Google Chrome on my android phone updated over night and ever since has zoomed in, to maybe 125% or 150%. When I go to accessibility settings I do not have an option to adjust default zoom anymore as it says on the Chrome help pages. I do have a sliding scale to adjust text scaling, but this makes no difference.

Also you can install Google Chrome Canary which is a more recent (but possibly less stable) version of Chrome that can exist side by side with the regular Chrome. Since it's a whole separate program you can therefore use a different zoom level.

Download Video Zoom Chrome


The extension Zoom Page WE - Chrome Web Store let you switch between per-tab and per-site zooming. Once you just per-tab, then all the existing mechanisms for changing zoom only apply to the current tab. It also allows you to zoom the full page or just zoom text size.

If you aren't scared off by coding, what user3745840 wrote does work. As far as any restrictions or such, I have no idea. In the lower pane, in the Styles tab, either click where you want (the object to modify) the zoom or click the +. The code is very simple, and here are some examples for the variable X:

I'm developing a pinch zoom feature for a mobile app written in javascript and I want to test this in Google Chrome with the mobile device emulation feature. But I cannot find a way to test a pinch gesture.

I tried everything I could find on the internet (pressing Shift and moving the mouse, pressing Alt and moving the mouse), but none of this worked. Is there even a "native" way in Google Chrome to simulate a pinch zoom gesture?

This may not be a developer answer. I've been having problems with enlarged web pages. then the page is broken. Many web pages do not support normal zoom.Mouse Pinch-To-Zoom can be used with the general web.

The last answer has five negative votes, but what I want to say is that the latest chrome browser(78) on Android platform does not have the function of zoom. You may have some problems with your understanding of viewport. The scale of viewport is pinchzoom. If you set it like this, your web page cannot trigger pinchzoom.

Would it hurt using a second browser like Ff? I have researched your issue on the web and found multiple instances of people writing extensions for chrome because of that exact same issue. They existed for some time, but they all went extinct over a while.

Is there a good method to zoom in and out in Chrome with PAD?

I want to be able to zoom out 50% in Chrome at the start and then at the end zoom back in. I could use send keys and Ctrl + '-' repeatedly and at the end send keys Ctrl + '+' but it seems not the greatest solution. Because if the flow fails when its zoomed out the flow would need to always also need to check if Chrome is zoomed out before using send keys Ctrl + '-'.

Hello, i completed chrome tracing about 3 times just of seeing what will happen..

Those tracings take internal storage in my android device??

If yes how can i delete these files to free some space..?

Has anyone had to set up the new Zoom PWA in managed guest sessions for chromebooks? The new Zoom PWA doesn't open when students click on a link in our system for a new Zoom session. It acts like zoom isn't installed on the device, which brings up a screen to install Zoom App. Even thought its set force install the new Zoom PWA.

Thank you for your reply. We have several students that use chromebooks and click on a link from our RPCx system that auto launches them into a Zoom session. We can't send them the meeting ID in order to copy/paste it into the Zoom PWA app. The old ChromeOS Zoom app works just find but this new PWA app has been a headache to figure out how to get it to work just like the old ChromeOS Zoom app.

Thank you for your response. I did find this. However, this turns it on for the entire organization. Which becomes a problem for those that use the current Zoom app. Plus, there are more steps that you need to take after the Zoom pwa auto launches. Like the accepting of audio/video settings. Before, the zoom app didn't do that because it remembers the selection the first time. We use chromebooks for our students and the students login with a managed guest account. Which the new Zoom PWA app is a problem because as I mentioned prior. Every time now the students have 5 additional steps to connect to the Zoom meeting. They have to allow the use of the microphone and camera. They have to tell the chromebook to open zoom with the Zoom PWA app. It's just more hassle for the kids to join a zoom meeting.

I've been using Zoom in the browser as the Zoom app does not support screen share on Wayland yet. I'm using Ubuntu 22.04.It worked fine until this week. Every time I attempt to screenshare the entire chrome session crashes. I thought it was due to the OOM killer in 22.04, but my RAM usage has not gone up to even 25% during the Zoom session.journalctl -b -u systemd-oomd does not show any process being killed either. Any idea how I can debug this?

Trying to zoom in using the flatpak v0.11.5 in Manjaro Linux does not work. Either with Ctrl + + or with Ctrl + mouse wheel up. Is this feature going to be implemented, or I should open a new issue on github?

5. You can set a custom default zoom level, so that every webpage opens with text at a larger size when you launch the browser. Click on the Menu button in the top-right of the Chrome browser, then select Settings.

In Google Chrome, you may already know how to adjust page zoom. You can press Ctrl - to zoom out or Ctrl + to zoom in. Likewise, you can click the Menu icon and you'll find zoom controls right at your disposal:

But here's what you may not know: When you use those tools, you're changing the zoom settings only for the page you're currently viewing. Chrome will remember those settings from one session to the next, but it won't apply them globally.

In the new tab that opens, scroll to the bottom and click "Show advanced settings." Now scroll even further until you see the Web Content section. And that's where you'll find the global page-zoom setting. Click it to choose the default you want. (Changes are reflected instantly, so you can immediately click over to other open tabs to see the results -- and make further modifications if necessary.)

I should also point out that this is the place to change Chrome's global font size. Take note, however, that many sites used fixed fonts, so zoom is really your best bet for making readability adjustments.

The regular zoom shortcuts only zoom in/out the artboards area. I needed to click on the small magnifying glass icon in the right side browser URL area in order to reset the text size and panel size of the top bar and side panels.

I've just switched phones from iPhone to a Pixel 3a and one of the things I'm missing right now is double double tap to zoom in Chrome. I haven't found anything suggesting the feature doesn't exist on Android. I've found a few questions asking how to disable it but I don't see those options myself so I can't just enable it.

For many years, mobile browsers applied a 300-350ms delay between touchend and click while they waited to see if this was going to be a double-tap or not, since double-tap was a gesture to zoom into text.

Ever since the first release of Chrome for Android, this delay was removed if pinch-zoom was also disabled. However, pinch zoom is an important accessibility feature. As of Chrome 32 (back in 2014) this delay is gone for mobile-optimized sites, without removing pinch-zooming! Firefox and IE/Edge did the same shortly afterwards, and in March 2016 a similar fix landed in iOS 9.3.

Do you find the UI of DevTools too small to comfortably work with? Because this UI is made of HTML and CSS, just like any other web pages, it can be zoomed in (or out) by the browser just like you can zoom in on web pages.

The non-standard zoom CSS property can be used to control the magnification level of an element. transform: scale() should be used instead of this property, if possible. However, unlike CSS Transforms, zoom affects the layout size of the element.

Do not (de)magnify this element if the user applies non-pinch-based zooming (e.g. by pressing Ctrl - - or Ctrl + + keyboard shortcuts) to the document. Do not use this value, use the standard unset value instead.

I recently noticed that if you zoom out on a web page that contains three.js content, an error will come up in console after zooming out past about 33% and refreshing the page. To be clear I am referring to browser zoom (i.e. ctrl -). You can try it for yourself on any three.js page like three.js examples

You can install the PWA today from the Google Play store or by going to and clicking on the install option in the Chrome browser address bar. Note: Installation is not necessary to use the PWA, but will make it easier to access on Chrome, as the PWA will be listed with other installed Apps.

Recently, I've found that when using the pinch-to-zoom motion with the trackpad while reading a PDF in Chrome, I no longer get the preferred behavior: Chrome's zoom ticking up discretely by 25% or so. Instead, I get a continuous "screen-zoom" effect (similar to holding Control and scrolling), inside the Chrome window (as opposed to the actual screen-zoom, which is independent of the application). Chrome's usual zoom controls still work, but I have to access them either by keyboard shortcut or clicking the respective buttons. e24fc04721

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