In computer networking, upstream refers to the direction in which data can be transferred from the client to the server (uploading). This differs greatly from downstream not only in theory and usage, but also in that upstream speeds are usually at a premium.[1] Whereas downstream speed is important to the average home user for purposes of downloading content, uploads are used mainly for web server applications and similar processes where the sending of data is critical. Upstream speeds are also important to users of peer-to-peer software.

ADSL and cable modems are asymmetric, with the upstream data rate much lower than that of its downstream. Symmetric connections such as Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL) and T1, however, offer identical upstream and downstream rates.

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If a node A on the Internet is closer (fewer hops away) to the Internet backbone than a node B, then A is said to be upstream of B or conversely, B is downstream of A. Related to this is the idea of upstream providers. An upstream provider is usually a large ISP that provides Internet access to a local ISP. Hence, the word upstream also refers to the data connection between two ISPs.

I am new to SSA 2012 and am setting up a model for storm sewer design with bypass and sag inlets. I am having difficulty setting up the gutter links. I have all the Roadway& Gutter specifications filled in on the inlet management window, but I am not finding any other place to enter gutter information to add the option to the upstream roadway link drop down. I have tried creating a conveyance link with the top of grate elevations for the upstream inlet and the bypass inlet. If you could point me in the right direction, that would be great.

Typically what I have seen for inlet by-pass links is a convayance link. Define your conveyance link as a channel with custom geometry and create a irregular cross section that would represent a gutter cross section.

I have been forking a few repos recently and noticing that get the latest updates from upstream repos has been failing. I have fixed every repo in much the same way but it always requires about 15 minutes of Googling to get there so hear are the steps to aid my memory.

But we have not managed to adjust default connection timeout, which is obviously set to 5s. Even we set timeout to 10s, it still timeouts after 5s.

How we can adjust default config value for timeout for upstream?

We are running following Consul and Envoy versions:

And connect_timeout_ms proxy upstream config parameters from the link I posed above is exactly why it timeouts I think. But, as I sad, when I try this way to increase this timeout value, i did not work, at least not in Consul/Envoy versions I am using. Can you please check if this would work in Consul 1.10.0? So we might plan to go with Consul/Envoy upgrade. Or, if need to do anything else to increase this timeout value?

Thank you!

Hi @karl-cardenas-coding

Have you managed to check with the team if I should upgrade to Consul 1.10.0, so this timeout increase to work?

I was suggested to set local_connect_timeout_ms in proxy config definition of service that my service, which timeouts, talked to. Like following:

Everything is working as expected, except for these rare 169.254.x.x events that are being forwarded to upstream trying to resolve some

Looking in Tools->Network, the 168.254.x.x has no 'hardware address' (N/A)

This is the expected behavior. The requested domain is, and it was requested by the client with the APIPA address. The query was forwarded to your local Cloudflared instance for resolution.

The information from the dnsmasq log is incomplete. You have filtered on the IP number, and the entries are shown out of context (without the adjacent lines that show the query, etc.). I can't tell if what is shown is normal or abnormal.

I thought a link-local address should not be allowed to ask external servers about anything, but if it is by design, then supposed it is ok - although now I have clients with such addresses in the "Top Clients" list.

This is telling you that a client (in this case the Pi or Pi-hole running on the Pi) is asking "what is the name of the client located at the IP listed here in reverse order". Pi-hole does not know the answer, and replies with NXDOMAIN.

You must configure a remote that points to the upstream repository in Git to sync changes you make in a fork with the original repository. This also allows you to sync changes made in the original repository with the fork.

With the default org.ssgproject.content rule namespace, you can omit the prefix for rules under this namespace. For example: the org.ssgproject.content_grub2_password and grub2_password are functionally equivalent.

When you build an image from that blueprint, it creates a tailoring file with a new tailoring profile ID and saves it to the image as /usr/share/xml/osbuild-oscap-tailoring/tailoring.xml. The new profile ID will have _osbuild_tailoring appended as a suffix to the base profile. For example, if you use the cis base profile, xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_cis_osbuild_tailoring.

In RHEL 8.4 and later, the s390utils-base package is split into an s390utils-core package and an auxiliary s390utils-base package. As a result, setting the RHEL installation to minimal-environment installs only the necessary s390utils-core package and not the auxiliary s390utils-base package. If you want to use the s390utils-base package with a minimal RHEL installation, you must manually install the package after completing the RHEL installation or explicitly install s390utils-base using a Kickstart file.

You can now configure Keylime server components, the verifier and registrar, as containers. When configured to run inside a container, the Keylime registrar monitors the tenant systems from the container without any binaries on the host. The container deployment provides better isolation, modularity, and reproducibility of Keylime components.

This update of the libkcapi (Linux kernel cryptographic API) packages introduces the new option -T for specifying target file names in hash-sum calculations. The value of this option overrides file names specified in processed HMAC files. You can use this option only with the -c option, for example:

You can now set additional options for message authentication codes (MACs) for the SSH protocol in the system-wide cryptographic policies (crypto-policies). With this update, the crypto-policies option ssh_etm has been converted into a tri-state etm@SSH option. The previous ssh_etm option has been deprecated.

The semanage fcontext -l -C command lists local file context modifications stored in the file_contexts.local file. The restorecon utility processes the entries in the file_contexts.local from the most recent entry to the oldest. Previously, semanage fcontext -l -C listed the entries in an incorrect order. This mismatch between processing order and listing order caused problems when managing SELinux rules. With this update, semanage fcontext -l -C displays the rules in the correct and expected order, from the oldest to the newest.

With this update, the glusterd SELinux module is maintained in the separate glusterfs-selinux package. The module is therefore no longer part of the selinux-policy package. For any actions that concern the glusterd module, install and use the glusterfs-selinux package.

OpenSSL uses the shared library as a FIPS provider. With this update, the latest version of submitted to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for certification is in a separate package to ensure that future versions of OpenSSL use certified code or code undergoing certification.

The OpenSSL TLS toolkit supports provider APIs for installation and configuration of modules that provide cryptographic algorithms. With this update, you can place provider-specific configuration in separate .conf files in the /etc/pki/tls/openssl.d directory without modifying the main OpenSSL configuration file.

The SELinux user-space components libsepol, libselinux, libsemanage, policycoreutils, checkpolicy, and mcstrans library package have been rebased to 3.6. This version provides various bug fixes, optimizations and enhancements, most notably:

The p11-kit packages have been updated to upstream version 0.25.3. The packages contain the p11-kit tool for managing PKCS #11 modules, the trust tool for operating on the trust policy store, and the p11-kit library. Notable enhancements include the following:

The Linux Audit system has been updated to version 3.1.2, which provides bug fixes, enhancements, and performance improvements over the previously released version 3.0.7. Notable enhancements include:

With these properties, you can configure the eSwitch of smart network interface controllers (Smart NICs). For example, use the sriov.eswitch-mode setting to change the mode from legacy SR-IOV to switchdev to use advanced hardware offload features.

A network interface can have multiple interrupt request (IRQs) and associated packet queues called channels. With this enhancement, NetworkManager connection profiles can specify the number of channels to assign to an interface through connection properties ethtool.channels-rx,ethtool.channels-tx,ethtool.channels-other, and ethtool.channels-combined.

With this enhancement, Nmstate can create a "revert configuration file" that contains the differences between the current network settings and a YAML file with the new configuration that you want to apply. If the settings do not work as expected after you applied the YAML file, you can use the revert configuration file to restore the previous settings:

The Libreswan utility is an implementation of IPsec for configuring VPNs. With this update, by using nmstatectl, you can configure IPsec-based authentication types along with configuration modes (tunnel and transport) and network layouts (host-to-subnet, host-to-host, subnet-to-subnet). 152ee80cbc

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