think most issues (outside of QoI items like debugging) at this point are far beyond the scope of the toolchain. There are a number of known issues with lldb, but, in terms of functionality from the toolchain, I think that Windows support is fairly complete (caveat: on main, not in released toolchains). There are some issues in LLVM and clang, but they are also outside of the Swift compiler.

As I said in Visual Studio Code Windows support help - #5 by adam-fowler I've tagged any Windows issues with "windows". You are also welcome to have a go at any of the others. Probably best picking an issue tagged "good first issue".

I'm a PowerShell fan and have recently adopted PowerShell Core as my version of choice. If you are not familiar with PowerShell Core, it is a cross platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) version of PowerShell based on .NET Core. That said, I sometimes need to work in PowerShell for Windows or use both side by side.

Before configuring Shell Launcher, I want to set PowerShell Core as the default PowerShell version. To do so, open up the VS Code user settings.json file by clicking on file > preferences > settings, select ... and then Open settings.json.

Modify the settings.json file to include The update must be well formed json. If you have other settings in your settings.json file, you may need to adjust the following example.

The key to opening PowerShell Core and PowerShell for Windows side by side is the Shell Launcher Visual Studio Code extension. Shell Launcher allows you to configure multiple shells within Visual Studio Code.

Add the following to the keybindings.json file to configure ctrl + shift + t as the shell launcher key binding. The update must be well formed json. If you have other settings in your keybindins.json file, you may need to adjust this example.

Adding the following to the settings.json file configures two shells, one with PowerShell Core and another with Windows PowerShell. You can adjust the display names (labels), as well as add additional shells such as WSL and CMD.

To run both versions of PowerShell side by side, open a terminal with the non-default version of PowerShell (PowerShell for Windows in my case), and then click the split terminal button. This will open another side-by-side terminal with the other PowerShell version (PowerShell Core in my case).


I have the Sonarlint extension installed in Visual Studio Code, and when updating the latter, I get a message from the windows firewall that says that it blocks the connection of the Open JDK Platform binary to the network.

Why does this happen, is there some vulnerability that makes the extension insecure? Should I allow it to connect or remain blocked?

Thanks for your help.

SonarLint for VSCode relies on a Java-based Language Server, which is why you see this warning from the Windows firewall. And yes, you can safely allow the access, as far as we can tell there is no known vulnerability in SonarLint.

Developing OCaml was not easy on Windows platform. If you want to use VSCode, you have to install ocaml-on-windows (which has some compatibility issues) or forword X windows from WSL or a linux machine (slow).

I don't really understand how really ROS VSCode extension works (and if it's working under windows) and if this extension really simplify the development of ROS nodes. Maybe this extension also works in visual studio.

I created a Docker container from Windows PowerShell for dolphinx with the command available in the for dolphinx package. The container is running and I installed a couple of helper extensions for VS Code for using Docker.

Anyone know how to get this going either for Windows and/or WSL2 for Ubuntu 22.04 that I also have installed? I was hoping I could get docker to pull into Python the whole fenics module that should contain UnitCube function to run some examples from VS Code.

Ultimately I will need to do two things. First I have to build dolfinx for cpp and python inside the container and have the build and configuration be remembered it. Secondly I would like to have a way to connect VS Code from windows desktop into the container to code projects inside the container.

Note: Please, next time format your posts according to the following guide: How to format your forum posts

In short: please, use button to share codes, terminal outputs, error messages or anything that can contain special characters which would be interpreted by the MarkDown filter. Use the preview feature to make sure your text is formatted as you would expect it and check your post after you have sent it so you can still fix it.

This guide is intended for Java and C++ teams. LabVIEW teams can skip to Installing LabVIEW for FRC (LabVIEW only). Python teams can skip to Python Installation Guide. Additionally, the below tutorial shows Windows 10, but the steps are identical for all operating systems. Notes differentiating operating systems will be shown.

Upgrading from earlier 2024 releases is easy: simply download and run the new installer and it will update your current installation. If you already have the 2024 WPILib vscode installed, it will detect it and you can simply click "next" for that installation step. After installation, vscode will prompt you when opening your robot project whether you want to upgrade it to this version. Note that using the installer is required to get the new version of desktop tools such as Shuffleboard. This release is compatible with both 2024_v2 releases of the RoboRIO image. Mac note: if upgrading from 2024.1.1, it is necessary to manually remove the 2024.1.1 version of AdvantageScope before running the installer in order for the new version to be installed.

System Requirements: WPILib requires 64-bit Windows 10 or 11, Ubuntu 22.04, or macOS 12 or higher. C++ teams should note that Visual Studio 2022 17.9 is required for desktop builds. Mac users will need to have the Xcode Command Line Tools installed before running the installer. This can be done by running xcode-select --install in the Terminal.

If you're returning from a previous season, check out what's new for 2024. You will need a new RoboRIO image for 2024; this is available via the FRC 2024 Game Tools. Follow the WPILib installation guide to install WPILib.

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