I am new to flutter programming and I've created a demo app, its running fine on both android and iOS devices. I want to see .apk and .ipa file in flutter. Can anyone help me to get these files from Flutter? Where can I see these files in folders or is there any other solution.

For Android an APK is generated every time you build the app, e.g. with flutter run. You will find that in your project folder under /build/app/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk. If you want a release APK, have a look at the docs.

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Interestingly, this makes it seem like Flutter might be the "better choice" for many, but for my specific needs I have a rather simple mobile app where most of the work is done by calling our back-end API's - and integrating a fair few Native SDK's on both Android/iOS and writing bridging code to call from UI.

It's frustrating to me that we went so far down the Flutter path which has effectively killed the input from half of our dev team (we still support an old Cordova app, and the React devs are very comfortable building new UI for it) - mainly because it was just the "shiny new thing" - but I didn't speak up enough at the time as I wasn't a permanent hire in the company.

Upon Switching from Flutter to React, I am now faced with the infamous white screen. I have followed the steps and suggestions in the following post, but have had no luck. Help would be greatly appreciated in getting this working. There is

I have just updated from the Github to the latest release. I can easily swap back using the Database Query, however I would like to use the React UI as that is my primary interface that myself and others that use the system are used to.

I am not sure the time is quite right, some use cases would help tip the scales. I am not going to advocate what is not a good business plan, naturally. I do not have enough information to see it through from where I stand now.

flutter supports dart's FFI just fine.

And it is been for a while now, albeit I noticed some parts of library were cut. Not sure why, but in any case we are able to use FFI from android without troubles.

It is not (yet) tailored to perform FFI over a specific language higher level than C (so, if if you do want to interact with more advanced FFI features from Dart, you will need to use some of the dart-sys mentioned aboved), but it is tailored to write Rusty functions with minimal unsafe that nevertheless have a well-defined FFI ABI, at the cost of not necessarily being the most "idiomatic" one in C.

To that end, about two years ago, we decided to invest heavily in a mobile-first approach to increase the growth and adoption of our mobile app. As we started the research and defined the problem to solve, we asked ourselves: What is the right technology that will help us achieve our vision of being mobile-first while providing a high-performance, native experience? How do we ensure the solution can evolve as the OS ecosystem changes and differentiate our offering from other available products?

According to your screenshot. this is because you are running Flutter Web. You can use a CORS proxy if you absolute want to call the JIRA API from the browser. Or you can build a small API running on you preferred cloud provider and call you API from Flutter.

Support for Wikitude Software Development Kit and tools is coming to an end. All the details can be found here.Kindly note that no new topics can be started on the forum from 21.09.2023. Also, some of the FAQs here (especially license related ones) might become inaccurate.

I am trying to adjust one of the provided samples so it uses the device's gps location. To achieve that, I have implemented a third party plugin, which is providing the necessary arguments. Yet I do not know how to exactly call the setLocation-method from within the flutter app. 

There is a feature in beta in Dart called Dart:FFI which lets you call C code directly from Dart, and this can be used in flutter apps. This seems like it could potentially be a great way to make the link between Flutter and SOUL.

The compiled file has a ClassicRingtone class, which has a render method.

Is the idea that you have to call the render method every so often (e.g. every 10ms) to generate the next chunk of data to send to the speakers?

If so, do you have any idea of a minimal setup for doing this, and how I could do this from Flutter and send the output to the device speakers? Or is the idea that I should be using JUCE to do that?

I think what would be most likely to work well (when flutter has the right functionality), is if you were to take the SOULPatchHostDemo JUCE project and use a UIViewComponent to embed the flutterview. Flutter Desktop is still very alpha AFAIK. Maybe one day this page will include details about how to embed the flutter view on desktop

But the thing is there is actually nothing stopping a team from being able to accomplish this. Flutter is open-source and there is nothing stopping anyone from porting that UI to be KMM based. Or alternatively, Jetpack Compose could be extended to include UI for iOS.

Some people fear that Flutter and Jetpack Compose (not sure about SwiftUI) do not use the native widgets and instead are rendering them will lead to non-native look and feel. I find they actually render better than native and allow for more customization. Also not being a slave to the differences and bugs between versions of the native widgets is a big plus. The way your flutter UI renders will look and behave the same on any version of the device.

The difference from Flutter is that they are not cross-platform. So yes very similar concept-wise but the ability to only write in Flutter and target both platforms rather than coding in both Jetpack Compose and redo it in SwiftUI is a win for Flutter.

I'm starting to integrate Hubspot in a flutter web page and need to integrate the tracking code in it. As Flutter Web works as a Single Page App I checked that the docs says that the call would need to be made using hsq like that:

Also included are common ready-made form input fields for FormBuilder. This gives you a convenient way of adding common ready-made input fields instead of creating your own FormBuilderField from scratch.

Google has many offices around the world, from North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, to Africa & Middle East. The nice thing about these maps, if you investigate them, is that they have an easily usable API endpoint for supplying the office location information in JSON format. In this step, you put these office locations on the map. In this step, you will use code generation to parse JSON.

The Flutter Forward 2023 conference streamed live from Nairobi, Kenya, on January 25, 2023, previewing the investments in the future at Flutter. The event featured a keynote speaker, technology discussions, unique use cases, and a live Q&A session showing how Flutter pushes UI development forward through their newest updates!

The Flutter Forward conference was chock-full of new and up-and-coming Flutter features (time stamp 01:42:21) that developers have been asking for. Leigha Jarett discussed vertical toolkits, updates to the Wonderous app, calling native platform methods directly from Dart, the new rendering engine Impeller, and 3D in Flutter with Impeller.

Next, Jarett introduced FFIgen (for iOS) and JNIgen (for Android), which recall all APIs directly from Dart (time stamp 01:51:08). FFIgen and JNIgen auto-generate code that acts as the glue to call platform code from Dart. In addition, the package is expanding to support interop with Java/Kotlin and Objective-C/Swift!

A QuerySnapshot is returned from a collection query, and allows you to inspect the collection, such as how many documentsexist within it, gives access to the documents within the collection, see any changes since the last query and more.

It is possible to disable network access for your Firestore client. While network access is disabled, all Firestore requestsretrieve results from the cache. Any write operations are queued until network access is re-enabled.

Building a journaling library, we were challenged to make a lot of text still feel engaging while having a clear visual hierarchy. In addition to introducing some new types, like Unbound from the Google Font library, we also explored a lot with color and gradient.

The Flutter team and community are always very welcoming, open to feedback, and collaborative. When Leigha from the Flutter team reached out a few weeks back with the latest impeller for macOS, we were eager to test it but needed to complete our transition to null safety first.

Flutter Web opens the door to building progressive web apps (PWAs) entirely in Dart. However, your Dart code will likely need to interop with JavaScript at some point to access browser APIs and/or your own custom JS apps. The following snippet demonstrates how access JS from a Flutter web app. ff782bc1db

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