When he next awoke, Genji again saw Reyes beside him, who made him an offer. If he agreed to help take down the remnants of the Shimada Clan, Overwatch would rebuild him into something greater than he had ever been. Angela Ziegler, who was beside Reyes, objected to the coercion, but Genji agreed,[7] as he felt he had no other choice.[16] Ziegler was in charge of the rebuilding of Genji's body. She replaced his failing organs with cybernetics (some modeled after those used by Vivian Chase), and once he was stable, began to rebuild and enhance what remained of his body.[7] Genji was put through an extensive process of cyberization, which enhanced his natural speed and agility and augmented his superlative ninja skills.[4] This was followed by months of treatment and physical therapy for his cybernetics, during which Genji and Ziegler formed a close bond.[7] Their bond remained during their time in Overwatch, and they had many late night conversations at Overwatch Headquarters.[5]

#2 - "Well done, it does seem like you're more than capable of taking out those Fire Spirits... that is quite impressive indeed." "No one knows where the Fire Spirits came from, but it is believed they are a creation of Volcagon." "Fire Spirits aren't too powerful alone, but the large amount of them can make them difficult for many of us to defeat." "But there is another creation of Volcagon that is a much greater threat, you may have even seen it while fighting Fire Spirits..." "It is the creature known only as the Magma Golem. Not only does it have far more health than the Fire Spirits, it also has more damage as well." "If you can defeat some of these I will be truly impressed. You may need to train more though before defeating them..." "Return to me after defeating 5 Magma Golems, then I will be confident in your ability."

#3 - "I'll admit that your power is something rather impressive... I never expected that you would be capable of beating even the Magma Golems..." "Maybe you really are the hero that we have been waiting so long for..." "Many of the strongest people from our Dimension left here long ago in an attempt to train new superhumans to defeat Volcagon... I never expected that it would actually work out though." "There was once an extremely powerful superhuman from this planet named Inferno, they decided to try and defeat Volcagon and barely escaped alive..." "Inferno was extremely powerful, but even he knew that he stood absolutely no chance against Volcagon. He decided that he would travel to other Dimensions in search of a new hero that he could train." "Ever since that day, he has never returned to this planet again. I have no idea what happened to him." "Haha I'm sure you're getting tired of my rambling... I would like to see you defeat some more Magma Golems now though." "Defeating them should help you get a few useful drops and get closer to being strong enough to defeat Volcagon..."

#4 - "You really do seem to be getting even stronger..." "I've been thinking, and I think that I would like to teach you a new skill called the Infernal Aura. It is the signature skill of our planet, everyone here knows it." "What? You're saying you already know the Infernal Aura and that Inferno was actually the one who trained you?" "I'm glad to hear that he is still well... he clearly has done well training you to become a strong superhuman." "Well, I do have another ability that I can teach you in the future... but that isn't something you're ready for yet." "It's true that I am asking you to defeat some of these enemies to test your ability, but there is also another important purpose for this all..." "It is to prepare you for your fight against Volcagon... from what little is known about his abilities we know that he summons some of these enemies to assist him in battle." "That's why you need to be able to defeat these enemies with ease if you want any chance of being able to take Volcagon down..." "If you're able to defeat a total of 50 Fire Spirits and 50 Magma Golems come back to me."

#5 - "You seem to be getting better at defeating the enemies around the planet now... very nicely done." "I am becoming confident that you really are the hero referred to in the ancient prophecy... I believe you can actually take down Volcagon after so long!" "I want you to train and defeat some more of the Fire Spirits and Magma Golems around here for a little... then we should almost be ready to battle him." "After you defeated 100 of both Fire Spirits and Magma Golems, we can work on the final thing required before you can challenge Volcagon..."

#6 - "It is easy to tell that defeating Fire Spirits and Magma Golems are nothing to you anymore..." "I feel you would be able to handle them in a fight against Volcagon, but there is another problem if you wish to battle against it..." "The volcano that Volcagon currently resides in has a powerful force around it... it will not allow anyone who is not a dragon inside it." "Of course you are not a dragon nor I, this is one of the many reasons that almost no one has been able to challenge it." "However, I can tell there is something strange about you... I can sense the energy of a reaper, hydra, yeti and many other creatures within you..." "I am almost certain that if you were able to do the same thing and fuse with a Dragon, you should be able to bypass this barrier and enter it's lair..." "If you can do this, return to me and we should be ready for the final battle..."

#7 - "Amazing... I can now sense some Dragon energy within you now as well!" "You'll have to teach me this technique one day as well, I'm sure it could allow those of us in this Dimension to become much more powerful also..." "If Inferno knows the technique just like you, I can't imagine how powerful he must be now! It's been so long!" "But now we must prepare for the battle against Volcagon..." "As powerful as you have become, Volcagon still far surpasses any living being in our Universe in power alone." "But if you were to team up with a few others who have also managed to fuse with a Dragon... You may actually be able to take it down combined." "This is likely your only option if you wish to defeat it once and for all! I know you can do it! Please stop him once and for all..." "I'll um... watch from over here while you fight."

#8 - "You... you actually did it..." "After thousands of years the reign of Volcagon is over. It has seized complete control over not only the Space Dimension but many other Dimensions and you were the one to defeat it." "Of course, Volcagon can not be erased so easily... But it is clear that it's days of conquering are now over." "It's likely that it will never be able to leave that Volcano again, trapped there for all eternity." "You truly are the hero of prophecy, I should have never doubted you..." "I even think that I may be able to figure out how Volcagon's godly Incinerate skill works and teach you if it you are able to fight him enough..." "If you want to learn this skill, it will require a lot of fighting, however it may be worth it." "Come back to me after defeating Volcagon a second time as well as defeating a total of 150 of both Fire Spirits and Magma Golems and I'll see what I can learn!"

#9 - "Oh so that is how the skill works... I seem to be getting a better understanding of it." "This skill is truly a difficult one to master, I think that even you are not ready to wield it yet. You need much more fighting experience." "It seems as that even though you were able to gain immense power through training in your Dimension you weren't able to get into many truly difficult fights." "Being able to fight against Volcagon and the other enemies around here should allow you to be able to use the Incinerate skill much more easily." "I want to see you defeat Volcagon again so I can get a better idea of your fighting style, as well as defeating a total of 250 Fire Spirits."

#10 - "I still can't believe you were able to defeat Volcagon... not just once but three times." "You really are the most powerful superhuman I have ever seen before..." "I still remember to this day the battle between Frostooth, the legendary Frost dragon and Volcagon..." "Frostooth used to be the ruler of the Glacial Outpost, he was well loved all over the Space Dimension. That is of course until Volcagon came and they fought to the death... and that was the end of Frostooth as far as we know." "No one knows exactly what happened to him after that, but no one ever saw him again." "Many have challenged Volcagon in the past and all have fallen, except you..." "Oh you've fallen asleep... Just make sure to finish that combat training when you wake up again." "Come back to me when you have defeated Volcagon a total of 5 times and defeated a total of 250 Magma Golems."

#11 - "You have an interesting fighting style indeed... but it definitely works." "It's not something I'm completely used to, but I think that I will be able to help you learn Volcagon's Incinerate skill soon..." "Keep doing some more fighting while I figure more out about this godly skill..." "I wish that I could do more for you after all that you have done for us, but I do hope that this skill will be worth the wait." "Come back to me after you've defeated Volcagon a total of 10 times as well as defeating a total of 500 Fire Spirits and 500 Magma Golems!" "This is very difficult, but I will give you a nice amount of tokens for all of this!"

#12 - "Very impressive! You continue to amaze me..." "I think I know how to use the Incinerate skill now, but you don't have enough combat experience still." "If you're able to do my next few quest I'm sure that you will be able to learn it though, I have everything planned out!" "I want you to test your skills against Volcagon some more..." "Come back to me after you defeat Volcagon a total of 25 times and defeat a total of 1,000 Magma Golems!"

#13 - "Almost there... just 2 more quests remanining before you should be ready to use the Incinerate skill." "I'm sure you know how the skills works from seeing Volcagon use it by now, but it appears to be among its most powerful attacks." "I'm sure you're excited to be able to use it... but let's not get too ahead of ourselves! Remember, never underestimate Volcagons power..." "Yes, you have been able to defeat it many times now, but only because you are within the Space Dimension. In your Dimension I believe things would go much differently." "From the limited information I was able to gather from both your energy and Volcagons, I estimate that its power would be equivalent to around 1OcVg power in your Dimension..." "If Volcagon was ever to escape this Dimension, it could still cause chaos all over the Multiverse." "So with that in mind, always be careful while fighting it. Don't let your guard down." "Come back to me after defeating Volcagon a total of 50 times as well as defeating 1,500 Fire Spirits... we're almost there!"

#14 - "Haha... I've just been thinking about Inferno still." "I can't believe that he really trained you! I suppose his silly plan really did work out..." "Is he still using that Aura Change trick just like everyone here? It's a long kept secret of the Space Dimension..." "Maybe I'll even show you how to do it one day! We are eternally gratefully to you, after all." "I'm sure that you're desperate to learn the Incinerate skill now, but there is still 1 quest that you need to do to become strong enough for it." "To finally learn this skill you will need to not only defeat Volcagon 100 times but also defeat a total of 2,500 Magma Golems and Fire Spirits. This will be extremely difficult." "I know that you can do it... come back to me as soon as you can so you can use Volcagon's Skill!"

#15 - "Congratulations, hero! You can now press the "L" key to use Volcagons godly Incinerate Skill!" "I'm sure that it won't be happy that you're using it but you've shown that you're more than capable of dealing with Volcagon in this dimension..." "Well now that I've shown you how to use this skill, I feel as if there is not much more I can do for you..." "I admire how strong you've grown, and I will try become the strongest I can also. I see now that I also can grow much stronger." "Keep training, I'm sure that there will be many threats to the Universe in the future, perhaps even greater than Volcagon. Keep training so you are prepared!" "I also see that you were able to accumulate a fair amount of artifacts now... I hear that the more of each boss you get, the higher chance you have of getting stronger artifacts from it." "Farewell, [Player]" "Maybe one day we can even fight each other and see who is stronger!"

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