In an earlier question I asked, I asked if it was possible to unzip files. I read a blog (Using FILENAME ZIP to unzip and read data files in SAS - The SAS Dummy), but at the moment I am having a hard time following it using JSL.

I have a folder with 150 zipped folders in it. Each folder has a device name, followed by an order score, then the date (ie. Device I want to create a new folder with the device name (which I can get working). I can get open a zip folder and see all the different files within, but I can not figure out how to unzip (or even copy) to the new folder. Can someone please give me a hand?

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there are two examples, in bold, because a zip file might contain binary data (a JMP data table in this case) or plain text (a JMP script). The binary data can't be stored in a JSL string, but a BLOB will work. The next line, saveTextFile, understands both strings and BLOBs (and will save a binary file for a BLOB, in spite if its name). You should not depend on the order of the members in the zip file, especially if someone might have edited/added/deleted members from them.

I'm working on a project where the data source comes in daily as a zipped file. Is anybody able to show me how to unzip a file within my workflow? Alternatively, can I use a zip file within my workflow? I'm unsure if Alteryx would be able to work with that as an input when building out the workflow.

Thank you, this thread looks like the answer to my question. However, I am having a difficult time understanding where I need to make changes to fit my use case? I'm relatively new to using Alteryx and am pretty lost trying to understand the workflow.

The file you have attached is a batch macro. Usually what happens with something like this is that you have it saved to a macro repository and then you can drop it in a workflow like you would any other tool. This one looks like it is built for downloading of the zip file first. Do you already have your zip file? So if you already have a zip file in some sort of repository, you should be able to use chunks of this workflow to do the work. you are looking to do. pretty much the second half. Also it looks like it uses 7zip, so you will need that as well.

I think I'm following what you're saying. I do already have the zip file although, that in itself is a bit of a problem. Right now, the zip file is sent to me via email daily. I think use Power Automate to take that attachment from the email and drop it onto a shared drive. From there, I'd want Alteryx to pick up that zipped file in the workflow. I'm assuming the second half of the workflow does that for me.

Let's revisit this when you get back. I am unfamiliar with power automate, but I did some quick searching and it seems you can unzip with that tool. If you are already familiar with how it works, maybe having the process that saves the zip file also unzip it, might be a worthy solution as well.

Happy Tuesday! I'm back from much needed vacation and would be happy to revisit this topic. I did some initial research to unzip files through Power Automate but it struggled to push the file to a shared drive.

To anyone still following this. There was a little more to the process that we had to go through. We were able to answer the original question, which was, "Can we unzip a file with Alteryx?" Yes you can. You need to utilize command line. The links above show how to do that. We also worked through using the directory tool to find the unzipped folder and extract the files from that.

Uploading the zipped file to dropbox and unzipping it inside would save a lot of time and traffic for users. Some of the web services already exist for that (like this one -there-a-way-to-decompress-a-zip-file-inside-Dropbox), but as they use their own server capacities, they cost money. Unzipping inside the dropbox may be an additional feature inside the dropbox itself. I would even pay for that a little xtra.

I have the same request. I'm currently shifting the photo library to DB from GPhotos, and the Google buggy export tool creates several 2.15 Gb archives into the Dropbox folder. I've activated Selective Sync to exclude them from my desktop client (more than 80 Gb), and it would be really handy to decompress them directly into DB rather than download one, unzip and re-upload.

Yes please, I use paid level of Dropbox to store quantity of files too large for my computer. (pictures) I cannot download and unzip, I need to be able to unzip within Dropbox for this to be a useful storage option for me.

I would really appreciate this feature as well. I would like it to be included as part of our company/group subscription, but would be willing to consider paying a little more if it were an add-on option.

I also get curiously different messages depending on whether I have a leading colon in my path (I'm on LabView 8.5.1 on the MacOS). The message above is generated when I have a leading colon. When I don't have a leading colon, I get the message:

Last night I ran a mass compile which I have been putting off since I upgraded from 8.2 to 8.5.1 as I thought there might be some uncompiled sub VI hidden in there somwhere, but no luck. This morning in trying to unzip a file made with the zip functions in LabView I still get the message:

This time around I wired path indicators to prove to myself that I was dealing with absolute paths and not relative paths. The error message says the path is but the path type functions clearly indicate that the paths are absolute paths and the "Check if File or Folder Exists" VI clearly shows that the file and folders exist.

Can you post an example of a .zip file where you have leading colons? The one you attached does not. As I said, colons are not a valid character in a filename. Unless for some reason Apple allows it, in which case it probably shouldn't.

EDIT: I now see in your .vi you have a path such as "MacintoshHD:\Users\grimm\Desktop". That doesn't look right at all. Normal notation if you are not using drive letters would be "\\MacintoshHD\Users\grim\Desktop" to refer to a drive by name.

Ravens Fan and Matthew Kelton - These are not productive comments, and they reflect a misunderstanding of how paths are represented on the Mac. Despite adopting a *NIX style directory structure in Mac OS X, LabVIEW continues to see files and folders with the classic MacOS structure. For instance, this could be a valid path:

In this notation colons -- not slashes -- separate folders, and the root is always the name of the drive. Thus paths starting with the hard drive are absolute, and paths starting with colons are relative to the present working directory.

In my example I added "Path Type" and "Check if File or Folder Exists" functions to verify that things exist and the paths are absolute. This is in fact redundant since I provided the paths in the path select dialog box before the program ran.

It is completely possible that there is some little subVI within the that is expecting a DOS/Windows-style directory structure, but this is not the fault of my code, but rather represents a bug in LabVIEW. I have additionally tested this on a copy of LabVIEW 8.5.1 on an Intel Mac and I get the same response. I appreciate the testing on Windows that the other posters have performed, and I feel that this is another indication that there is a bug in the code.

When I run your VI on an Intel Mac with LV 2009, it does not generate an error. It lists and unzips the five files which I find when I unzip the test file. I am not an XML expert but the files look like they came through OK.

I have problem with measurements capture file ( .sal). I have recieved measurements capture file ( .sal) done by my friend, and I have tried open it in Logic 2.3.35.

When I try to open that capture file in my Logic 2.3.35 environment. I see information in the bottom on the left side: " failed to unzip file ". Do you know cause of that issue and know the solution for it?

Issue Update: The measurements capture file is corrupted permanently. Referring to support investigation it could be caused by too early closing Logic environment when saving of the capture was not completed.

Issue Closed.

My input file is zipped. Inside the zip file, there are 3 fixed width file. I have to unzip the file and read each file(one at a time) and load into table. The input file will be in S3. Can someone advise to handle this scenario

Earlier when there was only one input file, i was able to successfully unzip and load the file. But this is not working when there are multiple files. Below snaps i have used when there is only one pipeline and it worked successfully.

Also, wanted to ask if this unzip feature only works for zip files? Will it work for .tar and other compressed methods? Any way from the webui the unzip can show status or activity of files being unzipped?

Recently moved my Pixma TR8520 to a new location (PC) that previously had a TR 7520 on it. I have tried to download the drivers , both the full suite and also the TR8500 series MP Drivers Ver.1.02 (Windows). Every time I try to run or install it I receive a message that "Zip file is damaged, truncated, or has been changed since it was created. If you downloaded this file, try downloading it again." I have installed a new version of WinZip, and still get the same message with every download. Its been a frustrating 3 days, and I am at the end of my brain power to rectify it. I hope someone smarter than me can help. Thanks. 152ee80cbc

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