Rather than disabling access control on VcXSrv, you should use the .Xauthority file to share keys between your X11 clients and the VcXSrv X11 server. The .Xauthority contains a collection of authorization keys indexed by the DISPLAY . You'll need to setup this file with a key for your particular Windows host and share that file between the VcXSrv and your X11 clients running on your WSL2 distro. To setup this, follow these steps:

or check out Using VcXsrv Windows X Server, add VcXsrv windows server exe to the Firewall ^ , create a Shortcut (.lnk) to the VcXsrv.exe and put it to the Autostart in your Startmenu .

And open a Terminal like at the Description from Alexil and make do the rest so that the display is exported

Download Vcxsrv Windows X Server

DOWNLOAD šŸ”„ https://tiurll.com/2y2QVk šŸ”„

I added instructions for using xauth with VcXSrv. Disabling access control is a really bad idea as anyone on your network can log any keys you enter or mouse movements etc simply by connectiong to your VcXSrv . Its very easy to setup a .Xauthority that you can share between different clients allowing them to connect to your server. This will at least allow you to control who can connect to your server.

(Many tutorials will talk about setting DISPLAY to just ":0", but this indicates that AF_UNIX sockets should be used, which makes sense on Unix-like systems but most likely won't be supported by Windows X servers.)

This takes the IP address of your host machine (conveniently used as a nameserver in your WSL Linux environment for DNS lookups) and sets it as the Display remote location (with :0 for the display number appended).

Windows X-server based on the xorg git sources (like xming or cygwin's xwin), but compiled with Visual C++ 2012 Express Edition. Source code can also be compiled with VS2008, VS2008 Express Edition and VS2010 Express Edition, although current project and makefile are not fully compatible anymore.

NOTE: If you close the X-server by right clicking the X icon in the tray and selecting "exit" OR you restart your computer OR it closes for any other reason, you can just relaunch XLaunch and follow the configuration steps.

I want to run IDEA in WSL(windows subsystem for linux) so I followed wsl-tutorial. But I don't want xfce4 desktop because costs performance, so I just install needed GUI packages and run IDEA succussfully. But unfortunately I can't type Chinese in it using Windows-pinyin IME, so I have to install xfce4 and fcitx-pinyin then it works.

If the pop-up doesn't appear, or if you gave it the wrong permissions by mistake, you can just change the permissions manually. To do so, open Windows Security app and go to Firewall & network protection -> Allow an app through firewall and ensure VcXsrv windows x server has both permissions.

The last step is to set the DISPLAY environment variable on our WSL 2 Linux instance. We need to configure the Windows host's IP address as DISPLAY (where the VcXsrv X server is running). Also, because WSL 2 network changes on every restart, so the Windows host's IP does too, it's needed to dynamically set this value on WSL2 launch.

If you can't see any icon, just start the server by double-clicking on the config file you saved when installing. It will launch VcXsrv server with the configuration on that file. You can open the file with a text editor, if you want to check the configuration inside.

If you have followed all the above steps, you should be able to execute GUI apps within WSL2 already. Let's try with the x11-apps, some very low resources and low dependencies apps made for testing X server configurations.

I particularly had an issue trying to use the default 0.0 display as my X server. Indeed, trying to use 0.0 will make the X server to crash on my Windows machine. It took me a few hours to realize, after searching on Google for a while and trying multiple different fixing options.

I assume you also set "set DISPLAY=localhost:0.0" on the archlinux system (the remove host where the X11 clients run)?

That's wrong - the $DISPLAY on the ssh server must point to the X11 server (which is typically the ssh client, your windows machine) and is typically exported by "ssh -Y"

I have zero experience w/ VcXsrv but

1. don't set the DISPLAY on the X11 server (VcXsrv) to match the client value - you expect the server to communicate the proper display to the client. If you had previously configure the VcXsrv display to be 10 and that got communicated, that's however good.

2. "localhost:10.0" is wrong for sure (I assume VcXsrv confuses "localhost" for a domain), because no X11 server is running on "localhost" (ie. *this* machine) from the X11 client (ssh server, archlinux) perspective - try to set the client DISPLAY (ie. on the remote system) to the IP of the windows system.

Neatless to say that this will enable you to use linux / macOS software on your windows host without messing with some hacks. Also this will prevent your maschine from having leftover dependencies when removing the app because it all stays wrapped up in a docker container.

First of all, install VcXsrv Windows X Server. We could use Xming also, but the package for windows hasn't been updated since 2013. The easiest way would be to use Chocolatey which is by the way my favorite package manager for windows!

So fire up a powershell session and run:

as of my understanding windows server core it not capable of running such GUI applications by default. I researched that and came across this article on medium which has some information on how to add GUI capabilities to windows server core.

I ran docker login successfully but that didnt change anything. I'm trying to get a vncserver with xterm working in a docker container but im very new to all of this. I wanted to test your code to see if i can get a GUI up and running.

Once you have an X server running (as explained in this article), if you use SSH, your SSH client should be able to handle passing back the interface automatically. (Usually referred to as X-Forwarding.)

In the Git bash or the windows command line (cmd) terminal, before you connect to an ssh server, you have to set the used display.Under normal circumstances, VcXsrv will start the Xserver as display 0.0. If for some reason the remote graphical userinterface does not start later on, you can check, the actual display by right-clicking on the tray-icon of the X Serverand select Show log.Search for DISPLAY in the log file, and you will find something like:

MobaXterm is a nicely integrated product that combines the SSH client, X server, and SFTP client into one easy-to-get-started and easy-to-use application. It is free for personal use and can be downloaded from here. (Note that MobaXterm apparently uses Cygwin/X and PuTTY under the covers.)

I think I found the issue. I forgot that I had to install an Xserver for Windows:

Ā SourceForge VcXsrv Windows X ServerDownload VcXsrv Windows X Server for free. Windows X-server based on the xorg git sources (like xming or cygwin's xwin), but compiled with Visual C++ 2012 Express Edition. Source code can also be compiled with VS2008, VS2008 Express Edition and...

At this point your remote server is already configured to allow ssh +X11 forwarding. if you log into your remote server and run a graphical program (assuming it is installed) the program will magically appear in front of you. Be aware that it will take over your terminal unless you push it to the background with ampersand (&), for instance:

Xnest is both an X11 server and X11 client. There is a lot written about it, so again, google is your friend if you want more information. Once insalled, create a new script called remote_session.sh, make it executable and edit it:

The bash script is very simple and is in three parts.

The first line calls Xnest, starting a new X11 server, fully windowed with the dimensions 1500900, you will need to adjust this to your preferred resolution. Then export will tell all your graphical programs to use Xnest, rather than your original X11 server. This will only apply to programs run from your current terminal. Finally, the last command, ssh will connect remotely to your server and run lxsession, the lxde session manager. If it is all successful, you should have a new window appear with a full desktop session appearing in it.

There's also a neat application where you can launch individual apps you have installed in WSL with a GUI interface that works with VcXsrv because it can open apps without an entire desktop experience: -windows-toolbar-launcher

To properly secure the daemon, we need to secure the windows firewall. This is so not anyone on your network can start sending graphical programs to your display, but probably more concerning, stealing clipboard data.

I have WSL set up on a WINDOWS 10 PRO machine which I generally use for development. And I have gotten X apps to display properly within the windows WM and everything seemed fine; however, no matter what I try, it appears that I cannot use the mouse buttons on any of the windows. I can use them on the root to pull up menus; but when I try to close or expand or change individual windows, the mouse keys do not function at all. I have tried both in Multiple Windows, One Large Window, and Fullscreen.

I have Leap with lightdm and using DISPLAYMANAGER_REMOTE_ACCESS=yes allows remote login via XDMCP. You are probably confused - option you mention applies to X server on openSUSE, but X server you intend to work with runs on Windows, so this option is irrelevant for your case. At least that is how I interpret

We need to run the linux programs on the windows machine (via Xming or VcXsrv)

You probably want to display results of Lunux program on Windows, not run Linux program on Windows (which is not possible anyway).

It cannot sort anything, because X server on openSUSE is not even contacted when program displays output on X server on Windows. It is your server on Windows that needs to listen to ports on TCP and allow remote connections from client on other hosts. ff782bc1db

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