I just had cataract surgery on my left eye, which was set for distance. My doctor said if I got both eyes done for distance I will just need glasses to read. However, I am unable to focus on a computer screen with my corrected eye. The doctor now tells me I will lose my close vision to 6 feet out. I am considering having monovision to have the other eye corrected for near vision. I am not sure if they corrected my dominant or non-dominant eye for my distant vision. When I test for the dominate eye my left eye is dominate. Is this eye really dominant or is it now because I had it set for distance vision? I am confused.

This is one of those questions that does not lend itself well to email answers. You need a comprehensive examination by your ophthalmologist and the opportunity to ask all of your questions, but I will try to help you learn more about this complicated question.


 There are basically three distances of vision: far, intermediate (computer) and near. There is no intraocular lens made that gives excellent vision at all 3 distances. It sounds like you now have good distance vision in your left eye. The question seems to be what would be the wisest course for your right eye and how does that relate to your dominant eye.


 The notion of setting one eye for distance and the other for near is called monovision. Some of us prefer to do a mini-monovision, whereby a person has good distance vision in one eye and intermediate (computer) vision in the other. Glasses might still be needed for small print.


 We prefer to set the dominant eye for distance, but sometimes it gets reversed for one reason or another. As long as the difference between the two eyes is slight, most people can adapt to the subtle difference between the two eyes either way.


 You need to thoroughly discuss this issue with your ophthalmologist. He/she can easily determine your dominant eye and can do a contact lens "test drive" to allow you to see what monovision and mini-monovision would be like.

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In response to the sustained and increasingly visible violence against Black communities in the U.S. and globally, a collective of more than 50 organizations representing thousands of Black people from across the country came together in 2015 with renewed energy and purpose to articulate a common vision and agenda. We are a collective that centers, and is led by and rooted in, Black communities. And we recognize our shared struggle with all oppressed people: collective liberation will be a product of all of our work.

The Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) launched the Vision for Black Lives, a comprehensive and visionary policy agenda for the post-Ferguson Black liberation movement, in August of 2016. The Vision, endorsed by over 50 Black-led organizations in the M4BL ecosystem and hundreds of allied organizations and individuals, has since inspired campaigns across the country to achieve its goals.

Advance CTE has released its hallmark implementation vision tool. Pushing the Limits: A Roadmap for Advancing CTE Without Limits provides a step-by-step guide for states to conduct an initial alignment assessment, identify top areas for action, and develop implementation strategies for one or multiple vision principles.

Vision for Baltimore is a city-wide program to expand school-based vision services for all students in grades pre-kindergarten through eighth grade in Baltimore City public schools. The program was established, in part, due to the Baltimore Reading and Eye Disease study, which aimed to determine the prevalence of vision problems in an early school age population with reading difficulty, and evaluated the impact treatment had on vision function and reading performance.

Hi, I am currently using the free trial of V-ray for sketch to test the platform as I am new to it and I am trying to render a design I have done. I am still getting to grips with all of the tools and reading and watching as much as possible but when I open up my render in V-ray vision, the design is all distorted and appears completely washed out and multi-coloured. I have attached an example screenshot.

This page lists sight-related accessibility tools to help all Microsoft Windows and Microsoft 365 users. We offer support for people who are blind, people with low vision, and people with a vision disability, such as color blindness

The Division of Services for the Blind provides services to people who are visually impaired, blind and deaf-blind to help them reach their goals of independence and employment.

Director: Cynthia Speight

Our experienced team of eye care professionals offers comprehensive eye exams, quality lenses and frames, and more. By leveraging advanced diagnostic technology, we are committed to improving the quality of life of our Advance and Lewisville communities through enhanced vision.

MAFAC convened the Columbia Basin Partnership Task Force in 2017 to bring together diverse representatives from across the Columbia Basin to establish a common vision and goals for the Columbia Basin and its salmon and steelhead. The diverse group of parties on the Partnership includes Columbia Basin tribes; fishing, agriculture, conservation, river transportation, port, and hydropower interests; and the states of Idaho, Montana, Washington, and Oregon. All of these parties want to ensure that healthy runs of salmon and steelhead thrive into the future.

Our goal is one platform, where age-appropriate experiences for every life stage can be found. This could include experiences you may have seen on Roblox like concerts, digital fashion, immersive games, and education. But, in a distant future, Roblox could envision different types of experiences, like virtual dating for older age groups, indie movie screenings and new forms of content such as news and hot topics.

Diabetes can damage your eyes over time and cause vision loss, even blindness. The good news is managing your diabetes and getting regular eye exams can help prevent vision problems and stop them from getting worse. 

Eye diseases that can affect people with diabetes include diabetic retinopathy, macular edema (which usually develops along with diabetic retinopathy), cataracts, and glaucoma. All can lead to vision loss, but early diagnosis and treatment can go a long way toward protecting your eyesight.

During your eye exam, your eye doctor will check how well you see the details of letters or symbols from a distance. Your doctor will also look at the retina and inside of your eyes and may use a dye to reveal leaky blood vessels. If it turns out you have diabetic retinopathy, your eye doctor may want to check your vision more often than once a year.

Treating diabetic retinopathy can repair damage to the eye and even prevent blindness in most people. Treatment can start before your sight is affected, which helps prevent vision loss. Options include:

Probation is the most common disposition in juvenile justice with nearly a half-million young people given some form of probation annually. Taking action to get probation right presents an enormous opportunity for improving the entire juvenile justice system. The Casey Foundation has developed a vision for transforming juvenile probation based on new research on adolescent behavior and brain development and on intervention strategies that consistently reduce delinquency.

The new program vision details enhancements made to the CWA 303(d) program informed by the experience gained over the past two decades in assessing and reporting on water quality and in developing tens of thousands of TMDLs. It enhances overall efficiency of the CWA 303(d) program and in particular encourages focusing attention on priority waters and acknowledges that states have flexibility in using available tools beyond TMDLs to attain water quality restoration and protection.

Astigmatism is a variation in the curvature of the cornea or in the shape of the eye's lens. Astigmatism results in blurred or distorted vision at all distances, and occurs in 1 in 3 people in the U.S. Laser vision correction can address corneal astigmatism.

Dry Eye is a condition in which a person does not have enough quality tears to lubricate and nourish the eye. Dry Eye is a common problem, particularly in older adults. Treatment for dry eye symptoms can help before cataract or laser vision correction procedures.

VISIONS/Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired is a nonprofit vision rehabilitation and social service organization founded in 1926. VISIONS purpose is to develop and implement individualized programs to assist people who are blind and visually impaired of all ages to lead independent and active lives, and to educate the public to understand their capabilities and needs.

Adjusting to vision loss is a process that takes training and practice. Click the button below to learn more about vision loss, including what classifies as "low vision" or "legally blind", and daily living tips for people living with low vision.

VISIONS serves participants in all boroughs of NYC, as well as Long Island, Westchester, the Lower Hudson Valley, and several counties in New Jersey. All legally blind and visually impaired persons sponsored by their state commission for the blind are eligible for residential short-term training at VISIONS Center on Blindness (VCB). Did You Know: VISIONS is the sole provider of vision rehabilitation programs and services in Westchester and the Lower Hudson Valley.

The strategic vision described here was formulated on behalf of the NHGRI. We are grateful to the many members of the institute staff for their contributions to the associated planning process (see for details) as well as to the numerous external colleagues who provided input to the process and draft versions of this strategic vision. The National Advisory Council for Human Genome Research (current members are J. Botkin, T. Ideker, S. Plon, J. Haines, S. Fodor, R. Irizarry, P. Deverka, W. Chung, M. Craven, H. Dietz, S. Rich, H. Chang, L. Parker, L. Pennacchio, and O. Troyanskaya) ratified the strategic planning process, themes, and priorities associated with this strategic vision. 17dc91bb1f

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