Our first try ended up with the NetScalers presenting a blank screen instead of the login page. At this point we brought down the upgraded systems, and reverted to the snapshotted to reinstate the functionality, as it's demanded pretty much 24/7 so longer periods of downtime are not really desired..

The httpd files were pulled off the working 24.38 system, and today we had our second go. Shut down the snapshotted machines, booted the original (upgraded machines) again, replaced the httpd files as indicated and then ran into the fact that the webpage was no longer blank, but informing us of the fact that the server disconnected our session.

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So... we know we're working with a vunerable version of NetScaler, but seem to be unable to upgrade to the last version. And at present we're unsure what the options are to get this to work. I'd therefore like to ask for any potential ideas of what might be going on here and why the 1-on-1 upgrade isn't working where during past upgrades this didn't give us any issues. Manually re-entering the entire set of information and certificates in hopes that that might work isn't something I would deem feasable.

That said, we'll probably have a go at either retrying the upgrade from scratch again (since I did notice the behavior changed from the blank screen to a notice the server disconnected the page), or possibly rebuilding from base up and running said restore.

For some unknown reason the upgrade seems to 'corrupt' the license file, making the NetScaler think it has no license for the Citrix Gateway service, which is what it needs for the functionality of allowing home-users to access the portal.

If thats the case why are you still offering professional on your sales pages ? I don't want to upgrade either. You keep changing my plan with free upgrades for tools i dont use then start charging me for them later. Ive been upgraded on space, now features and now im getting charged twice what i used to get charged for.

professional is front and center on the sales page. If you click i want storage its selling you the professional plan. The question is you are giving a free upgrade is that free forever or are you going to raise the price 20% on top of the other prices rises to make everyone pay more after 12 months ?

Got email "Congratulations on upgrading your account to Dropbox Essentials! This Email serves as your receipt." I did not upgrade. This email came in 3 days ago... Back on 3/18/2023 I upgraded to Dropbox Professional to 3/18/24.

I recently received an unsolicited upgrade to Dropbox Essentials, and it seems I'll be charged for it after March 31, 2024. I originally subscribed to Dropbox Professional, and I don't want the Essentials plan.

I've already contacted Dropbox support, but I wanted to share my experience here and see if others have faced a similar situation. Has anyone successfully reverted back to their original plan after an unexpected upgrade?

The HTTP 1.1 (only) Upgrade header can be used to upgrade an already established client/server connection to a different protocol (over the same transport protocol). For example, it can be used by a client to upgrade a connection from HTTP 1.1 to HTTP 2.0, or an HTTP or HTTPS connection into a WebSocket.

This mechanism is optional; it cannot be used to insist on a protocol change. Implementations can choose not to take advantage of an upgrade even if they support the new protocol, and in practice, this mechanism is used mostly to bootstrap a WebSockets connection.

Other headers may be required depending on the requested protocol; for example, WebSocket upgrades allow additional headers to configure details about the WebSocket connection as well as to offer a degree of security in opening the connection. See Upgrading to a WebSocket connection for more details.

If the server decides to upgrade the connection, it sends back a 101 Switching Protocols response status with an Upgrade header that specifies the protocol(s) being switched to. If it does not (or cannot) upgrade the connection, it ignores the Upgrade header and sends back a regular response (for example, a 200 OK).

Right after sending the 101 status code, the server can begin speaking the new protocol, performing any additional protocol-specific handshakes as necessary. Effectively, the connection becomes a two-way pipe as soon as the upgraded response is complete, and the request that initiated the upgrade can be completed over the new protocol.

If you need to create a WebSocket connection from scratch, you'll have to handle the handshaking process yourself. After creating the initial HTTP/1.1 session, you need to request the upgrade by adding to a standard request the Upgrade and Connection headers, as follows:

The following headers are involved in the WebSocket upgrade process. Other than the Upgrade and Connection headers, the rest are generally optional or handled for you by the browser and server when they're talking to each other.

Provides information to the server which is needed in order to confirm that the client is entitled to request an upgrade to WebSocket. This header can be used when insecure (HTTP) clients wish to upgrade, in order to offer some degree of protection against abuse. The value of the key is computed using an algorithm defined in the WebSocket specification, so this does not provide security. Instead, it helps to prevent non-WebSocket clients from inadvertently, or through misuse, requesting a WebSocket connection. In essence, then, this key confirms that "Yes, I really mean to open a WebSocket connection."

The key for this request to upgrade. The client adds this if it wishes to do so, and the server will include in the response a key of its own, which the client will validate before delivering the upgrade response to you.

Provides information to the server which is needed in order to confirm that the client is entitled to request an upgrade to WebSocket. This header can be used when insecure (HTTP) clients wish to upgrade, in order to offer some degree of protection against abuse. The value of the key is computed using an algorithm defined in the WebSocket specification, so this does not provide security. Instead, it helps to prevent non-WebSocket clients from inadvertently, or through misuse, requesting a WebSocket connection. In essence, then, this key confirms that \"Yes, I really mean to open a WebSocket connection.\"

The 4.x version of this module provides all-around support for preparing for your upgrade to Drupal 10 from Drupal 9, while 3.x does the same for Drupal 8 to Drupal 9. It is not possible to directly upgrade from Drupal 8 to Drupal 10. The module provides the following key features:

You can use Upgrade Status on the command line with Drush 9 or 10. It does not matter for Upgrade Status if your Drush is global or site-local, however the Upgrade Status module needs to be installed for the Drush commands to work. The upgrade_status:analyze (us-a) command is available for ASCII style output, while the upgrade_status:checkstyle (us-cs) command is defined for XML formatted output. Both commands take the following arguments and options:

The pg:upgrade command uses the PostgreSQL pg_upgrade utility to upgrade your PostgreSQL version in-place. This command can only be used to upgrade a follower database, which remains on the same plan but stops following the current leader.

The pg:upgrade command can fail due to out-of-memory errors for databases with a large number of schemas. If your database has more than 1,000 schemas or stores more than 10,000 objects, test the upgrade in advance and open a Support ticket for assistance if this upgrade fails.

You can upgrade your database to versions 13, 14, and 15. You can specify the version that pg:upgrade uses with the --version flag (for example, --version 13). If no --version flag is set, the upgrade defaults to 15. 2351a5e196

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