The API supports a variety of message types: text, picture, video, file, location, sticker, contact, carousel content and URL. Specific post data examples and required parameters for each message type are given below.

The Chat API allows the user to send messages to the PA. Excluding file type, all message types are supported for sending from bot to user and from user to bot. These include: text, picture, video, contact, URL and location. The following callback data describes the structure of messages sent from user to PA.

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I need to display buttons in Viber bot using rich_media message type and Viber REST API.When buttons are rendered the Rich Media element has a fixed height (see on screenshot).If there is five buttons in Rich Media element some empty place appear under the last button.

So with the new update, Viber has gone the route of skype and other IM app's where if you try to type a word like * This * (Put spaces because reddit turns it into italics) it will instead come out as bolded text instead of having the *'s at either side.

I'm not sure if this is Viber's problem or TeamViewer's problem. I have installed Viber at my mobile phone (Android) and also at my PC at home. When at work I sometimes connect to my home computer to check my e-mail and other stuff and also I use Viber from the home PC. I noticed that when typing a message in Greek in Viber, it displays the first accented Greek character correctly, but every other accented Greek character is replaced by the first accented character I have typed. For example, if the first accented character in a message is "epsilon with tonos" (), then every other accented characted changes to "epsilon with tonos" (), regardless of which vowel I try to accent. This issue doesn't appear when using Viber at my home PC locally or on my mobile phone (Android), only when using Viber remotely by TeamViewer. Probably some key codes are not transferred correctly through TeamViewer. A workaround is to type the message in another application (such as Notepad) and then copy-paste into Viber or just type Greek without accents. Has anyone else experienced a similar problem when using Viber or other application remotely? Please tell my how can I solve this. Is there any settings in TeamViewer I could adjust (I have enabled to pass key combinations such as WIN+E, ALT+TAB etc) Both PCs (at work and at home) run Windows 10 and of course I have already upgraded to the latest version of Viber.

Creating them is easy! Every message object has its own unique constructor corresponding to its API implementation. Click on each type in the list to find out more. Check out the full API documentation for more advanced uses.

You may not have to do anything that drastic. Try deleting the viber app, then restart your phone before adding it back. Just a normal restart or a forced restart (neither will result in any data loss)

Sticker market ads on Viber are a unique type that allow businesses to create branded stickers that users can download and use in their chats. These can be a fun and engaging way to promote a brand or product, as they can be shared by users with their friends and family.

Native ads on Viber are a type of advertising that seamlessly blends into the user's content feed, making them appear like natural content rather than an ad. These ads are designed to look and feel like the content that surrounds them, making them more engaging and less disruptive to the user experience.

Banner ads are a small rectangular ad format that appears at the bottom of the screen. They are designed to be less intrusive than other types of ads, as they do not take up a lot of space on the screen. Businesses can use them to promote products or services or advertise special offers or discounts.

I've downloaded and installed successfully Viber 64 bit. I can start it and type my mobile number. At the next screen I've a notice: "An Internet connection is required to activate your Viber account. Check your connection and try again".

Viber ads are displayed in six locations within the app and can be targeted according to user demographics, e.g. age, gender, location, app usage behaviour, interests, device type and language. Viber also considers the number of times a particular user has already been shown an ad to prevent advertising fatigue.

Viber is a fast-growing messaging app with 1 billion users worldwide. It offers a suite of innovative marketing tools for businesses, including three types of messages, different chat features and in-app advertising.

With a business account on Viber, businesses can send promotional and transactional messages to the clients who consented to receive them. Previously, businesses had to pay for every message of that kind, with no alternatives. Now, with the inception of the Session messaging type, companies can pay not per message, but per conversation with a client.

Statistically, users are more eager to make a decision when their requests are answered by a manager right in the messenger. By paying for the conversational messages, companies are motivated to maintain a dialogue with a client through free Session-type messages. 60 messages are more than enough to answer 90% of client questions and resolve any doubts about product or service quality. Thus Viber Sessions help businesses to offer service that meets customer expectations, and, therefore, boosts sales.

Viber PC Calls Artifact 

  Caller - The caller number. Call Status - Call status (answered/missed). Call Type - Call type (voice call/video call). Is Seen - Indicates whether the call is seen or not. Duration - Call duration. Receiver - Call receiver number. 

Viber PC Chats Artifact 

  Sticker ID - The sticker ID. PayLoad Path - Chat payload path. Receiver - Chat receiver number. Is Read - Indicates whether the chat is read or not. Sender - Chat sender number. Message Type - Chat type. Message Body - Chat body. Direction - Chat direction (outgoing/ingoing). 

Anticipating Errors :  "Any program that accepts data from a user must include code to validate that data before sending it to the data store. You cannot rely on the data store, ...., or even your programming language to notify you of problems. You must check every byte entered by your users, making sure that data is the correct type for its field and that required fields are not empty."

At the begining you neew to declare your viber struct with you app key. Sender is default sender which will be used as default for sending all messages to the users and public account. But, for each message you can specify different sender if you like.

To receive messages and other callbacks, you have to run you viber app on webhook URL you specified using SetWebhook. You can easily manage all Viber callbacks (Message, Subscribed, Unsubscribed, Delivered, Seen, Failed) using this package by specifying your own functions which will be called on event. ff782bc1db

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