Looking for a greater degree of self-sufficiency, an ecologically minded Swiss couple decides to have a wind turbine installed on their remote farm in With the Wind (Le vent tourne). But instead of giving them more independence, the rugged technician staying on their farm during the installation of the machinery destabilizes in particular the female half of the hard-working and rather solitary couple. Though not quite a Madame Bovary with windmills, this tale from writer-director Bettina Oberli is told from the viewpoint of the farmwoman whose tranquil existence is rocked to its core by the arrival of an outsider.

Mlanie Thierry, the ethereal protagonist of With the Wind [+see also: 


interview: Bettina Oberli

film profile] by Bettina Oberli (screened on the Piazza Grande at Locarno Film Festival), embraces a film that fits her perfectly. She manages to breathe life, with sincerity, into emotions that are not normally part of the characters she plays: pragmatic and devoted to a grandiose and capricious nature.

Download Film Le Vent Tourne (2018)

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The pragmatism necessary to survive a hard life dominated by work (in the stalls and in fields), as well as a necessary routine, often prevents feelings from being expressed, which threaten to disturb a painstakingly constructed balance. The wind that overwhelms Pauline, the protagonist in With the Wind, is a wind that no one before her has previously had the courage to face, uncontrollable and capricious, constructive and destructive, overwhelming, just like nature itself.

What makes With the Wind particularly interesting is the fact that the triangular relationship between Pauline, Samuel and Alex is not the detonating plot point in the story. What really matters, the pivot around which the film turns, is Pauline and her need to express her personality without following the path taken by others, such as Samuel and Alex. A sincere portrait of a woman who is so much more modern than we might have expected.

With the Wind (Originaltitel Le vent tourne) ist ein schweizerisch-franzsisches Filmdrama aus dem Jahr 2018. Regie fhrte Bettina Oberli, die auch zusammen mit Antoine Jaccoud das Drehbuch schrieb. Die deutsche Version des Films wurde ebenfalls unter dem franzsischen Originaltitel Le vent tourne auf DVD verffentlicht.

Dem Kino fehle die Schnheit, sagte D.W. Griffith einmal, die Schnheit des Windes, der die Bume bewegt. Davon versteht Bettina Oberli natrlich etwas, die Regisseurin von Im Nordwind und Die Herbstzeitlosen. 2006 wurde ihre Komdie auf der Piazza Grande in Locarno jubelnd aufgenommen, gestern Abend kehrte Oberli mit Le vent tourne zurck.

Doch mehr als ein Liebesfilm ist Le vent tourne eine Befragung, was Autonomie auf dem gefhrdeten Planeten heissen soll: Verkapselt man sich in seinen Idealen, sei es in der Paarbeziehung oder im Umgang mit der Natur? Was muss man abtten, um sich unabhngig zu machen? Alex hlt umso energischer am Selbstversorgerleben fest, je strker die Welt in seinen Alltag einbricht. Und Pauline fragt sich, inwiefern sie, um ihre Freiheit zu erlangen, einen Bruch machen muss mit dem, was fr sie schon immer Befreiung war.

Pltzlich wird es laut im Interview. Aber der Jura ist doch nicht flach, ruft Mlanie Thierry. Ich erwidere, der Film Le vent tourne spiele doch auf dem Plateau der Franches-Montagnes, und er habe mir auch landschaftlich gefallen, weil es dort diese Hochebene gebe, nur Tannen, Wiesen und den Horizont. Aber sie gibt sofort zurck: Der Jura ist nicht flach, da sind tiefe Tler und Schluchten, Sie mssen es mir schon glauben, ich war dort.

Le vent tourne ist der erste franzsischsprachige Film der Herbstzeitlosen-Regisseurin, eine Koproduktion mit Frankreich. Deshalb haben Grssen aus dem Nachbarland mitgewirkt. Mlanie Thierry kann man durchaus als franzsischen Star bezeichnen: Sie spielte die Titelrolle in La princesse de Montpensier von Bertrand Tavernier und war in der internationalen Produktion A Perfect Day an der Seite von Benicio del Toro und Tim Robbins zu sehen. Jetzt aber, beim Interview nach der Urauffhrung des Oberli-Films in Locarno, gibt sie sich wortkarg. Mit oui, oui beantwortet sie Fragen, mit non oder auch einfach mit je ne sais pas. Und betont auch usserlich, dass sie nicht wirklich an einem Gesprch interessiert ist.

Il y a encore les films catastrophes,  qui on peut souvent ajouter  naturelles . Roland Emmerich est un spcialiste du genre. Derrire ses films  grand spectacle hollywoodien, le ralisateur allemand est lui aussi trs impliqu dans l'cologie : il s'est lanc dans l'engagement contre le rchauffement climatique  travers Le Jour d'aprs (2004), qui a d'ailleurs t rcompens quant  lui par le prix Euronatur.

Le vent tourne ist sattes, gut erzhltes Drama und steht gleichzeitig mitten in den Nten der aktuellen Orientierungssuche, zwischen dem Wunsch nach Autonomie und Natrlichkeit und Gemeinschaft und Zukunft in einer Welt, die immer kleiner wird, immer weniger Raum fr eigene Trume lsst.

For their song "Le vent tourne", released on the album Panorama 91-97, the group was inspired by the French film La Haine. The song also appeared on a special compilation for the film, La Haine, inspire musique du film, but not on the soundtrack.

Intitul Le prix  payer et ralis par Harold Crooks (qui a crit Survivre au progrs et The Corporation), le film prend l'affiche au Qubec le 13 mars. Il dmontre comment l'vitement fiscal, qui s'accentue avec l'avnement de l'conomie numrique, a pour effet d'appauvrir les tats et la classe moyenne.

Le but de ce film est de faire comprendre aux gens les liens qui existent entre les paradis fiscaux et les politiques d'austrit que les tats sont obligs d'adopter, parce qu'ils sont privs des revenus fiscaux, indique le ralisateur, en entrevue avec Les Affaires.

From 1989 to 2009, Ingrid Eggers was Program Coordinator at the Goethe-Institut in San Francisco. With an academic background in literature, the focus of her work moved more and more towards film, another, but more elaborate way of telling a story. That resulted in a wide variety of film programs shown at the Goethe-Institut and, in 1996, the start of the Berlin & Beyond Film Festival, co-founded by Ulrich Sacker, then the director of the Goethe-Institut in San Francisco. During her leadership, the festival became the largest and most critically acclaimed presentation of German language films in North America. Retired from the Goethe-Institut in 2009 and from presenting films in 2012, she now sits back and enjoys films without having to do all the hard work.

A segment of the pre-recorded Q&A with Sebastian Grobler was shown at the drive-in screening of Lessons of a Dream, and an interactive scheduled Q&A followed the invitation-only, US-wide educational screening of the film on May 27th at 10:00 AM on BerlinBeyond.com.

Director Visar Morina was born in Kosovo and studied at the Cologne Academy of Media Arts. His much-acclaimed debut Babai received multiple awards such as Best Director and European Cinema Label in Karlovy Vary and Best Script at Filmfest Mnchen. Exil is his second feature. The script was honored with the German Federal Award Lola in Gold for an unfilmed screenplay.

An interactive virtual Q&A with Burhan Qurbani followed the scheduled virtual screening of Berlin Alexanderplatz on May 28th at 7:00 PM on BerlinBeyond.com, and a segment of the pre-recorded Q&A was shown at the Vogue Theater presentation of the film on May 29th at 7:00 PM.

With nearly 25% of directors in France being women, it is one of the best cinematic cultures for female voices behind the camera in terms of numbers, even if the regressive social politics of the industry say otherwise. Le Collectif 50/50, formed to bring gender parity to film festivals worldwide, is responsible for funding and promoting many of these small projects, and uplifting other marginalized voices within the industry.

This list is meant to highlight ten films from the past decade, primarily from emerging voices, putting women in the center both in front of and behind the camera, that did not get the level of international recognition they deserve. Some are easily streamable, while some are of the past year, and still lack US/UK distribution.

The domestic drama within the family debate becomes a power struggle, the man of the land taking his desire to install wind power farther than he should because he craves this idea of control over his world. He wants to live back in time, loving the independence of surviving on his own, while she wants to ensure that they never break from the real world, an argument that seems odd until we realize how close this scenario may be to all of our futures. Die-hard Sciamma fans may be pleased by the credits of this Swiss-French slice of life film, as the cult favorite filmmaker does have minor script credits, though the film is all its own anyway.

Best known for its controversial casting of model Zahia Dehar, a former underage escort to the French national football team, Rebecca Zlotowski manages to prove at every term that this casting choice enriches her film all the more. She plays with audience expectations for this character, who uses her appeal to wealthy men in the film to wield her power, always the one in control of what starts and stops between them. She comes into the life of her 16 year old younger cousin, played by outstanding newcomer Mina Farid, and tantalizes her with this life, toying with excess from the outskirts of it, and teaches her how to get what she wants from men without having to fully give herself away.

Difficile d'chapper  Reda Kateb pendant le Festival de Cannes. L'acteur rvl notamment par "Un prophte" de Jacques Audiard y dfend trois premiers films dont celui de la star canadienne Ryan Gosling, autant de rles qui "donnent  voir toutes les humanits". e24fc04721

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