It's easy to customize your profile by selecting unique profile and header images, adding a name, bio, location, birth date, and website. You can also choose a theme color, and pin a post that other people will see when they visit your profile.

You can customize your X profile by adding your birth date. You can control who on X can see your birth date on your profile by using your birth date visibility settings. You'll only be able to change these settings a few times.

Download Twitter Profile Banner

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If a 403 or 404 error is returned when trying to access a profile image, refresh the user object using GET users/show to retrieve the most recent profile_image_url or profile_image_url_https. The URL may have changed, which happens for instance when the user updates their profile image.

Profile banners come in a variety of display-enhanced sizes. The variant sizes are available through a request to GET users/profile_banner or by modifying the final path component of the profile_banner_url found in a user object according to the table below.

I have Elevated Access on my app and used the bearer token when requesting the v1.1 endpoint for the banner image_url and still got a 403. Is there a certain way to request access or is this not possible anymore?

The general recommended dimensions -approved by Twitter themself- for Twitter header pictures are 1500 x 500 pixels with an aspect ratio of 3:1, a file size of not more than 2mb, a PNG, JPG or GIF file format and a rectangular shape as opposed to the square shaped profile picture.

Also, the placement of your profile picture can also affect your Twitter banner. Usually, Twitter places your profile picture over the bottom left corner of your banner picture. This means that a certain part of your banner picture would get covered up by the profile picture.

When attempting to create the perfect and coolest Twitter banner, there are certain guidelines you are expected to follow. This will ensure that your Twitter banner serves the right purposes and does not just take up precious space.

To create an efficient Twitter banner, you are expected to stick to a recommended banner size of 1500 x 500 pixels. You can slightly customize this size but you should maintain an aspect ratio of 3:1.

Creating an efficient Twitter banner can be pretty easy and fun, this is because you are free to let out your creative side and just focus on making your Twitter banner an avid representation of what you have in mind.

One mistake most people make with their Twitter banners is using the same old pictures or formats everyone is using. Be unique, this will not only make you stand out, but also make your brand look more professional.

Conforming with every one of our Twitter banner recommendations, this banner keeps its most important information right in the center, makes use of a simple design and even tells a visual story that appeals to the emotions of the viewers.

Viewst is one example of reliable and trusted ad builders, offering extensive editing features, a huge collection of Twitter templates of varying sizes to choose from and a lot of other distinct features that will allow you to create quality banners with little or no prior designing experience.

On a header image, it is the area in between the top and bottom parts of the image, generally 1500 x 360 pixels. On a profile picture, it is recommended to center important information while for regular tweet images, refer to the specifications listed above.

It is easy to create a cool and efficient Twitter banner. All you need to do is follow the guidelines in this article or, for an easier and more professional approach, visit the Viewst website to gain access to countless Twitter banner templates with options for customization and a host of other features.

On a computer, your profile image will cover quite a large section of your Twitter banner while on mobile devices, you'll be able to see more of your Twitter banner. This means you'll need to leave enough space in the bottom left corner of your banner to keep your profile image from creeping into your banner design. Not only that, but the space at the top and bottom of the banner (about 60 pixels for each) tend to get cropped depending on the monitor size or browser being used. When you take the size of your Twitter profile image (400x400 px) into consideration, the "safe area" for your Twitter banner is only about 1500x360 px.

Once again, Twitter's banner sizes guidelines indicate dimensions of 1500 px by 500px with an aspect ratio of 3:1. Photos can be in JPG, GIF, or PNG formats but it's important to note that Twitter doesn't support animated GIFs for either profile or banner images. Twitter also recommends that your files not exceed 2MB each.

As we mentioned, even if you follow the Twitter banner sizes guidelines, you'll probably still end up with a Twitter banner that doesn't look as good as it could because of the ridiculous scaling and cropping that happens. While Twitter's banner images give you tons of space when you add in the profile image and cropping, you're really left with the purple area seen here:

And this varies depending on the kind of devices viewers are accessing your Twitter profile from. The image above shows how your Twitter cover photo will look on a desktop displayed at full-width. As the screen size is reduced, the amount of space taken up by your profile image will also decrease.

Twitter has become one of the most powerful social media platforms for brands and influencers. 82% of all B2B businesses are using Twitter as a marketing tool and about 75% of all businesses have a presence on the platform. And, it's no wonder why: 40% of Twitter users report purchasing something after seeing it on Twitter (Digital Marketing Institute). That's why it's important to make sure that your Twitter banner looks great and is ready to help you generate leads and make sales.

Your Twitter banner is the first thing your profile visitors are going to see when they check out your Twitter account. With a visually appealing and effective Twitter banner, you'll be able to increase brand awareness and put some life behind your marketing campaigns. Dell, for example, is using their Twitter banner to advertise their XPS system:

Bud Light isn't really highlighting their product in their Twitter banner, but the cardboard cut-outs of fans in a stadium is definitely eye-catching and shows that the brand is aware of the strange new world 2020 has given us:

What's the one thing all of these Twitter banners have in common? They're high-quality. So, that's a great place to start, with high-quality images. But that's not all you can do to make sure that your Twitter banner is bringing in the attention your brand needs and deserves. Let's talk about some other steps you can take to ensure that you're putting your best Twitter banner forward.

Your Twitter banner should be relevant to your brand and business. No matter what it is you're promoting, your audience should be able to see your Twitter banner and know something about your brand. Bonus points if your Twitter banner supports your marketing message.

As with every aspect of your marketing strategy, your Twitter banner should make an emotional appeal. Remember that old adage "a picture is worth a thousand words?" That holds true for your Twitter banner. Just check out this Twitter banner example from diaper brand Pampers:

As you already know based on our discussion of Twitter banner sizes guidelines, you don't have a whole lot of real estate to get your marketing message across. That makes it vitally important to present a simple and clean Twitter banner that conveys your marketing message in a concise way while still generating interest and inspiring your visitors to take action.

Because of this, many brands opt to keep their Twitter banners limited to just images. If you're going to use text, keep it simple and easy-to-read. Stick to standard fonts and high-contrast colors to make your Twitter banner accessible from any device. Remember that more than 80% of Twitter users visit the site via mobile devices so a detailed and cluttered Twitter banner isn't going to have the effect you're going for.

Since your Twitter banner will be cropped and stretched depending on the devices your visitors are using, make sure that you keep the more important aspects of your banner near the center. Use the rest of your space to draw visitors' attention toward what you want them to see. And, make sure that your profile image doesn't cover the important bits of your image no matter what device visitors are using.

Now that you've got some Twitter banner best practices under your belt, you might be wondering how you can go about putting those best practices together to create a Twitter banner that really knocks it out of the park. No matter whether you're a brand or influencer, your Twitter banner should look high-quality and professional. Here are the seven steps to take to create a Twitter banner that makes a great first impression. When combined with the Twitter banner best practices we just covered, you have everything you need to effectively use this often overlooked marketing strategy.

Nothing beats a good old brainstorming session to get your creative juices flowing and help you define the image that goes along with your marketing message. Really think about who your target audience is and what type of imagery they like to see. Also, it's important to consider your brand's personality when finding the right imagery for your Twitter banner. If you're a white-collar, professional business brand, you probably won't want to use a cartoonish, illustrated Twitter banner because it's inconsistent with your brand. Choose images that bring to mind the traits you want your target audience to connect with your brand.

We've talked a lot about Twitter banner sizes in this article because it's important to make sure that your image doesn't get stretched or cropped and ruin the look you're going for. Plus, if your Twitter banner is going to contain important information, that needs to be placed so it's not cut off in the cropping that happens on certain browsers and at some resolutions and that the important info isn't blocked by your profile image. Your Twitter header should be 1500 x 500 pixels. With a profile image sized at 400 x 400 pixels square and areas that will potentially be cropped, you have about 1500 x 360 pixels to work with. ff782bc1db

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