Now imagine someone now rotates you 90 degrees on the roundabout so that you are now facing East. You are being rotated around the Y axis. This axis is different because we can't detect it biologically. We know we are angled by a certain amount but we don't know the direction in relation to the planet's magnetic North pole.Instead we need to use a external tool... a magnetic compass. This allows us to ascertain which direction we are facing. The same is true with our phone.

The phone also has an electronic compass which behaves like a normal compass - its "virtual needle" points to magnetic north. Android merges the information from these two sensors so that whenever a SensorEvent of TYPE_ORIENTATION is generated the values[3] array has

values[0]: Azimuth - (the compass bearing east of magnetic north)

values[1]: Pitch, rotation around x-axis (is the phone leaning forward or back)

values[2]: Roll, rotation around y-axis (is the phone leaning over on its left or right side)

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So I think (ie I don't know) the reason Android gives the azimuth (compass bearing) rather than the reading of the third accelerometer is that the compass bearing is just more useful. I'm not sure why they deprecated this type of sensor as now it seems you need to register a listener with the system for SensorEvents of type TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD. The event's value[] array needs to bepassed into SensorManger.getRotationMatrix(..) method to get a rotation matrix (see below) which is then passed into the SensorManager.getOrientation(..) method. Does anyone know why the Android team deprecated Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION? Is it an efficiency thing? That is what is implied in one of the comments to a similar question but you still need to register a different type of listener in the development/samples/Compass/src/com/example/android/compass/ example.

I was having this issue so I mapped out what happens in different directions.If the device is mounted in landscape fashion, eg in a car mount the 'degrees' from the compass seem to run from 0-275 (going clockwise) above 269 ( between west and north) it counts backwards from -90 to 0, then forwards from 0 to 269. 270 becomes -90

Alright, it turns out that my discovery regarding the deprecated Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION fixed my problem. I utilized the Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER and Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD constants and my compass works in my emulator now. :-)

I mean I know how to calibrate compass using the 8-pattern figure, but I want to detect that calibration is needed and display some alert to user ("Your compass is not accurate enough, please calibrate your compass sensor.").

Even after calibration, there can be a significant error (up to 45 degrees let's say). But calibrating is annoying, users don't want to do a weird physical excercise looking like idiots every time they want to use a compass feature.

I have been working on a small compass app the past couple of days, and have gotten the code up and running, but it seems that the compass reading is not accurate. After calibrating both phones, my first test that i found this in what that i simply held the phone against and flat surface looked at the reading then flipped it horizontally and put it against the same flat surface (a 180* turn) and the value did not change 180* it was closer to 240*.

I then tested the reading vs a compass, at times the reading seemed to be close but at other points it was more than 50* off. I even tried to put my phone and compass on the floor to keep the compasses away from any magnetic interference with the same results (note i also keep the compass and phone apart keeping them in the same direction by lining up with edges of a book).

Edit: also tried it with the droid X with the worst results yet... When the phone is rolled around 45 degrees (rotated around z axis a computer coordinate system) the compass heading returned can change over 180 degrees, in fact the heading value goes in the opposite direction of the other phones when spun in the same direction. This is the only phone that produces this result even after calibrating in the settings. Also their is a compass live wallpaper i test against that doesnt have the same issue. So I would assume there would be something i can do in software to avoid this.

Third you have little in the way of determining if the sensors are calibrated, even doing the spastic figure 8 motion may or may not calibrate the phone and the user never really knows if it's working or not, unless you have a compass to verify, which kind of defeats the point doesn't it?

I tested 18 phones and many were pretty close to accurate IF you could calibrate properly, but many of those took 2-10 try's ( we verified after each calibration attempt with a high precision compass ) and more than a few times they would simply NOT calibrate at all.

NOTE: you do have to account for declination for a true north offset, which you can do with the API in android if you have access to the current GPS coordinates, altitude, time of day etc. the problem was NOT declination and if you are comparing to a compass that's not an issue anyway since it will also be effected by local magnetic fields.

Sorry about the long winded reply but I have wasted almost a month on trying to get this to work with the help of an expert DSP engineer and we have pretty much written of the android platform as useful in this respect.

Google says that this way is deprecated and they recommend doing it the way i started off with, however i tried all types of combinations with that way with no success. So I went ahead and ignored thier warning and used the orientation sensor ... and it worked. Why ? i have no clue, the droid x is newer os than my droid 1 so it shouldn't have to do with using legacy code. However it does make sense why compass apps wrote to target 1.6 would work while my app doing the "recommended way" was not working.

Your code looks fine to me, if there would be an error in your code I am pretty sure both devices would suffer from that. I think it's the hardware in the devices that's causing the differences.Have you "calibrated" both compasses by moving the phone in figure eight shapes? Many compass apps suggest that, including the map software that comes with symbian devices. That could work

I know I can get very close to true North using my Android phone and a compass app. However, since the app relies finding the magnetic pole and the magnetic pole moves around, you need to look up how many degrees magnetic North varies from true North... for your location.

I'm trying to figure out how to put a compass on a map view in a xamarin android application. I wrote (copied from your github example) this code, and went as far as to create a compass.png file in the Drawables resource directory.

I'll be the first to admit that markup is not my forte. I've been scouring the Internet for documentation (I know, it's a dirty word). I've come up with a bunch of sites and documents that brag about a Compass control, and a github with compass code drowning in some larger (demonstration) project that I can't sort out.

Compass (Free & No Ads) is a compass for Android, the perfect way to find cardinal directions on your smartphone. If you're going on a trip or want to find a certain place, this app is an excellent one to have on hand.

Before you use Compass (Free & No Ads), you have to calibrate your smartphone so the compass can find the right direction. Once you're done calibrating, you're ready to find north whenever and wherever you want, no matter which direction you're facing. On the top of the screen, you can see your exact coordinates to help you on your travels.

Compass (Free & No Ads) can also show you the exact coordinates for the most important capitals all around the world. Just tap on a capital, and the compass will show you the direction to go if you want travel there. Point yourself in the right direction with this handy compass app.

I'm looking for an app that shows not just the compass bearing information, but also the roll and pitch information in degrees. I'm looking for a well designed and polished app that will display such information.

Can you tell me if the compass data displayed in the app is base on either the geographic north or magnetic north? I'm assuming all appps (Android or iOS) are showing data base on the magnetic north as a reference. Please correct me if I'm wrong. ff782bc1db

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