An yah (Arabic: , .mw-parser-output .IPA-label-small{font-size:85%}.mw-parser-output .references .IPA-label-small,.mw-parser-output .infobox .IPA-label-small,.mw-parser-output .navbox .IPA-label-small{font-size:100%}Arabic pronunciation: [a.ja]; plural:  yt) is a "verse" in the Quran, one of the statements of varying length that make up the chapters (surah) of the Quran and are marked by a number. In the Quranic context the word means "evidence", "sign" or "miracle", and in Islam may refer to things other than Quranic verses, such as religious obligations (yat taklfiyyah) or cosmic phenomena (yat takwniyyah).[1] In the Quran it is referred to in several verses such as:

For the purpose of interpretation, the verses are separated into two groups: those that are clear and unambiguous (muhkam) and those that are ambiguous (mutashabeh).[4] This distinction is based on the Quran itself: "It is God Who has sent down to you the Book. In it are verses that are 'clear', they are the foundation of the Book. Others are 'allegorical' but those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part thereof that is allegorical, seeking discord, and searching for its hidden meanings, but no one knows its hidden meanings except God. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: We believe in the Book, the whole of it is from our Lord. And none will grasp the Message except men of understanding."[Note 1]

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An incorrect anti-Islamic claim is that the number of verses in the Quran is 6,666.[6][7] In fact, the total number of verses in the Quran is 6,236 excluding Bismillah and 6348 including Bismillah. (There are 114 chapters in the Quran, however there are only 112 unnumbered Bismillah's because Surah At-Tawbah does not have one at the beginning and fatiha's is numbered,

The Quranic treebank is an effort to map out theentire grammar of the Quran by linking Arabic words throughdependencies. The linguistic structure of verses is represented usingmathematical graph theory. The annotated corpus provides a novelvisualization of Quranic syntax using dependency graphs.

The Quranic Ontology uses knowledge representation to define the key conceptsin the Quran, and shows the relationships between these concepts using predicate logic.Named entities in verses, such as the names of historic people and places mentioned in the Quran,are linked to concepts in the ontology.

The Quran is regarded as both the spiritual and behavioral guidance for all Muslims. This narrative study was designed at examining relevant health-promoting verses in the Quran and to identify the chapters and verses where keywords and phrases are mentioned relevant to health promotion and behavior. Twenty-eight verses were identified, with a focus on diet and nutrition, personal hygiene, alcohol abstention, and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. These results suggest that the Quran could serve as an influential medium for culturally competent public health practitioners in diverse populations, particularly in Muslim communities, for improving and maintaining healthy behaviors.

In times of distress or uncertainty, all we want is a bit of respite and guidance. The Quran offers verses that can provide solace and understanding in moments of need. We're diving into the calming and reassuring verses from the Quran that you can turn to when seeking comfort. Whether you are grappling with personal challenges, searching for inner peace, or simply in need of a reminder of the enduring compassion and wisdom that this holy text offers, these verses serve as beacons of light and hope. Let's explore these verses together and discover the soothing power they hold in times of need.

The vast majority of the verses are utterly pejorative and it is easy to understand why and how they have been used to justify Muslim anti-Semitic attitudes past and present. In the first category, the stories stress the grave sins of the Israelites, mainly their disobedience of God and their prophets, and the harsh punishments that were their lot throughout their long history of suffering. Some of the punishments will haunt them forever, according to some verses. The tales are shaped to maintain a similarity between the fate of the biblical prophets and the situation of Muhammad vis--vis the heathen Arabs and the Jews who rejected him. This setting puts Muhammad on an equal footing with Moses and Jesus, for example, and also provides him with a divine promise that notwithstanding all the hurdles his way and message will finally prevail.

In the second and third categories, the harsh allegations are directed against the Jews who confronted Muhammad and refused to join his new religion. These are basically verses of bitter polemic against the beliefs and actions of those Jews.

Regarding its content, the first six verses are quite clear. They are a direct speech to God, praising Him and asking for His help and guidance in the straight path. As already noted by many, the sura contains some expressions that are similar to biblical ones, makes no mention of the Prophet, and could easily be incorporated into the traditional Jewish Siddur, an idea already raised by Jews who are active in Jewish-Muslim dialogue.

I enjoy doing Arabic calligraphy as a hobby to make visual reminders for myself and others. I wanted to know if it is necessary to write Quranic verses with wudu and if it would be permissible for a woman on her period to write Quranic verses?

In his book, Izaala-e-Awhaam, the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as), has listed 30 verses of the Holy Quran that prove that Jesus Christ(as) has passed away. This list is available in Ruhani Khazain, vol. 3, p. 423-437.

In the United States, Muslim Americans face an additional hurdle because they must find someone knowledgeable of the Islamic inheritance laws, which includes the Quranic verses, the Sunnah (way and teachings) of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and other fiqh rulings pertaining to the topic. Failure to draft a custom Islamic estate plan will result in the State applying its own default rules of inheritance, which conflict with the Islamic inheritance laws.

But some Muslim thinkers in the past, and some more radical Muslim thinkers today, take a different view. They say that other verses in the Qur'an, the so-called 'sword verses', have "abrogated" (revoked or anulled) the verses that permit warfare only in defence. They used these 'sword verses' to justify war against unbelievers as a tool of spreading Islam (Qur'an 9:5, 9:29).

The inaugural Quranic conference showcased diverse perspectives on regulative verses of the Quran, highlighting the importance of promoting shared academic spaces for scholars to present and debate research. Al-Mahdi Institute, in collaboration with AMI Press, plans to publish an edited volume of the conference papers in March 2024.

With the above numbers in mind, it seems that a large percentage of women (and men!) are unaware of the rights Allah (SWT) has given to women. These rights are there to protect and empower us. With the blessing that is the religion of Islam, here are 9 verses from the Quran and Sunnah that protect Muslim women and their rights.

The Quran puts things into perspective and reminds us of the strength we possess, the blessings we have and the forgiveness we can attain and should practice. These verses are only the tip of the iceberg that is our miraculous healing book.

Recently, I posed a question to my fellow Muslim friends and family: what is your favorite verse of the Quran? Many people have a number of verses that especially touched them during a past event in their life, and they feel extra connected to those words. It is often hard to choose just one or one set of verses because the entire Quran holds such a profound meaning. But nevertheless, this type of discussion is one I love having for two reasons.

When someone sent me a screenshot of these verses, I could not help but smile because I consider this a favorite too. The chapter these verses come in is one that I listened to as a little kid back when cassette tapes in the car were still a thing. My mom and older sisters would play it in the car and I ended up memorizing the short chapter. Years later, I heard a sermon in which the speaker quoted these verses and it hit me extra hard: these are the beautiful words a person God is pleased with will hear. All their efforts in this life will be rewarded at that moment that they are told by Him to enter into His Paradise.

For the dear sister who sent me these verses, they were a comfort that showed up on the page of her Quran she opened to the night her grandmother passed away. As someone who took care of her elder, she was very sad upon her death, but these verses of the Quran consoled her the moment she needed it most.

The Holy Qur'an, the last divine book, has conveyed meaning in various ways. One of the Qur'anic modes of conveying meaning is the "Tasrif" method. In fact, "Tasrif" is the expression and transmission of a meaning in different ways. It is meant that Allah Almighty expresses a meaning in different ways. Understanding the method of these expressions has a great impact on a better and clearer understanding of the Holy Quran. The present study is a comparative-descriptive-analytical study that examines the verses of "Tasrif" in the Holy Quran from the perspective of two great commentary ie: Al-Mizan and Majma Al-Bayan. Ten verses of the Holy Qur'an refer to the "Tasrif" method. Including: (Al-An'am/ 46; Al-An'am/ 65; Al-An'am/ 105; Al-A'raf/ 58; Al-Isra/ 41; Al-Isra/ 89; Al-Kahf/ 54; Taha/ 113; Al-Furqan/ 50; Al-Ahqaf/ 27). By relying on these verses you can see that "tasrif" is of two kinds; in the nature (divine creature) and in the divine book. "Tasrif" in divine book is of two kindes: the etymological "tasrif" and the semantic "tasrif". These two scholars have suggested benefits for the "tasrif" style. Including: Learn from the meaning of the verses of the Qur'an, No excuse for people, To avoid false thoughts, To think, To understand the truth, To avoid sin, Thanks to divine blessings, And most importantly they worship God And finally return from disbelief. e24fc04721

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