I was wondering what the protocol was if an astronaut fell over on the moon. Would they be able to pick themselves up. Would a simple push-up be enough to bound them back upright? Could the suit or backpack itself handle it if they fell backwards onto their back, turtling?

Falling forward (straight or a bit to one side) happened to several moon walkers, and getting up was not that difficult. Only Charlie Duke managed to fall spectacularly onto his back pack. On that occasion, he was behind the rover seats as seen by the camera, but we hear him asking John for a hand.

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[In his book, Moonwalker, Charlie says "I decided to join in and made a big push off the moon, getting about four feet high. 'Wow!', I exclaimed. But as I straightened up, the weight of my backpack pulled me over backward. Now I was coming down on my back. I tried to correct myself but couldn't, and as my heart filled with fear I fell the four feet, hitting hard - right on my backpack. Panic! The thought that I'd die raced across my mind. It was the only time in our whole lunar stay that I had a real moment of panic and thought I had killed myself. The suit and backpack weren't designed to support a four-foot fall. Had the backpack broken or the suit split open, I would have lost my air. A rapid decompression, or as one friend calls it, a high-altitude hiss-out, and I would have been dead instantly. Fortunately, everything held together."]

The gravitational force on the moon's surface is roughly one-sixth of what it is on the Earth's surface, but the laws of physics are consistent for both. Hence, the equations used to describe the movement of objects on Earth can also be used for those on the moon.

On Apollo 15, the tilt mechanism malfunctioned and the camera never moved upwards, allowing the lunar module to slip out of sight. And while the attempt on Apollo 16 gave a longer view of the lunar module rising up, the astronauts actually parked the rover too close to it, which threw off the calculations and timing of the tilt upwards so it left view just a few moments into the flight.

Even if the planets did all align in a perfectly straight line, it would have negligible effects on the earth. Fictional and pseudo-science authors like to claim that a planetary alignment would mean that all of the gravitational fields of the planets add together to make something massive that interferes with life on earth. In truth, the gravitational pulls of the planets on the earth are so weak that they have no significant effect on earth life. There are only two solar system objects with enough gravity to significantly affect earth: the moon and the sun. The sun's gravity is strong because the sun is so massive. The moon's gravitational effect on the earth is strong because the moon is so close. The sun's gravity causes earth's yearly orbit and therefore, combined with earth's tilt, it causes the seasons. The moon's gravity is primarily responsible for the daily ocean tides. The near alignment of the sun and the moon does have an effect on the earth, because their gravitational fields are so strong. This partial alignment occurs every full moon and new moon, and it leads to extra strong tides called "spring tides". The word "spring" here refers to the fact that the water seems to leap up the shore with the extra strong tides every two weeks, and not that they occur only in the Spring season.

Let's put some numbers behind these claims. Using Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation and the known masses and distances of the sun, the moon, and the planets, we can calculate the gravitational force that a 100 kg person feels from each astronomical body when he is located on earth's surface at the equator:

Note that because the planets orbit the sun along different paths at different speeds, the distance between them is constantly changing. Therefore, in the interest of seeing what the effect of a planetary alignment might be, I have calculated the gravitational force from each planet when it is the closest to the earth. As this table shows, even if all the planets lined up at the points in their orbits where they are closest to the earth, the absolute highest gravitational force that all the planets combined could exert on a 100 kg person on earth's surface is 0.000064 Newtons. This value is 53 times weaker than the average gravitational force of the moon. Furthermore, as the moon moves closer to and farther from the earth in its normal monthly orbit, the moon's gravitational force on a 100 kg person on earth fluctuates by 0.0010 Newtons, which is 15 times stronger than the gravity of all the planets combined if they were perfectly aligned. In other words, the gravitational effect of the moon coming closer to and farther from the earth every month is far stronger than that of any planetary alignment, no matter how contrived. If the gravity of planetary alignments caused problems on earth, then the normal monthly fluctuation of the moon's gravity would cause problems that would be 15 times worse, or more. As should be obvious, there is not a giant earthquake, a catastrophe, or a spate of crimes every month when the moon reaches its closest point to earth. Therefore, the fluctuations in gravitational force on us due to the alignment of any planets, which is tens to thousands times weaker than that of the moon, has no effect on earth.

The gravitational acceleration on the moon is 1/6 of the earth's gravitational acceleration.

g(at the moon)=9.816=1.63 m/s2.


 u = 19.6 m/s

At maximum height velocity of the object will be zero, (v=0).

 using v = u + gt

Here the acceleration is -ve(as the body is decelerated), and velocity toward up is taken +ve.

 0 = 19.6 + (-1.63*t)


 t = 19.6/1.63

 t = 12.02 sec.

On Wednesday (Aug. 2), the ringed planet will be just above and to the left of the moon in the night sky when both rise above the eastern horizon at around 9:45 p.m. ET (0145 GMT on Aug. 3) as seen from New York City. The duo will reach their highest point around 4:45 a.m. the next morning.

And during the conjunction on Thursday (Aug. 3), the 17-day-old waning moon will pass just 2 degrees below Saturn. A conjunction means the moon and Saturn will share the same right ascension in the sky over Earth, the celestial equivalent of longitude. During this event, the moon and the gas giant, the solar system's second largest planet, will be located in the constellation Aquarius and will be visible from New York City shortly after they rise around 9:16 p.m. EDT (0116 GMT on Aug. 4), according to In the Sky. The moon and Saturn will remain visible into the morning of Friday (Aug. 4), when they set at around 8:04 a.m. EDT (1204 GMT).

The moon will have a magnitude in the sky of -12.7, with the minus prefix reserved for particularly bright objects over Earth, and Saturn will have a magnitude of 0.5, much fainter to the unaided eye. In terms of the perceived sizes from our vantage point on the ground, the moon will absolutely dwarf Saturn in the sky over Earth on Thursday.

This situation couldn't be more different in the actual solar system. While the moon has a diameter of just 2,159 miles (3,475 kilometers), Saturn is 72,400 miles (116,500 km) wide. To put this into perspective, Saturn, the sixth planet from the sun, is 9 times the width of Earth. According to NASA, that means if Earth was a nickel, then Saturn would be a basketball. But Earth is, in turn, approximately four times the width of the moon. That means it would take at least 36 moons to loop around the equator of Saturn.

The disparity in size between the moon and Saturn becomes even clearer when considering the volume of both bodies, again using Earth as a measuring stick. It would take 764 Earths to fill the volume of Saturn, while it would take about 50 moons to fill the Earth. That means it would take roughly a staggering 38,200 moons to fill the volume of Saturn.

The reason the moon appears so much larger than Saturn in the night sky is, predictably, its proximity to our planet. While the moon is on average 238,855 miles (384,400 km) away from Earth, Saturn is still 746 million miles (1.2 billion km) from our planet at its closest point. That means the Earth/moon system could fit between Earth and Saturn over 3,123 times, even when the planet is at its closest.

As this demonstrates, when astronomers describe events like the encounter between the moon and Saturn on Thursday as a "close approach," it only refers to our limited perspective from Earth. The two are anything but "close" on the scale of the solar system, but don't let that stop you from enjoying the sight of them close in the sky!

If you're looking to snap photos of the moon and Saturn, or just the night sky in general, check out our guide on how to photograph the moon and how to photograph the planets, as well as our best cameras for astrophotography and best lenses for astrophotography.

Editor's Note: If you snap an image of the moon close to Saturn and would like to share it with Space.com's readers, send your photo(s), comments, and your name and location to spacephotos@space.com.

Beneath the frozen shell of Europa, flakes of ice may float upwards like strange underwater snow. The sparkling landscape formed by this process on the underside of the shell could be a favourable environment for alien life.

Question 4


 An astronaut standing on the surface of the moon throws a ball upwards. The ball would


 (a) directly fall down from the point it is released.

 (b) hang in space.

 (c) go up and then come back to the surface of the moon.

 (d) keep going up never to come back.

The story of the Spaniard is not just about travel to the moon, but also about a terrestrial phenomenon that was one of the great scientific mysteries from the ancient Greeks to the 17th century: Where did the birds go in winter? This was an annual event: As the winter approached in Europe, numerous species of bird flew away somewhere or just vanished. No one knew where they went. 2351a5e196

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