The first was conducted in 1993, the second in 2017, so he had data from nearly 25 years ago to compare against last year. What did he find? In 1993, 46 casinos in the Las Vegas area offered live keno games; a year ago, there were only 27.

"Keno /kino/ is a lottery-like gambling game often played at modern casinos, and also offered as a game in some lotteries.

Players wager by choosing numbers ranging from 1 through (usually) 80. After all players make their wagers, 20 numbers (some variants draw fewer numbers) are drawn at random, either with a ball machine similar to ones used for lotteries and bingo, or with a random number generator.

Each casino sets its own series of payouts, called "paytables". The player is paid based on how many numbers were chosen (either player selection, or the terminal picking the numbers), the number of matches out of those chosen, and the wager.

There are a wide variety of keno paytables depending on the casino, usually with a larger "house edge" than other games, ranging from less than 4 percent to over 35 percent in online play, and 20-40% in in-person casinos. By way of comparison, the typical house edge for non-slot casino games is under 5%." (Wikipedia)

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From Koala tastings to playing the pokies, it's an upside-down crazy adventure!", linkURL: "https:\/\/\/p\/blunder-down-under-trip-report.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-g4KPQe9Ct5Q\/WfzR3XMSIMI\/AAAAAAAAk2I\/-WoNl5uEMEwPDoAlfbywRtWauP1O-3DNACPcBGAYYCw\/s320\/BlunderDownUnder.jpg"});// Flusher Lost WeekendgridContent.push ({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", date: "Sept 2017", headline: "The Lost Weekend Trip", shortDesc: "An out-of-the-blue weekend trip to Vegas", longDesc: "What could be more appropriate than an out-of-the-blue weekend trip to Vegas? \"My ears are ringing. I have a little bit of a dry cough. My hand is a tad bit shaky as it reaches for a cardboard cup now half full of luke-warm tap water coffee from Mr. Takeout.\"", linkURL: "http:\/\/\/p\/royal-flushers-lost-weekend.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-Lv3ih3g5xZM\/W5h2ad76EzI\/AAAAAAAAxPQ\/-wEw2aV55QsdI2j29eU4WhwjvJwP9ciIACLcBGAs\/s320\/LostWeekend.jpg"});// Flusher LP TripgridContent.push ({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", date: "May 2017", headline: "The LP Vegas Trip Report", shortDesc: "Poon-o-matic Gamble Gauges!", longDesc: "The LP Vegas Trip Report is boss! Aces galore, Poon-o-matic Gamble Gauges, rare LP covers from Royal Flusher Records... what more could you cats want? Don't miss a revolution!", linkURL: "https:\/\/\/p\/royal-flushers-lp-trip-report.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-yGAod2rJ60Y\/WVry_GhY0QI\/AAAAAAAAjYk\/KngDwvY6fK4C76tEFfW29SapukFdvrEoQCLcBGAs\/s400-c\/BigSalamiJohnson1000.jpg"});// Flusher Winny XmasgridContent.push ({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", date: "Dec 2016", headline: "The Winny Christmas Trip", shortDesc: "What's wrong? I'm sick as a Calcutta call girl.", longDesc: "Wynn Las Vegas. Christmastime. What could go wrong? Let's find out, starting with a couple of near-death landing attempts.", linkURL: "http:\/\/\/p\/royal-flushers-wynny-christmas-vegas.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-USs6Y2AH30Q\/WF_3GIXnYmI\/AAAAAAAAgbc\/09_PvVBtwUM0OgB_8cSWw-QZEhX8NzpxgCPcB\/s320\/WynnyXmas.jpg"});// Flusher HallowynngridContent.push ({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", date: "Oct 2016", headline: "The HallowWynn Las Vegas Trip", shortDesc: "Five different Sin City Properties!", longDesc: "Are the costumes packed? Yes they are! Royal Flusher and Quad Queen return to Las Vegas to gamble, party, and frolic in carefully arranged faux fur.", linkURL: "https:\/\/\/p\/royal-flushers-hallowy.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-FSmkQIYo1iA\/WAO1euVeFLI\/AAAAAAAAdQo\/dQtxST3DhnkeXW3OVagkH07fhOlRmKEEQCPcB\/s1600\/Hallowynn1200.jpg"});// Flusher 1K ScroungegridContent.push ({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", date: "June 2016", headline: "The Las Vegas $1K Scrounge Trip", shortDesc: "12 Days in Vegas on $1000???", longDesc: "The challenge... to travel to Las Vegas and stay for 12 days on a gambling budget of $1000US. To make it work, I've pulled every cheap bastard frugally savvy trick I can think of.", linkURL: " -flushers-1000-las-vegas-scrounge.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-hCLn23IA9vU\/W5mzMy4FXHI\/AAAAAAAAxPo\/ZSpvUr6IYqAkfl5ZSAJzgnVgCxY28t6wgCLcBGAs\/s1600\/RoyalFlusher1KScrounge.jpg"}); // Mrs Flusher El Solo gridContent.push({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, date: "May 2016", tag: "Trip Report", headline: "Mrs. Flusher Viva Las Vegas El Solo", shortDesc: "Mrs. Flusher takes on Las Vegas, solo.", longDesc: "Vegas solo, acapella, on her own, and by her lonesome, without me, Royal Flusher, at her side. Serves me right for going on my own! Read on and let\'s see how she did - along with a super secret surprise twist change-up in the middle!", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-jbnqAwc7Ejc\/XAv7N0vNaWI\/AAAAAAAAzTs\/TGMODPmeDBkWCY2hUTpGcz0crOHc_nc7wCLcBGAs\/s320\/MrsFlusherElSolo.jpg", linkURL: "https:\/\/\/p\/no-kickers-trip-report.html", });// Flusher Thumbnail SketchgridContent.push ({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", date: "Jan 2016", headline: "The Thumbnail Sketch Trip Report", shortDesc: "How did a Lyft driver almost kill me?", longDesc: "In one of his worst transgressions, Angelo stopped at an intersection - where there was no stop sign. And in what was probably his worst transgression, at the next intersection, he ran the stop sign.", linkURL: "https:\/\/\/p\/royal-flushers-2016-thumbnail-sketch.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-YiiL-UhGgj4\/W_TFWMDVuSI\/AAAAAAAAzAo\/l0mj9oIkBh4ipV6YkNBjEBNmwZpOsUZ-ACPcBGAYYCw\/s1600\/ThumbnailSketchTrip.jpg"});// Flusher Eyes of MoneygridContent.push ({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", date: "Oct 2015", headline: "In the Eyes of Money Trip Report", shortDesc: "What am I, in the eyes of money???", longDesc: "In the Eyes of Money Trip ReportAnd then I said to the Quad Queen, \"Oh darnit. I got another stupid Royal Flush. I can't seem to stop.", linkURL: "https:\/\/\/p\/in-eyes-of-money-royal-flusher-las.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-zDntgll448M\/W5xPblBXg-I\/AAAAAAAAxQk\/evseF4RxAt03qiz6vK_03RJW6bl9KokkgCLcBGAs\/s320\/eyesofmoney.jpg"});// Flusher Just the FactsgridContent.push ({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", date: "Aug 2015", headline: "Just the Facts Vegas Trip Report", shortDesc: "It started odd, got weird, then strange, then weirder.", longDesc: "How to explain the stuff that happened today??? It started odd, got weird, then strange, then weirder.", linkURL: "https:\/\/\/p\/blog-page_23.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-bXkrKOheIYo\/W50dYFV18QI\/AAAAAAAAxQw\/F3u_NK86ZZQmdFPdpG9cAm_zAye6LEekQCLcBGAs\/s320\/JustTheFactsTrip.jpg"});// Flusher What Goes AroundgridContent.push ({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", date: "May 2015", headline: "What Goes Around Spins Around", shortDesc: "Finally, Reverend Tabernacle's Old Tyme Half and Half Hooker Spray comes in handy.", longDesc: "I groaned with dread. Then I groaned with \"I lost $2,200 on day 1 in Vegas\" remorse. Having used up my freeplay, I set my mercenary Make the Four Queens Pay strategy into effect - they were going to buy me lunch.", linkURL: "https:\/\/\/p\/royal-flushers-what-goes-around-spins.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-kwCcJ1zKJSw\/W56n32OCsqI\/AAAAAAAAxRI\/noqfCY4mIAwv-Dtx4KPcmXSCKfOUitDvgCLcBGAs\/s320\/WhatGoesAroundSpinsAround.jpg"});// Flusher Newd YeargridContent.push ({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", date: "Jan 2015", headline: "Newd Year Trip Report", shortDesc: "It was a 20 hour journey. I lost $500 in 20 minutes and crashed.", longDesc: ""Kenny, that had to be better than my day. The highlight was looking out the window in minus 20 and watching a dog crap on my front yard. Yeah you definitely had a better day." "Well..." said Kenny, and after a pause, "...I don't know. What kind of dog?"", linkURL: "https:\/\/\/p\/newd-year-live-report.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-u8P-RN6wFfw\/W6Bk7E-GMMI\/AAAAAAAAxRc\/mxRNK2-wabkmJLxklCx0jQXWgyR56laawCLcBGAs\/s320\/HappyNewdYear.jpg"});// No Kickers gridContent.push({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, headline: "No Kickers Trip Report", date: "Nov 2014", tag: "Trip Report", shortDesc: "We beat Vegas fair and square.", longDesc: "We did it. We beat them. We beat them fair and square, we beat the crap out of them. We got the money, we got the goods, we got all the shit, they gave us the shit for free. Act like you don't need the shit and they give you the shit for free.", linkURL: "https:\/\/\/p\/no-kickers-trip-report.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-DkvEIJirmEo\/W_TLi521o0I\/AAAAAAAAzA0\/VNatD-CuDYUkOcr4pja2O4FxQVoOzvfSgCEwYBhgL\/s320\/NoKickers.jpg" });// Flusher Kenny LuLUgridContent.push ({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", date: "July 2014", headline: "Kenny and LuLU Trip", shortDesc: "Tacos El Gordo cat-fight in 103 heat? I'm there.", longDesc: "\"Vegas in summer\u2026 how bad could it be anyway?\" This trip report recounts the exciting, thrilling, and oft-times tragic events of my trip to Vegas in July 2014 with Kenny Blankenship and his wife LuLU. Whether it was a 103 degree cat-fight in Tacos El Gordo, or the infamous Wynn Ice Swan Rant that made the difference, this was a Vegas trip like no other.", linkURL: "https:\/\/\/p\/kenny-and-lulu-trip-report.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-Qc-wEOl-4EY\/W_9WtbncAYI\/AAAAAAAAzEk\/fJaBAf5mLbkPbAPVZ0z1n1nQ0yUWozwXwCPcBGAYYCw\/s320\/kennyLuLU.jpg"});// Blue Moon gridContent.push({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", headline: "Cheapstravaganza Blue Moon Trip", date: "Aug 2013", shortDesc: "Make it good, make it cheap!", longDesc: "Vegas is hot in summer, and so is this solo trip report. Vegas for two weeks? Why not?!", linkURL: "https:\/\/\/p\/blog-page_22.html", imageURL: " -UpZXiO6kO-8/Xnd0Wr771bI/AAAAAAAA-sQ/UP91jElmfJAm0J5gIx-kZ15awcZRfIWuACLcBGAsYHQ/s320/BlueMoon.jpg" });// Spirit of Savvy gridContent.push({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", headline: "The Spirit of Savvy", date: "December 2013", shortDesc: "Here's the spirit, where's the savvy?", longDesc: "'I've upped my budget,' I said to the Quad Queen, 'now up yours!'", linkURL: "https:\/\/\/p\/the-spirit-of-savvy-trip-report.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-qzheY_oUXZU\/Xx2LxRXR6kI\/AAAAAAAA_n0\/QHkep9__9yM_IdvBXgdj06h8qUDRXB3cwCLcBGAsYHQ\/s1600\/Spirit%2Bof%2BSavvy.jpg" });// Victory Trip gridContent.push({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", headline: "The Victory Trip", date: "October 2013", shortDesc: "How Victorious is the Victory Trip?", longDesc: "Someday, someday... we'd have such a trip. And this trip would be called The Victory Trip.", linkURL: "https:\/\/\/p\/royal-flushers-victory-trip.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-J-EBwUqZeEI\/X491ZCKOskI\/AAAAAAABAYA\/6cXVaWxFREIRLDHlVy9yzOBL8CEIpSm4gCLcBGAsYHQ\/s320\/Victory%2BTrip%2B2013.jpg" }); // Flusher Stay Free in Vegas articlesgridContent.push ({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", date: "May 2013", headline: "How to Stay Free in Las Vegas!", shortDesc: "Discover how to stay for free in Las Vegas - the Royal Flusher Way.", longDesc: "If you gamble in Vegas, chances are good you'll come home with less money and more pocket lint then you went out with. Why not get something back from the casinos? Discover how to stay for free in Las Vegas - the Royal Flusher Way.", linkURL: "http:\/\/\/p\/how-to-stay-free-in-las-vegas-royal.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-ExgOhfm0Imc\/W7VoEr071yI\/AAAAAAAAxkU\/Sw0hkcwjaz0hHFxeRk5GAXU8ndMkzO2GQCLcBGAs\/s640\/StayFreeInVegas.jpg"});// Revenge2 gridContent.push({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", headline: "Vegas Revenge part 2", date: "April 2012", shortDesc: "They took my money. Now I want it back.", longDesc: "It starts with an amazing, wondrous, perfect Quad Queen solo trip to Vegas. Then Flusher shows up.", linkURL: "https:\/\/\/p\/yup-its-on-again-vegas-revenge-part-2.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-sKtdWp7VQI8\/XrSXWrDY9NI\/AAAAAAAA-3U\/m8OjU55Uh3YA7VmfurtL7l26mEDd1FSQwCK4BGAsYHg\/Revenge2.jpg" });// Plan Your TripgridContent.push ({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", date: "April 2012", headline: "Plan Your Trip, Trip Your Plan", shortDesc: "Solo Vegas Trip! Slot tourny! Mr. Schlingo! Country Throw-up Gravy!", longDesc: "This gem of a solo trip report dates from 2012. It's got everything! Slot tournaments! Mr. Schlingo! The Neon Boneyard! Country Throw-up Gravy! And last but not least... Karma Dinner with Gordon.", linkURL: "https:\/\/\/p\/the-plan-your-trip-trip-your-plan-trip.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-ndJuTHzuW5k\/Xd75Kq1B0rI\/AAAAAAAA8K8\/qn9KmvtX1Z0A3QeqV1G605KISyslB9ZKwCLcBGAsYHQ\/s400\/PlanYourTrip2012.jpg"});// Flusher 40th gridContent.push({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", date: "Nov 2011", headline: "Royal Flusher\'s Fortieth Las Vegas Trip", shortDesc: "Our 40th trip to Las Vegas!", longDesc: "Critically received and recognized internationally as a blog post, this trip report has something for many, including words and phrases!", linkURL: "https:\/\/\/p\/heres-account-of-our-40th-trip-to-las.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-v4ClwPOC_po\/XAvxNL310uI\/AAAAAAAAzTg\/ACFQSW3Cs0AATVhdYHeVwuqsDDNe28xSACLcBGAs\/s320\/fortiethtrip40.jpg" });// Flusher Ooh Las VegasgridContent.push ({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", date: "June 2010", headline: "Ooh Las Vegas Trip Report", shortDesc: "What\'s your landing ritual for Las Vegas?", longDesc: "The Cowboy Junkie\'s \"Ooh Las Vegas\" is perfect for that personal, reflective time when the engines are throttled back on descent and the plane goes quiet as people start to think about how much money they are probably going to lose in the next 3 to 4 days.", linkURL: " -las-vegas-trip-report.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-yBb9ELiB794\/W6ap62oPIVI\/AAAAAAAAxZQ\/waF248P4mQcEktlmv8_EIvCmY0m-Y8WjQCPcBGAYYCw\/s1600\/OohLasVegasTripReport.jpg"});// Flusher Gamble 4 FoodgridContent.push ({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", date: "April 2009", headline: "Will Gamble For Food", shortDesc: "The very first Royal Flusher trip report on", longDesc: "The very first Royal Flusher trip report on The shitshow and degeneracy that are hallmarks of an engaging Las Vegas Trip Report are already evident.", linkURL: " -flushers-will-gamble-4-food-las.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-TlZ9j40qHUM/W7pb1WpVZoI/AAAAAAAAxm8/pqisUj43TvADmI65bapDIL6LXZk2durYACLcBGAs\/s1600\/willgamble4food.jpg"});// Flusher OlympiadgridContent.push ({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", date: "Aug 2008", headline: "Gambling Games of the First Olympiad of Las Vegas", shortDesc: "We created and competed in the ultimate gambling competition.", longDesc: "The summer of 2008. The economy was in the dumper, but what better time to take a Vegas trip! We created and competed in the ultimate gambling competition at the highest levels of the sport in the Gambling Games of the First Olympiad of Las Vegas.", linkURL: "https:\/\/\/p\/royal-flusher-gambling-games-of-first.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-ya44P4oMo6Y\/W6esmIvFs5I\/AAAAAAAAxZ4\/7ACmf09SXkoKOPtLpkhTTV4vnOhDdqygwCLcBGAs\/s320\/GamblingGamesVegasOlympiad.jpg"});// Flusher Vintage 2002gridContent.push ({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", date: "Aug 2002", headline: "Vegas on $19 a Night", shortDesc: "Vintage 2002 Las Vegas Trip Report", longDesc: "Dating from 2002, here, for your reading pleasure, the never before seen anywhere Vegas exploits of Royal Flusher, doing it right, nineteen a night.", linkURL: "https:\/\/\/p\/vintage-report-las-vegas-on-19-night.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-i52T4w7N5rU\/W6bFerbuLvI\/AAAAAAAAxZk\/9L7Cd_Xu9-ssdi4P1_U9P6_zn8v5KSkHwCLcBGAs\/s320\/LasVegasOn19DollarsANight.jpg"});// Flusher Sonyc-VysiongridContent.push ({ type: TRIPREPORT, displayType: PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE_ACROSS, tag: "Trip Report", date: "Dec 1999", headline: "Sonyc-Vysion(tm) Vintage Las Vegas Trip Report (1999)", shortDesc: "Take a trip back with Flusher and experience vintage Vegas.", longDesc: "Sonyc-Vysion(tm) Vintage Las Vegas Trip Report (1999). With Sonyc-Vysion(tm), your senses come alive as your hear the actual sounds that were recorded using highly technical and professional means (through a microphone located near my fly.)", linkURL: "https:\/\/\/p\/blog-page_31.html", imageURL: "https:\/\/\/-0qJ4-jeQp_4\/V8n0tWRfaJI\/AAAAAAAAb9M\/jWVEQq-KXRMcblimOYRwoMCm_9upQPZ0gCLcB\/s320\/RF%2BLogo%2BAnim.gif"}); // set bits in displayTypesFound for any of the display types in the structure for (iItems = 0; iItems < gridContent.length; iItems++) displayTypesFound |= gridContent[iItems].displayType;}// RF EDIT 033 // sets up some size dependent variables function setRFSizeVars(){ if(screen.width > screen.height) { if(screen.width >= 768) rfThumbSize = screen.width * 0.25; else { rfThumbSize = screen.width * 0.30; iSmallScreen = 1; } } else { if(screen.width >= 768) rfThumbSize = screen.width * 0.25; else { rfThumbSize = screen.width * 0.35; iSmallScreen = 1; } } rfThumbSize = Math.round(rfThumbSize);}createItems and other JavaScript code// create panel inside html element:// DIV class="mygrid"// UL class= grid -- class set in html where panels are to appear - must be unique// grid oriented either for repeating columns (portrait) or repeating rows//// panel structure:// LI -- grid oriented either for repeating columns (portrait) or repeating rows// DIV class="mygridheader" - grid area// (a href=TrackingLink id class)(img src=img border alt width height)(a)// // DIV class="mygridfooter" - grid area//// for portrait, all content goes in mygridheader except the button// for landscape, only the image is in mygridheader// for landscape_across, only the image in in mygridheader// headerfooterTarget contains pointer to current grid to use, header or footer// THIS COMES FROM THE CROSSCOL WIDGET// iNumberOfItems - number of cards to create// rootDivID - root DIV of class "mygrid"// iOrientation - PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE or LANDSCAPE_ACROSS// bRandom - choose items at random (otherwise choose in order)// bWantButton - guess what this does// liElement ID - if not null, is an LI element inside existing UL inside existing mygrid DIV into which to render content// In this case, do not create container UL// iItemType - campaign and banner/text codes// ver 2.01 2019-06-1// change argument to iNumItemsWanted, change sequential logicfunction createItems(iNumberOfItems, rootDivID, iOrientation, bRandom, bWantButton, liElementID, iItemType) { var iListItem, ulElementID, tempElHandle, mygridheaderElement, mygridfooterElement, headerFooterTarget, aElement, buttonTarget, ULClass, LIClass; var targetElement = ""; // if gridContent has none of the wanted item types, bail if (!(iOrientation & displayTypesFound)) return; // if no LI provided into which to render the item, create the needed UL inside the passed rootDivID DIV if (!liElementID) { // create the UL for the whole grid inside the passed div ulElementID = document.createElement('ul'); rootDivID.appendChild(ulElementID); // set the UL and LI class types based on the passed orientation // the values set match the css classes switch (iOrientation) { case PORTRAIT: { ULClass = "ulPortrait";LIClass = "liPortrait"; break; }; case LANDSCAPE: { ULClass = "ulLandscape";LIClass = "liLandscape"; break; }; case LANDSCAPE_ACROSS: { ULClass = "ulLandscapeAcross";LIClass = "liLandscapeAcross"; break; }; } // set the class type - determines the grid css ulElementID.setAttribute('class', ULClass); } // create the number of items asked for iListItem = 0; for (iItem = 0; iItem < iNumberOfItems; iItem++) { // if bRandom, choose randomly, else show in sequence if (bRandom) { var iSafetyValve = 0; // randomly choose an item to display, constrict by number of items in array // if it is not of the right type, try again do { iListItem = Math.floor(gridContent.length * Math.random()); if (++iSafetyValve > 500) return; } while (!((gridContent[iListItem].displayType & iOrientation) && (gridContent[iListItem].type & iItemType))); } else { // search for items sequentially until we run out of items to try while (!((gridContent[iListItem].displayType & iOrientation) && (gridContent[iListItem].type & iItemType))) { if (++iListItem >= gridContent.length) { // out of items return; } } } // if no LI provided into which to render the item, create an LI inside the UL if (!liElementID) { // make a unique target LI element name targetElement = "li" + iItem.toString(); // add LI with computed id for panel under parent UL tempElHandle = document.createElement('li'); tempElHandle.setAttribute('id', targetElement); tempElHandle.setAttribute('class', LIClass); ulElementID.appendChild(tempElHandle); // render the item into the LI item we created createItemLiContents(tempElHandle, gridContent[iListItem], iOrientation, bWantButton, false); } else { // render the item into the passed LI item createItemLiContents(liElementID, gridContent[iListItem], iOrientation, bWantButton, false); } if (++iListItem >= gridContent.length) { // out of items for sequential style return; } }}// createItemLiContents() creates HTML for a card and inserts it into the DIV passed// a structure from (or similar to one from) gridContent[] is passed in cardData// cards can be created in various orientations // content is split into two DIVs - one with class mygridheader, the other mygridfooter// 2019 MAY// targetLI - the LI element into which to create the content// iListItem - index into the gridContent array of card data// iOrientation - PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE or LANDSCAPE_ACROSS// bWantButton - boolean to create a button or not// bSwapSides - reverse header and footerfunction createItemLiContents(targetLI, cardData, iOrientation, bWantButton, bSwapSides) { var tempElHandle, divEl, mygridheaderElement, mygridfooterElement, headerFooterTarget, buttonTarget, imgClassName; var targetElement = ""; var aHeaderElement = ""; var aFooterElement = ""; // console.log(cardData); // MYGRIDHEADER create mygridheader div inside passed LI mygridheaderElement = document.createElement('div'); mygridheaderElement.className = 'mygridheader'; // MYGRIDFOOTER create mygridfooter div inside passed LI mygridfooterElement = document.createElement('div'); // CSS set the correct class to select the css to style the footer // and the img tag as well switch (iOrientation) { case PORTRAIT: { mygridfooterElement.className = 'mygridfooter'; imgClassName = 'imgPortrait'; break; }; case LANDSCAPE: { mygridfooterElement.className = 'mygridfooterLandscape'; imgClassName = 'imgLandscape'; break; }; case LANDSCAPE_ACROSS: { mygridfooterElement.className = 'mygridfooterLandscapeAcross'; imgClassName = 'imgLandscapeAcross'; break; } } if(bSwapSides) { var tempElement = mygridheaderElement; mygridheaderElement = mygridfooterElement; mygridfooterElement = tempElement; } targetLI.appendChild(mygridheaderElement); targetLI.appendChild(mygridfooterElement); // html elements created will be inserted in whichever DIV headerFooterTarget points to // target the header headerFooterTarget = mygridheaderElement; // A link - for header and footer, if there is a linkURL // other elements (imageURL, headline) may get inserted into it // if there is no linkURL, set them to the default header and footer divs // some elements that are // created later will target the A elements as the parent. They'll get inserted into an // A element if it was created, else they'll just be inserted into headerFooterTarget. if (cardData.linkURL) { aHeaderElement = document.createElement('a'); aHeaderElement.setAttribute('href', cardData.linkURL); mygridheaderElement.appendChild(aHeaderElement); aFooterElement = document.createElement('a'); aFooterElement.setAttribute('href', cardData.linkURL); mygridfooterElement.appendChild(aFooterElement); } else { aHeaderElement = mygridheaderElement; aFooterElement = mygridfooterElement; } // TODO - still have to handle mygridfooterLandscapeAcross // create IMG if (cardData.imageURL) cardCreateIMG(cardData, cardData.imageURLClassID, cardData.imageURLID, aHeaderElement); if (cardData.dateAboveHeadline) cardCreateSimpleTag(cardData.dateAboveHeadline, "h4", "", "", aFooterElement); // H3 headline if (cardData.headline) cardCreateSimpleTag(cardData.headline, "H3", cardData.headlineClassID, "", aFooterElement); // if landscape mode, target the remaining elements to footer // if ((iOrientation & LANDSCAPE) | (iOrientation & LANDSCAPE_ACROSS)) headerFooterTarget = mygridfooterElement; if (cardData.tag && !((iOrientation & LANDSCAPE) || (iOrientation & LANDSCAPE_ACROSS))) cardCreateSimpleTag(cardData.tag, "h4", "", "", headerFooterTarget); if ( cardCreateSimpleTag(, "h4", "", "", headerFooterTarget); if ((cardData.shortDesc) && (iOrientation & LANDSCAPE)) cardCreateSimpleTag(cardData.shortDesc, "p", cardData.shortDescClassID, "", headerFooterTarget); if (cardData.longDesc && !(iOrientation & LANDSCAPE)) cardCreateSimpleTag(cardData.longDesc, "p", cardData.longDescClassID, "", headerFooterTarget); // HTMLBODY - create provided HTML in header if tag exists if (cardData.htmlBody) { cardCreateSimpleTag(cardData.htmlBody, "div", "", "", headerFooterTarget); } // add link text to A but after the img so it appears below it //if(gridContent[iListItem].linkText) //aElement.innerHTML = aElement.innerHTML + gridContent[iListItem].linkText; // check for BUTTON text if (!cardData.button) bWantButton = false; // create BUTTON in footer for both portrait and landscape, if wanted // // TODO - rejig this whole approach. button: "button text", If that exists, create the button with that text, else no button // probably have to add buttonURL: " " If that exists, use as URL target, else use linkURL if (cardData.button) { //if (0) { // create a div to center the button divEl = document.createElement('div'); = 'text-align: center;'; if (iOrientation & LANDSCAPE) = + ' padding-bottom: 10px'; mygridfooterElement.appendChild(divEl); tempElHandle = document.createElement('button'); tempElHandle.setAttribute('class', 'btn'); tempElHandle.setAttribute('formtarget', "_blank"); buttonTarget = "location.href = '" + cardData.linkURL + "'"; tempElHandle.setAttribute('onclick', "location.href = '" + cardData.linkURL + "'"); tempElHandle.innerHTML = cardData.button; divEl.appendChild(tempElHandle); }}function cardCreateIMG(cardData, className, idName, parentElement) { var imgElement; // IMG tag imgElement = document.createElement('img'); imgElement.src = cardData.imageURL; // set the class imgElement.className = className; = idName; // BORDER ALT WIDTH and HEIGHT tags if (cardData.imgBorder != null) imgElement.setAttribute('border', cardData.imgBorder); if (cardData.imgAlt != null) imgElement.setAttribute('alt', cardData.imgAlt); if (cardData.imgWidth != null) imgElement.setAttribute('width', cardData.imgWidth); if (cardData.imgHeight != null) imgElement.setAttribute('height', cardData.imgHeight); parentElement.appendChild(imgElement);}function cardCreateSimpleTag(contentStr, htmlTag, className, idName, parentElement) { var newElement; newElement = document.createElement(htmlTag); if (className) newElement.className = className; if (idName) = idName; newElement.innerHTML = contentStr; parentElement.appendChild(newElement);}// call loadUpArray to load all the items into gridContent[]loadUpArray();setRFSizeVars();// randomBanner - this comes from the crosscol gadget in the layout// inserts a randomly selected item in LANDSCAPE into the calling location// 1.07 2018-05-09function randomBanner() { // test if irMakeViewableAd is loaded - adblock blocks it if (typeof(irMakeViewableAd) === typeof(Function)) { // get the the parent of this javascript code var bannerDiv, parentTag, scriptTag; scriptTag = document.currentScript; parentTag = scriptTag.parentNode; // create a new div bannerDiv = document.createElement('div'); bannerDiv.setAttribute('class', 'mygrid'); parentTag.appendChild(bannerDiv); // create 1 random item // createItems(iNumberOfItems, rootDivID, iOrientation, bRandom, bWantButton, liElementID, iItemType) createItems(1, bannerDiv, LANDSCAPE, true, false, null, ANYANY); }}Item Render Code// LIVE// insertItemInElement v 2.00 2019-06-05// creates a div bannerDiv to hold an item and inserts it in the passed element contentEl// calls createItems() to create the item code inside bannerDivfunction insertItemInElement(tagEl, contentEl) { var bannerDiv, iIndex; // create a new div to hold the item bannerDiv = document.createElement('div'); bannerDiv.setAttribute('class', 'mygrid'); // if the tag el chosen to hold the item is also the last child of the content, append bannerDiv to the end if (contentEl.lastChild == tagEl) { contentEl.lastChild.appendChild(bannerDiv); } else { // otherwise, insert bannerDiv at tagEl tagEl.parentNode.insertBefore(bannerDiv, tagEl); } // create the item, no button. Pass null for liElementID so one will be created // iNumberOfItems, rootDivID, iOrientation, bRandom, bWantButton, liElementID, iItemType createItems(1, bannerDiv, LANDSCAPE, true, false, null, MGMBANNER | CETBANNER);}function insertItemInPost(containerElId) { var parentEl, contentEl, tagEl, tagArrayEls, bannerDiv; // get a handle to the div that contains content contentEl = document.getElementById(containerElId); // insert ad after n instances of HTML tag eg. br, hr, h1, h2 // get an array of all the instances of the target tag tagArrayEls = contentEl.getElementsByTagName('br'); // add first item and every n tags after that for(iIndex = 8; iIndex < tagArrayEls.length; iIndex += 40) { if(iIndex < tagArrayEls.length) { insertItemInElement(tagArrayEls[iIndex], contentEl); } } // if there were enough tags for 2 ads, and enough tags after last ad before end, add one at end. // if((tagArrayEls.length % 48) > 24)// {// insertItemInElement(tagArrayEls[tagArrayEls.length - 4], contentEl); // } }// This is inside ITEM RENDER CODE WidgetINDEXNORMAL = 1;INDEXREVERSED = 2;var iIndexDirection = INDEXNORMAL;var iIndexOffset = 0;var iIndexMaxOutput = 0;var iIndexShowItems = true;// listpoststogrid v 1.02 2018-06-10// callback function provided to RSS feed call that returns posts with matching label(s)// e.g. the RSS call returns info for matching posts in a json structure// this function creates a mygrid class grid to hold cards, one for each post, for trip index pages// direction that the posts are traversed is controlled by iIndexDirection// First, it creates a div of class mygrid as a child of the current element in the html post// Then it creates the UL element to hold the LI elements. Each card is an LI element.// Then it walks through the json data, either frontward or backward, and calls// tripIndexPostGrid(), passing the current json item for one post. This function renders// the post info into a card ie an LI element function listpoststogrid(json) { var iListItem, ulElementID, tempElHandle, mygridheaderElement, mygridfooterElement, headerFooterTarget, aElement, buttonTarget, ULClass, LIClass; var targetElement = ""; var iOrientation = LANDSCAPE_ACROSS; var rootDivID, parentTag, scriptTag; iOrientation = iTripOrientation; // if on small screen, use LANDSCAPE, which is a smaller card if(iSmallScreen) iOrientation = LANDSCAPE; // get the the parent of this hunk of javascript code i.e. this listpoststogrid fn scriptTag = document.currentScript; parentTag = scriptTag.parentNode; // create a new mygrid div rootDivID= document.createElement('div'); rootDivID.setAttribute('class', 'mygrid'); parentTag.appendChild(rootDivID); // create the UL for the whole grid inside the passed div ulElementID = document.createElement('ul'); rootDivID.appendChild(ulElementID); // set the UL and LI class types based on the passed orientation // the values set match the css classes switch (iOrientation) { case PORTRAIT: { ULClass = "ulPortrait";LIClass = "liPortrait"; break; } case LANDSCAPE: { ULClass = "ulLandscape";LIClass = "liLandscape"; break; } case LANDSCAPE_ACROSS: { ULClass = "ulLandscapeAcross";LIClass = "liLandscapeAcross"; break; } } // set the class type - determines the grid css ulElementID.setAttribute('class', ULClass); if(iIndexDirection == INDEXNORMAL) { var iStart = json.feed.entry.length - 1; if(iIndexOffset < json.feed.entry.length) iStart -= iIndexOffset; var iEnd = 0; if(iIndexMaxOutput > 0 && (iIndexMaxOutput < iStart)) iEnd = iStart - (iIndexMaxOutput - 1); for (var i = iStart; i >= iEnd; i--) { // there are multiple urls for each entry - the one we want is the alternate link - it links to the post for (var j = 0; j < json.feed.entry[i].link.length; j++) { if (json.feed.entry[i].link[j].rel == 'alternate') { break; } } // create the grid item for the post tripIndexPostGrid(json.feed.entry[i], json.feed.entry[i].link[j], i, ulElementID, LIClass, iOrientation, 14); } } else { var iStart = 0; if((iIndexOffset < json.feed.entry.length)) iStart += iIndexOffset; var iEnd = json.feed.entry.length - 1; if((iIndexMaxOutput > 0) && iIndexMaxOutput < (json.feed.entry.length - 1 - iStart)) iEnd = iStart + iIndexMaxOutput - 1; for (var i = iStart; i 2351a5e196

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