The Stable channel is being updated to 119.0.6045.214 (Platform version: 15633.72.0) for most ChromeOS devices and will be rolled out over the next few days. This build contains a number of bug fixes and security updates.

This makes the extension almost unusable for me since it's used not just for passwords, but also used for autofill. Why should 1Password stop working every time chrome has an update? It doesn't make a lot of sense.

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If someone can replace my chrome binary without me noticing or otherwise inject code, for my purposes, they might as well have access to my 1Password (and I'll probably sign in anyway). I understand this being the default but please make it configurable.

Hey @Joy_1P.

I don't have any pending updates to chrome, 1password extension or 1password desktop application. And it still saying that Chrome has pending updates and I need to restart it. Every time.

Stable Channel: This channel has gotten the full testing and blessing of the Chrome test team, and is the best bet to avoid crashes and other issues. It's updated roughly every two-three weeks for minor releases, and every 6 weeks for major releases.

Beta Channel: If you are interested in seeing what's next, with minimal risk, Beta channel is the place to be. It's updated every week roughly, with major updates coming every six weeks, more than a month before the Stable channel will get them.

Dev Channel: Want to see what's happening quickly, then you want the Dev channel. The Dev channel gets updated once or twice weekly, and it shows what we're working on right now. There's no lag between major versions, whatever code we've got, you will get. While this build does get tested, it is still subject to bugs, as we want people to see what's new as soon as possible.

This example shows how to move a tab while a drag may or may not be in progress. While this exampleuses chrome.tabs.move, you can use the same waiting pattern for other calls that modify tabs whilea drag is in progress.

The ID of the tab. Tab IDs are unique within a browser session. Under some circumstances a tab may not be assigned an ID; for example, when querying foreign tabs using the sessions API, in which case a session ID may be present. Tab ID can also be set to chrome.tabs.TAB_ID_NONE for apps and devtools windows.

Captures the visible area of the currently active tab in the specified window. In order to call this method, the extension must have either the permission or the activeTab permission. In addition to sites that extensions can normally access, this method allows extensions to capture sensitive sites that are otherwise restricted, including chrome:-scheme pages, other extensions' pages, and data: URLs. These sensitive sites can only be captured with the activeTab permission. File URLs may be captured only if the extension has been granted file access.

Same issue here ... on a Chromebook, had not used Web Clipper in a few weeks, now on any website, and after all the usual gyrations such as uninstall and reinstall, reboot, etc., click the Elephant and nothing happens at all. I have noted this on the Chrome Webstore support page for Evernote Web Clipper. I had noted in a couple past years similar issues apparently after Web Clipper was updated and those obviously eventually worked themselves out so hopefully this can be fixed also. Thank you.

For me it was related to the version of Chrome. The current version of Evernote web clipper seems to need a newer version of Chrome to work. After Chrome was updated for me it worked again. Same goes for Edge. So there must have been a fundamental change in the chromium basis for extensions. If you are not able to update Chrome as it is often the case in companies then you are out of luck.

The problem is not related to web clipper only, I'm using Evernote Windows Store app 10.53.2-win-winstore-public (396) and this app version seems to have the same problems managing offline content. Every note I update from inside my company VPN -remember Evernote is capped there- is not updated on the next App start. It is updated while you maintain opened the app but if exited, when started again the notes/modifications are not available. I've had even a case of app notifiying 2 versions of the same note after offline modifications (appeared after few hours I bet).

Have been having problems with Clipper for over a week. I've updated both Evernote, Evernote Clipper and Chrome with hopes that would fix the problem but still get no response with I try to open Clipper. I have removed Clipper, restored it, cleared Chrome and rebooted system with no success. I have also disabled VPN in the thought that might be an issue. Looking forward to having this matter corrected.

Google never gives out a lot of information about vulnerabilities, for obvious reasons. Access to bug details and links may be kept restricted until a majority of users are updated with a fix, so that interested criminals remain none the wiser.

I had some other software that also used chrome that presented the same issues. the fixes here are only partial not 100% working just a quick workaround the issues should remain on many parts.

I did not check much more because I need chrome to work so I just left fedora in stand by for a while

I stopped getting that error long time ago, I did nothing except for the regular fedora updates. Check if everything is updated and there is some command to force updates in case they are blocked for some reason


I updated this morning the OS tumbleweed with regular updates and now I am not able to use google chrome. No thumbnail showing up neither any video is playing. Google Chat also broken icon and no images.

In response tofeedbackthat the current top topic selection often results in topics that are lessuseful for ad relevance (such as "News" or "Arts & Entertainment"),Chrome is introducing an enhancement to the method for selecting top topics.This updated approach considers the utility of topics following this approach:

Observing ancestor topics - Chrome has updated the definition of "observation" to include all ancestors of a given topic. Now, if a caller observes /Shopping/Apparel/Footwear/Boots, they will observe Boots, but also Shopping, Apparel, and Footwear. Previously, in order for a caller to observe Shopping, Apparel, or Footwear, a caller must have observed a user visit a page with that topic.

I really hope someone can help without flaming me and yes I googled for a solution for HOURS this morning for a solution AND searched support to see if there was a fix so I hope folks will be kind. So after I updated last night, I signed into google chrome and all I see are blank pages. If I place the pointer in areas on the page such as youtube, I can see the video the pointer is on but looks like slow motion. It is not broke, however, on MX Linux, Ubuntu and windows 11 so I am sure it is not google chrome and also the issue did not happen until the update was complete. The PC specs are ASRock B650E PG riptide wifi, Ryzen 9 7950x, G.SKill Flare X5 6000 with EXPO enabled.

If select properties in the manifest have changed (see list below), Chromequeues the new manifest, and after all windows have been closed, installs it.Once installed, all fields from the new manifest (except name, short_name,and icons) are updated.

The chrome://web-app-internals page (available in Chrome 85 or later),includes detailed information about all of the PWAs installed on the device,and can help you understand when the manifest was last updated, how oftenit's updated, and more.

To manually force Chrome to check for an updated manifest, you can either launchChrome with the command line flag --disable-manifest-update-throttleor restart Chrome (use about://restart), this resets the timer so that Chromewill check for an updated manifest when the PWA is next launched. Then launchthe PWA. After closing the PWA, it should be updated with the new manifestproperties.

If select properties in the manifest have changed (see list below), Chromequeues the new manifest, and after all windows of the PWA have been closed,the device is plugged in, and connected to WiFi, Chrome requests an updatedWebAPK from the server. Once updated, all fields from the new manifest areused.

Also happening for me on both my macbook air & macbook pro on Chrome version 117.0.5938.149. You can turn off "Offer to save passwords" from the chrome/google password manager, but that applies to every site obviously and can be easy to forget to turn back on.

Right now, the best workaround that we've been able to find is either stay on version 94 or 95 on Chrome as well as using a different browser (firefox, safari, edge). We lucked out that we haven't forced our students on chromebooks to update past version 92 so it's only our staff so far that has been impacted.

A Promise that will be fulfilled with a tabs.Tab object containing details about the updated tab. The tabs.Tab object doesn't contain url, title and favIconUrl unless matching host permissions or the "tabs" permission has been requested. If the tab could not be found or some other error occurs, the promise will be rejected with an error message.

A Promise that will be fulfilled with a tabs.Tab object containing details about the updated tab. The tabs.Tab object doesn't contain url, title and favIconUrl unless matching host permissions or the \"tabs\" permission has been requested. If the tab could not be found or some other error occurs, the promise will be rejected with an error message. ff782bc1db

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