I am trying to attach one file and send few echo messages in the Body of an email using mailx and uuencode. I have below command which I have added them together, and uuencode doesn't work properly but I get echo message properly in my email.

uuencode doesn't read stdin if you give it an input filename as you have done here. That's because it encodes a single file. if you want to encode two files, you need to combine them together somehow first. You could just use cat if concantenating them is ok:

Download Uuencode For Linux

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The uuencode command converts a binary file to ASCII data before using BNU (or uucp) mail to send the file to a remote system. The uudecode command converts ASCII data created by the uuencode command back into its original binary form.

The uuencode command takes the named SourceFile (default standard input) and produces an encoded version on the standard output. The encoding uses only printable ASCII characters, and includes the mode of the file and the RemoteFile filename used for recreation of the binary image on the remote system.

But uuencode/uudecode is not on my system, and as I look around, the yum/rpm process is ugly--this gives me the clue that maybe no one uses it any more and instead there is something more modern to do this.

Uudecode transforms uuencoded files (or by default, thestandard input) into the original form. 

Uudecode ignores any leading and trailing lines. The program can automatically decide which of the supported encoding schemes are used.


 The following example packages up a source tree, compresses it, uuencodes it and mails it to a user on another system. When uudecode is run on the target system, the file 'src_tree.tar.Z' will be created which can then be uncompressed and extracted into the original tree.

Replace original_filename with the name of yourbinary file. Replace final_filename with thename that you want the file to have when it is eventually decoded(usually the same as original_filename). Replaceencoded_filename with the name you want to give theuuencoded version of the binary as it will appear in your directory.

The original binary file myfile.zip is unchanged, and theuuencoded file myfile.uue is now located in your currentdirectory. The greater-than character (>) is used to redirectoutput; it takes the output of the uuencode command and directs itinto the file myfile.uue (rather than onto your screen).

The purpose of the uuencode program is to translate a binary file thatcontains unprintable (non-text) characters into a format that isentirely readable. This prevents mail, news, and terminal programsfrom misinterpreting non-text characters as special instructions. Atext file produced by uuencode may thus be mailed as an ordinary mailmessage and later uudecoded into its original binary form by therecipient. The uuencoded file is usually larger than the originalbinary file, because the unprintable characters in the binary file areexpanded into multiple readable characters.

In the world that uuencode was designed to operate in, there is no such thing as an attachment, because MIME doesn't exist yet. A person who receives a message with uuencoded stuff in it is supposed to see it like this:

The recipient is supposed to recognize that the lines from begin to end are a uuencoded file, and pipe those lines (or maybe the whole message) to uudecode, then look for the output file in the current directory.

Some modern mailreaders might automatically recognize uuencoded contents, and use a single user interface to present both uuencoded and MIME-attached files. I wouldn't expect any classic unix mailreaders to do that, because it misrepresents what was actually sent, which is a plain text (non-MIME) message.

Sending from Linux, Outlook shows inline uuencode code. Sending from AIX, Outlook shows it as an attachment. Same command, same mail relay, different OS, different results. Oh, maybe it's sendmail(aix) vs postfix(linux)? Anyway, draw your own conclusions about the location of breakage.

Does it matter that mailx version is Heirloom Mail version 12.4 7/29/08? Could the issue be a difference in behavior how mailx treats the uuencode output? Could it be a mailrc setting or some environment variable?

Apart from the usability improvement of having the email divided into an inline "body" with zero or more "attachments", MIME vastly improves over uuencode by way of identifying the file type and file name of each attachment unambiguously and robustly. It is also the prerequisite for any sort of multimedia and/or multilingual content. (Email before MIME was fundamentally text only, and English only. There were local hacks to override that in many regions but ... you'd be appalled.)

Files attached with mail using the uuencode command is not received in the correct format. The same setup works correctly in Oracle Linux 5.

Command used:


The uuencode program creates an encoded ASCII copy of a binary file, suitable for email transmission. The encoded file willbe 35 percent larger than the original and will look something like this (with the word begin, a number, and the original file nameon the first line, followed by a bunch of 61-character lines that all begin with "M"):

tag_hash_115This tells uuencode to pipe the output directly to the mail program instead of creating a .uue file. If you want to take it onestep further, you could even archive, encode, and mail in one command, like this:

The uuencode command first appeared in Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) 4.0. BSD was an operating system (OS) based on the source code of the Research Unix OS developed at Bell Labs in the 1970s. Although BSD and its derivatives were eventually discontinued, its descendants are used by many current proprietary OSes, including Apple's macOS and iOS.

However I need to send another (separate) email from within the same shell script also using uuencode and mailx. Does anyone know if this is possible? If I duplicate the above syntax it still only sends one email ...

From the the two methods of encoding 8-bit data as human-readable ASCII, for a time, uuencode format was more popular. USENET 'binaries' groups were filled with uuencoded posts with whatever goodies were shared. The format was quite robust, insensitive to line breaks (if your mail program reflowed the text, for uuencode you could still decode the file) and the uuencode/uudecode programs were quite user-friendly.

The problem with uuencode is that the format was not robust in the face of some of the really crufty mail software and gateways into and out of proprietary non-SMTP and non-ASCII mail systems of the day. Just to liven things up further, there were multiple EBCDIC variants which had different code points for some ASCII characters used by uuencode, opening up another route for data corruption. For example, the character $ has code point 74 in code page 285 used in the UK, but code point 91 in code page 037 used in the USA.

Some of the reasons base64 was disliked was because uuencode stored the original file name and file mode of the encoded data. Also, uuencode had been around longer and was more established, which meant that many people had a uudecode program available but they did not have a base64 decoder. Keep in mind at that time, many people were using systems that did not have a C compiler (the C compiler was often sold as an expensive add-on if it was available at all, and this was before GCC was widely available) so acquiring and compiling their own base64 decoder was a significant effort.

But in certain contexts you didn't need a file name or mode (e.g. inline encoding of the body of an email message), and uuencoded data was particularly vulnerable to corruption because at that time it was not uncommon for a mail gateway somewhere along the line to insert an unwanted newline somewhere withinyour message, or for character set translation to corrupt something. The extra newlines were usually easy to fix, and the uuencode format made it easy to see where they had occurred, but corruption due to character set translation was much harder to fix (sometimes impossible without trial-and-error testing). Base64 encoding solved these problems and was therefore a better choice for use within the MIME email encoding standard.

The decline in popularity of terminal-mode access compared to GUI access is what really killed uuencode. Users who were using graphical email clients on a PC or on a Workstation or X Terminal, found base64-encoded MIME attachments more convenient than uuencoding, and web browsers allowed you to download files without needing any encoding at all (shifting the common method of binary file transfer away from mail and news, towards the use of FTP and HTTP instead). Uuencoding is still an easy way to send a file when both the sender and receiver are using text-only terminals and can't use FTP, but today this is almost never the case.

This also may have a history with multi-byte vs. unicode character. Multi-byte was a stop-gap support for unicode a while back when uuencode was invented. Supporting multi-byte is not really needed unless you have some really old backups.

Uuencode reads file (or by default the standard input) and writes an encoded version to the standard output, using only printable ASCII characters. The encoded output begins with a header, for use by uudecode, which records the mode of the input file and suggests name for the decoded file that will be created. (If name is /dev/stdout then uudecode will decode to standard output.) The encoding has the format documented at uuencode(5), unless the option -m is given, when base64 encoding is used instead.

Uudecode transforms uuencoded files (or standard input) into the original form. The resulting file is named name (or outfile if the -o option is given) and will have the mode of the original file except that setuid and execute bits are not retained. If outfile or name is /dev/stdout the result will be written to standard output. Uudecode ignores any leading and trailing lines. The program determines from the header which of the two supported encoding schemes was used. ff782bc1db

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