We use this check-unifi on a linux machine with an checkmk agent to call the controller via the unifi api.

If you need more or other details you can extend the shell api library and the check with some help from the Unifi API-Browser

In a normal windows install there are no services with the Unifi controller. It is a Java based app. If you open task manager you will see 2 or 3 java.exe and/or javaw.exe processes running, those are the controller. Kill those processes and you have killed the controller.

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I have been tasked with getting SSL on the controller site. When I go to the site currently, I get a "Not Secure" message in my browser and the Invalid Certificate is just Issued to/by: UniFi. The UniFi Controller had to have Java RE installed and I'm wondering if that is somehow involved in creating the "webserver" as IIS is not installed on the machine.

We selected Ubiquiti equipment to comply with the requirements. Apart from the WAPs all gear goes into server & network racks. The controller had to be implemented on-premises (self-managed, not via a service provider). As they have a modern Hyper-V environment we opted to deploy the controller on a Windows 2019 virtual machine. By the time the solution is deployed that will have become generally available. A Cloud Key appliance or Raspberry PI was less interesting in this environment that had professional racks in available in dedicated server & network rooms.

Since we want the controller to always run and behave like a service, we just have some extra work to do. This is documented here: -us/articles/205144550-UniFi-Run-the-Controller-as-a-Windows-service I just adapted this to my path.

To recap, first I showed you how to improve on the default installation. We than made the UniFi controller runs as a service. Finally I configured an SSL certficate for the controller app. I hope you liked it and that it helps you out.

Click the Save button. In a few seconds, an entry for UniFi Controller will show up in the Service Protector window.The UniFi Controller windows service may be running but it is not yet being protected by Service Protector.

We are going to use the export site function for the migration. This is the easiest method to migrate your Unifi network to a new controller. It comes with one downside, you will have 2 sites in the new controller, the default site (which will be empty) and your migrated site.

Before we can migrate our Unifi Network to a new controller we need to make sure that the firmware of the new controller is the same version or higher than the old controller. You can check the controller version under Setting > Controller or under Settings > System Settings > Maintenance if you are running version 6 or higher.

Importing sites on new controllers that are running version 6.4 on higher is a little bit different. If you only need to migrate a single site, then you can use the backup restore method. All the steps are the same, only instead of import site you go to:

The controller will make backups by default, but they are stored on the controller self. A better idea is to copy the backups to cloud storage of your choice, like dropbox for example. I have written a guide on how you can copy the backups, it only takes another 5 minutes to set up.

Mi infrastructure of Ubiquiti devices is on the VLAN 1 in a 192.168.x.x/x network, we are using a UCK Gen2 but due to the number of the devices it is getting slower and unrresponsive more often, so, I downloaded the Unifi Controller and created a Ubuntu Server VM and installed the controller there, now I need to move my devices to our new controller, this new controller is in a completelly different network (10.x.x.x/x) in a different VLAN.

Thanks for this informative write up. I am a little confused still though. If I am migrating a site from Windows PC controller 6.4.54 to another Windows PC controller 6.4.54 which steps are different? Do I turn off new user interface and Export on PC 1 or just do a regular backup? Do I turn off new user interface and Import on PC 2 or just do a restore? And how will the inform URL be updated? Thanks, Todd

I have the same problem, when trying to start the UniFi interface

Java-based controller in web browser I get: Cannot access this website.

But I do the same procedure on another computer without Kaspersky protection and it starts normally.

When trying to upgrade the UniFi controller software, a great many people encounter the UniFi controller startup failed error. What causes the UniFi controller not starting issue? How to fix it? In this article, MiniTool explores several possible reasons and effective methods for the issue.

Lots of people reported that they encountered the UniFi controller startup failed issue. Some users encountered the issue when trying to upgrade UniFi controller software, while others got the error after launching the software for a few minutes. Up till now, the UniFi controller not starting error has been reported by many Windows 10 users.

In some cases, the UniFi controller failed to start as there are temporary software glitches caused by conflicting processes. To fix this issue, you can try ending all UniFi-related processes in Task Manager. Close the UniFi controller software, and then follow the steps below:

Step 2. In the Processes tab, right click the process related to the UniFi controller software and select End task. Then repeat this step to end all related processes.

If the needed ports are used by other programs, you may encounter the UniFi controller startup failed error. Usually, the UniFi controller software requires port 8080 to operate normally. In this case, you need to check if the default port is being used by a problematic program, and then set the default port for the UniFi controller application.

Step 2. Press the Win + E keys to open the File Explorer, and then go to the UniFi controller directory folder. Usually, you can find the directory through the path: This PC > Local Disk C > Ubiquiti UniFi > logs.

It is well known that the operation of the UniFi controller application requires the right JAVA version. Although JAVA has been updated to the latest version, the JAVA version 9 is not supported for the UniFi Network Controller.

The UniFi controller startup failed error pops up when upgrading the software. I fixed the issue through the second method in the post. Are you struggling to fix the UniFi controller issue? This post shares 8 effective troubleshooting methods. Click to Tweet

How to fix UniFi controller not starting? I believe that you already have known the answer. There are 8 effective methods in this post. If you have any questions about the MiniTool software, please send us an e-mail via [email protected]. We also appreciate any ideas in the comment area.

PLEASE NOTE: For the PFX file without an alias assigned, 1 is used as the default alias. Also, ensure you include -srcalias and -destalias in the command to avoid the error, "Alias unifi does not exist". The *password* value should be replaced with your actual password for the UniFi keystore.

There are two files inside the folder:unifi-core.crt and unifi-core.key. These are a self-signed certificate and a Private key, respectively.

All installation methods described for UDM-base work similarly on older UniFi controller versions. However, a few methods cannot be used for UDM even though they were valid in the past. They are described below.

unifi.https.hsts=false - set to true to enable HSTS 

unifi.https.hsts.max_age=*value* - you can specify the duration for how long HSTS is cached (in seconds)

unifi.https.hsts.preload=false - set to true only if you do not plan to remove the HSTS, as it will add your UniFi hostname to the preload list, deletion from which should be requested specifically 

unifi.https.hsts.subdomain=false - set to true if you would like to apply an HSTS policy for the subdomains of your domain name, as well as for the main domain name

unifi.https.ciphers=cipher1, cipher2, etc. - replace the values with the actual cipher names you want to enable

unifi.https.sslEnabledProtocols=protocol1, protocol2, etc. - replace the values with the actual protocol names you want to enable

Note that for the Windows controller, it appears to be that *Java* must have ports allowed thru the firewall and not the controller software. The newer versions of Java install in unique directories, not a single, standard named directory. So, if you update your version of Java (which installs in a unique directory), you must update the firewall appropriately to point to that new directory, not the older one.

I discovered this after a catastrophic failure and replacement of my router and I thought the new router was somehow causing the inability to get to the controller from other computers on my network. Turns out I had updated Java a couple of days previously and had not realized that the controller access from other machines was now not allowed thru the firewall. It had nothing to do with the new router.

The Unifi controller software may throw startup failed message due to the lack of free space on your system drive. Moreover, corrupt or outdated installation of Java or the Unifi controller software may also cause the error under discussion. 17dc91bb1f

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