The rapid development of technology encourages every human being to continue to innovate, one of which is in terms of shopping or trading to make it easier, faster and safer, e-commerce is one of the solutions to solve the problem of efficiency in buying and selling transactions. The objectives of this study are: 1) to analyze the background of the emergence of e-commerce in 1999, 2) to analyze the role of the government in the development of e-commerce in 1999-2015, and 3) to analyze the impact of e-commerce on Indonesia's economic growth in 1999-2015? The methods used in this study include heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The sources used are divided into two, namely primary sources and secondary sources. The primary sources used by researchers are the results of accounts / interviews from e-commerce owners on YouTube, statistical data obtained from the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics and websites that provide data such as data on Indonesia's economic growth, growth in e-commerce value and data related to laws. The law which contains e-commerce, with this data can be a reference for researchers to analyze the development and impact of e-commerce on Indonesia's economic growth. Then the secondary sources used by researchers are books and journals from previous research related to e-commerce in 1999-2015. The results of this study indicate that in 1999 the emergence of e-commerce was the result of internet users entering Indonesia, the growth in the number of internet users in Indonesia encouraged the idea of realizing e-commerce as an efficiency solution in a trade. The development of e-commerce increases every year and has a peak in 2015, the role of the government in regulating trade regulations and laws, one of which is in article 9 of Law number 11 of 2008 related to consumer protection, making e-commerce more and more attractive to the public. The impact of the rapid development of e-commerce has provided positive values for the Indonesian economy, one of which is the country's income from goods or taxes which is increasing every year, which according to data from the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency, the Indonesian economy increases by 5-10% annually in e-commerce sector.

This research is a research that aims to determine the extent of the analysis of air pollution

due to asphalt factories based on Government Regulation No. 41/1999 concerning air pollution

control, as well as knowing the role of laws and regulations on air pollution. This research is

normative research. Normative research is research conducted through library research in finding

theoretical data sources that are useful for solving problems. The legal materials used based on the

research approach are primary legal materials. Primary legal materials are legal materials that have

binding strength. such as laws, government regulations and Ministerial regulations. As well as

tertiary legal materials such as legal dictionaries, internet, and large Indonesian dictionaries. While

the data analysis used is to collect library data using a qualitative-descriptive approach. The results

of the study can be concluded that the first rules regarding air pollution are contained in the field of

regulations based on the constitution to the ministerial regulations, among others, the 1945

Constitution (article 33), Law NO. 32 of 2009 concerning Protection and management of the

environment, Law NO.3 of 2014 concerning Industry, Government Regulation of the Republic of

Indonesia NO.41 of 1999 concerning Air Pollution Control, Government Regulation NO.107 of 2015

concerning Industrial Permits, Government Regulation No. 27 of 2012 concerning Environmental

Permits, Ministerial Decree NO. 45 of 1997 concerning Air Pollutant Standard Index, Regulation of

the minister of state for the environment No 12 of 2010 concerning the implementation of air pollution

control in the area of the minister of state for the environment. The two supervision carried out by the

government on air pollution at the asphalt factory, among others; directing or recommending

improvements, suggesting that waste is suppressed; and optimizing work to achieve plan goals. The

researcher recommends that the government increase its supervision of the asphalt plant again in

order to create an environmentally friendly asphalt plant.

Download Uu No 8 Tahun 1999

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The enactment of Law No. 30 of 1999 concerning Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution is a step forward in dispute resolution in Indonesia, especially the settlement of disputes in the field of trade in response to the deadlock in the settlement of trade disputes that require resolutions quickly, cheaply, informally, and maintained interests and the secrets of the parties. However, there are still some rules and practices that are not in line with the principle of arbitration law itself. In this paper will be reviewed and analyzed the position of the legal principle used in resolving disputes through arbitration, so it is hoped that these legal principles can be upheld by all interested parties, if there are legal rules and legal practices that are contrary to this legal principle, they can be ruled out.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa terkait Implementasi Ketentuan Pasal 4 Huruf (a) Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen Terkait Pelayanan Jaringan Wifi IndiHome serta mengetahui bagaimana menindaklanjuti kekeliruan informasi pelayanan yang dialami konsumen pada Kontrak Berlangganan Wifi IndiHome. Lokasi Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kota Singaraja. Jenis Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian hukum empiris yang bersifat deskriptif. Teknik penentuan sampel penelitian yang digunakan adalah Teknik Nonprobability Sampling dengan bentuk Purposive Sampling. Data penelitian yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Pasal 4 Huruf (a) Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen belum dapat terimplementasi dengan baik, hal ini dipengaruhi oleh kurang optimalnya faktor penegak hukum, faktor sarana dan fasilitas, faktor masyarakat, serta faktor budaya. Adapun bentuk pertanggung jawaban pihak Telkom Singaraja dalam menindaklanjuti kekeliruan informasi yaitu dengan memberikan pelayanan dalam bentuk Pusat Bantuan melalui Call center atau Media Sosial IndiHome Care.

Indonesian Abstract: Informasi kemiskinan yang dipublikasikan oleh Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), belum ada secara khusus membahas perubahan ukuran kemiskinan menurut sektor kegiatan ekonomi. Dengan data susenas tahun 1999, 2004, 2009, dan 2011, peneliti menghitung besarnya perubahan ukuran kemiskinan agregat dan sektoral selama kebijakan Indonesia periode tahun 1999-2011 yaitu Propenas, RPJMN-I dan RPJMN-II, serta mengidentifikasi sektor-sektor yang berkontribusi terhadap perubahan ukuran kemiskinan agregatnya. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis dekomposisi kemiskinan sektoral. Hasil analasis diperoleh bahwa pada ketiga periode kebijakan terjadi penurunan ukuran kemiskinan agregat baik indeks P0, P1, maupun P2. Penyebab terjadinya penurunan ukuran kemiskinan agregat secara dominan pada Propenas diakibatkan oleh pengaruh intra-sektoral, sementara pada RPJMN-I dan RPJMN-II diakibatkan oleh pengaruh intrasektoral dan antar-sektoral. Pengentasan kemiskinan pada masa Propenas lebih merata diseluruh sector dimana penurunan tingkat kemiskinan agregatnya dikontribusi oleh seluruh sektor lapangan pekerjaan utama, sedangkan pada masa RPJMN-I dan RPJMN-II penurunan tingkat kemiskinan agregat secara signifikan hanya dikontribusi oleh empat sektor lapangan pekerjaan utama yaitu pada RPJMN-I oleh sector pertanian informal, perdagangan formal/informal, transportasi formal/informal, dan konstruksi formal/informal, sementara pada RPJMN-II oleh sektor pertanian formal, perdagangan formal, transportasi formal/informal, dan keuangan informal. Kata kunci: Dekomposisi kemiskinan sektoral; ukuran kemiskinan; Propenas; RPJMN-I; RPJMN-II English Abstract: The poverty information who published by Statistics Indonesia, there hasn't been reported the changes of poverty size by sector of economic activity. By using susenas data years of 1999, 2004, 2009, and 2011, this research aims to calculate the changes of poverty size that occurred over the period of Indonesia policy during the reign 1999-2011 i.e. Propenas, RPJMN-I, and RPJMN-II, and to identify the sectors that contribute to changes in size. This research used sectoral poverty decomposition analysis. The results of the study show that in third of policy period has decreased the size of aggregate poverty, either P0 index, P1 and P2. The decreasing of aggregate poverty predominantly on Propenas, caused by the influence of intra-sectoral, meanwhile at RPJMN-I and RPJMN-II caused by the influence of intra-sectoral and inter-sectoral. Poverty reduction during the Propenas more evenly throughout the sectors which is aggregate poverty reduction contributed by all major employment sectors. Meanwhile at the RPJMN-I and RPJMN-II era, aggregate poverty reduction significantly was contributed only by the four main employment sectors on RPJMN-I i.e the informal agricultural sector, formal/informal trade, formal/informal transportation, and formal/informal construction, and aggregate poverty reduction at the RPJMN-II was contributed by agricultural formal sector, formal trade, formal/informal transportation, and informal finance.

Analysis of Law Number 42 of 1999 Concerning Guarantees Fiduciary and Legal Consequences for Debtors in Bad Credit, the enactment of Law Number 42 of 1999 concerning Fiduciary Guarantees, which has absolute power of execution, this is regulated in article 15 paragraph (2) but often this power of execution is carried out by the recipient fiduciaries (creditors) are carried out arbitrarily, the important thing is that the fiduciary guarantee object can be executed. So this is very detrimental to the debtor or fiduciary giver, as a result the debtor has no legal certainty and is unfair. The emergence of the Constitutional Court Decision Number 18/PUU-XVII/2019 provides an edial condition for society and the state in order to achieve legal justice. So that the decision of the Constitutional Court is intended to create legal certainty and justice and is particularly useful in providing legal protection for debtors for collateralized objects and arbitrary actions taken by creditors for collateralized objects, when executions occur on objects that are fiduciary guarantees. Thus the execution of objects that become fiduciary guarantees may no longer be carried out immediately, but must go through court procedures that have permanent legal force. The execution of fiduciary guarantee objects based on the Constitutional Court Decision basically does not conflict with the Fiduciary Guarantee Law, and even clarifies the process and mechanism of execution fiduciary guarantee. ff782bc1db

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