The uuencode command first appeared in Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) 4.0. BSD was an operating system (OS) based on the source code of the Research Unix OS developed at Bell Labs in the 1970s. Although BSD and its derivatives were eventually discontinued, its descendants are used by many current proprietary OSes, including Apple's macOS and iOS.

uuencoding is a form of binary-to-text encoding that originated in the Unix programs uuencode and uudecode written by Mary Ann Horton at the University of California, Berkeley in 1980,[1] for encoding binary data for transmission in email systems.

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The name "uuencoding" is derived from Unix-to-Unix Copy, i.e. "Unix-to-Unix encoding" is a safe encoding for the transfer of arbitrary files from one Unix system to another Unix system but without guarantee that the intervening links would all be Unix systems. Since an email message might be forwarded through or to computers with different character sets or through transports which are not 8-bit clean, or handled by programs that are not 8-bit clean, forwarding a binary file via email might cause it to be corrupted. By encoding such data into a character subset common to most character sets, the encoded form of such data files was unlikely to be "translated" or corrupted, and would thus arrive intact and unchanged at the destination. The program uudecode reverses the effect of uuencode, recreating the original binary file exactly. uuencode/decode became popular for sending binary (and especially compressed) files by email and posting to Usenet newsgroups, etc.

I am trying to attach one file and send few echo messages in the Body of an email using mailx and uuencode. I have below command which I have added them together, and uuencode doesn't work properly but I get echo message properly in my email.

uuencode doesn't read stdin if you give it an input filename as you have done here. That's because it encodes a single file. if you want to encode two files, you need to combine them together somehow first. You could just use cat if concantenating them is ok:

Mimencode is intended to be a replacement for uuencode for mail and news use. The reason is simple: uuencode doesn't work very well in a number of circumstances and ways. In particular, uuencode uses characters that don't translate well across all mail gateways (particularly ASCII EBCDIC gateways). Also, uuencode is not standard -- there are several variants floating around, encoding and decoding things in different and incompatible ways, with no "standard" on which to base an implementation. Finally, uuencode does not generally work well in a pipe, although some variants have been modified to do so. Mimencode implements the encodings which were defined for MIME as uuencode replacements, and should be considerably more robust for email use.

Uuencode file in_file into file out_file. The uuencoded file will havethe header specifying name and mode as the defaults for the results ofdecoding the file. The default defaults are taken from in_file, or '-'and 0o666 respectively. If backtick is true, zeros are represented by'`' instead of spaces.

This call decodes uuencoded file in_file placing the result on fileout_file. If out_file is a pathname, mode is used to set the permissionbits if the file must be created. Defaults for out_file and mode are takenfrom the uuencode header. However, if the file specified in the header alreadyexists, a uu.Error is raised.

This means that i now have 513 bytes of data in total. My question is, is this a fault with my uuencode algorithm (although from a purely mathematical perspective i cant see how it can be) or alternatively, where does the extra byte come from, and how do i get rid of it again?

But uuencode/uudecode is not on my system, and as I look around, the yum/rpm process is ugly--this gives me the clue that maybe no one uses it any more and instead there is something more modern to do this.

The uuencode utility shall write an encoded version of the named input file, or standard input if no file isspecified, to standard output. The output shall be encoded using one of the algorithms described in the STDOUT section and shallinclude the file access permission bits (in chmod octal or symbolic notation) of theinput file and the decode_pathname, for re-creation of the file on another system that conforms to this volume ofIEEE Std 1003.1-2001.

The encoding process represents 24-bit groups of input bits as output strings of four encoded characters. Proceeding from leftto right, a 24-bit input group shall be formed by concatenating three 8-bit input groups. Each 24-bit input group then shall betreated as four concatenated 6-bit groups, each of which shall be translated into a single digit in the Base64 alphabet. Whenencoding a bit stream via the Base64 encoding, the bit stream shall be presumed to be ordered with the most-significant bit first.That is, the first bit in the stream shall be the high-order bit in the first byte, and the eighth bit shall be the low-order bitin the first byte, and so on. Each 6-bit group is used as an index into an array of 64 printable characters, as shown in uuencode Base64 Values.

Since this utility is intended to create files to be used for data interchange between systems with possibly different codesets,and to represent binary data as a text file, the ISO/IEC 646:1991 standard was chosen for a midpoint in the algorithm as aknown reference point. The output from uuencode is a text file on the local system. If the output were in theISO/IEC 646:1991 standard codeset, it might not be a text file (at least because the s might not match), andthe goal of creating a text file would be defeated. If this text file was then carried to another machine with the same codeset, itwould be perfectly compatible with that system's uudecode. If it was transmittedover a mail system or sent to a machine with a different codeset, it is assumed that, as for every other text file, sometranslation mechanism would convert it (by the time it reached a user on the other system) into an appropriate codeset. Thistranslation only makes sense from the local codeset, not if the file has been put into a ISO/IEC 646:1991 standardrepresentation first. Similarly, files processed by uuencode can be placed in paxarchives, intermixed with other text files in the same codeset.

A new algorithm was added at the request of the international community to parallel work in RFC 2045 (MIME). As with thehistorical uuencode format, the Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding is designed to represent arbitrary sequences of octets in aform that is not humanly readable. A 65-character subset of the ISO/IEC 646:1991 standard is used, enabling 6 bits to berepresented per printable character. (The extra 65th character, '=', is used to signify a special processingfunction.)

This subset has the important property that it is represented identically in all versions of the ISO/IEC 646:1991 standard,including US ASCII, and all characters in the subset are also represented identically in all versions of EBCDIC. The historicaluuencode algorithm does not share this property, which is the reason that a second algorithm was added to theISO POSIX-2 standard.

uuencode dates from the really old days of UNIX, before MIME mailers were around. back in those days, to schlepp bytes around in text only environments (e.g, Mail, netnews/usenet) you'd have to manually encode the file to be 7-bit character safe. Then the receiver would have to manually save the file someplace, possibly concatenate and order multipe mails/postings, run uudecode (which was smart enough to ignore anything outside of BEGIN/END blocks) and get the binary file. But we don't need to do that anymore, at least not for mail.

So, you already do MIME Base64 encoding, which blows up the file a bit more than 33% if you're curious about the hit to your bandwidth allocation. To do uuencode/uudecode would just add even more work on both yours and the receiver's side.

I don't think you can tell exactly how large the uuencoded content will be as it depends on the actual content but it is stated to be at least 40% larger than the original in the disadvantages section on Wikipedia.

Replace original_filename with the name of yourbinary file. Replace final_filename with thename that you want the file to have when it is eventually decoded(usually the same as original_filename). Replaceencoded_filename with the name you want to give theuuencoded version of the binary as it will appear in your directory.

The original binary file is unchanged, and theuuencoded file myfile.uue is now located in your currentdirectory. The greater-than character (>) is used to redirectoutput; it takes the output of the uuencode command and directs itinto the file myfile.uue (rather than onto your screen).

The purpose of the uuencode program is to translate a binary file thatcontains unprintable (non-text) characters into a format that isentirely readable. This prevents mail, news, and terminal programsfrom misinterpreting non-text characters as special instructions. Atext file produced by uuencode may thus be mailed as an ordinary mailmessage and later uudecoded into its original binary form by therecipient. The uuencoded file is usually larger than the originalbinary file, because the unprintable characters in the binary file areexpanded into multiple readable characters.

You have searched for filenames that contain uuencode in suite bookworm, all sections, and architecture(s) i386.Found 65 results.FilePackages/usr/bin/gmime-uuencode gmime-bin /usr/bin/uuencode sharutils /usr/include/claws-mail/common/uuencode.h libclaws-mail-dev /usr/include/cxxtools/uuencode.h libcxxtools-dev /usr/include/php/20220829/ext/standard/php_uuencode.h php8.2-dev /usr/include/sylph/uuencode.h libsylph-dev /usr/include/vmime/utility/encoder/uuEncoder.hpp libvmime-dev /usr/lib/erlang/lib/inets-8.2.2/examples/server_root/icons/uuencoded.gif erlang-examples /usr/share/apache2/icons/uuencoded.gif apache2-data /usr/share/apache2/icons/uuencoded.png apache2-data /usr/share/doc/ant/api/org/apache/tools/ant/util/UUEncoder.html ant-doc /usr/share/doc/libcxxtools-dev/examples/uuencode.cpp libcxxtools-dev /usr/share/doc/libgmime-3.0-dev/examples/uuencode.c libgmime-3.0-doc /usr/share/doc/libmail-java/api/com/sun/mail/util/UUEncoderStream.html libmail-java-doc /usr/share/doc/libmail-java/api/com/sun/mail/util/class-use/UUEncoderStream.html libmail-java-doc /usr/share/doc/libvmime1-doc/html/classvmime_1_1utility_1_1encoder_1_1uuEncoder-members.html libvmime1-doc /usr/share/doc/libvmime1-doc/html/classvmime_1_1utility_1_1encoder_1_1uuEncoder.html libvmime1-doc /usr/share/doc/libvmime1-doc/html/classvmime_1_1utility_1_1encoder_1_1uuEncoder.js libvmime1-doc /usr/share/doc/libvmime1-doc/html/ libvmime1-doc /usr/share/doc/libvmime1-doc/html/classvmime_1_1utility_1_1encoder_1_1uuEncoder__coll__graph.png libvmime1-doc /usr/share/doc/libvmime1-doc/html/ libvmime1-doc /usr/share/doc/libvmime1-doc/html/classvmime_1_1utility_1_1encoder_1_1uuEncoder__inherit__graph.png libvmime1-doc /usr/share/doc/libvmime1-doc/html/uuEncoder_8cpp.html libvmime1-doc /usr/share/doc/libvmime1-doc/html/ libvmime1-doc /usr/share/doc/libvmime1-doc/html/uuEncoder_8cpp__incl.png libvmime1-doc /usr/share/doc/libvmime1-doc/html/uuEncoder_8hpp.html libvmime1-doc /usr/share/doc/libvmime1-doc/html/ libvmime1-doc /usr/share/doc/libvmime1-doc/html/uuEncoder_8hpp__dep__incl.png libvmime1-doc /usr/share/doc/libvmime1-doc/html/ libvmime1-doc /usr/share/doc/libvmime1-doc/html/uuEncoder_8hpp__incl.png libvmime1-doc /usr/share/doc/sharutils/shar-mixed_002duuencode.html sharutils-doc /usr/share/doc/sharutils/shar-uuencode.html sharutils-doc /usr/share/doc/sharutils/uuencode-Bugs.html sharutils-doc /usr/share/doc/sharutils/uuencode-History.html sharutils-doc /usr/share/doc/sharutils/uuencode-Invocation.html sharutils-doc /usr/share/doc/sharutils/uuencode-See-Also.html sharutils-doc /usr/share/doc/sharutils/uuencode-Standards.html sharutils-doc /usr/share/doc/sharutils/uuencode-base64.html sharutils-doc /usr/share/doc/sharutils/uuencode-config.html sharutils-doc /usr/share/doc/sharutils/uuencode-encode_002dfile_002dname.html sharutils-doc /usr/share/doc/sharutils/uuencode-exit-status.html sharutils-doc /usr/share/doc/sharutils/uuencode-usage.html sharutils-doc /usr/share/doc/smartlist/examples/uuencode.dif smartlist /usr/share/doc/tcl-trf-doc/html/uuencode.html tcl-trf-doc /usr/share/doc/tcllib/html/uuencode.html tcllib /usr/share/doc/yaws-doc/examples/www/icons/uuencoded.gif yaws-doc /usr/share/images/http-icons/uuencoded.gif http-icons /usr/share/images/http-icons/uuencoded.png http-icons /usr/share/man/de/man5/uuencode.5.gz manpages-de /usr/share/man/ja/man1/uuencode.1.gz manpages-ja /usr/share/man/ja/man5/uuencode.5.gz manpages-ja /usr/share/man/man1/gmime-uuencode.1.gz gmime-bin /usr/share/man/man1/uuencode.1.gz sharutils /usr/share/man/man1/uuencode.1posix.gz manpages-posix /usr/share/man/man3/Apache::Session::Serialize::UUEncode.3pm.gz libapache-session-perl /usr/share/man/man3/scan_uuencoded.3.gz libowfat-dev /usr/share/man/man3/uuencode.3tcl.gz tcllib /usr/share/man/man3/uuencode.3trf.gz tcl-trf-doc /usr/share/man/man5/uuencode.5.gz sharutils /usr/share/man/pl/man5/uuencode.5.gz manpages-pl /usr/share/man/zh_CN/man1/uuencode.1.gz manpages-zh /usr/share/man/zh_TW/man1/uuencode.1.gz manpages-zh /usr/share/perl5/Apache/Session/Serialize/ libapache-session-perl /usr/share/tcltk/tcllib1.21/base64/uuencode.tcl tcllib /usr/share/xemacs21/xemacs-packages/etc/w3/uuencoded.document.xbm xemacs21-basesupport FilePackages This page is also available in the following languages (How to set the default document language): ff782bc1db

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