Media Studio is an easy-to-use platform to manage, measure and monetize your media on X. Tell your story your way with this one-stop shop tool for managing content on X for your entire organization, whether you have one account or fifty.

In June, we shared a variety of ways that Twitter is investing in video, including longer video, new ways to explore video, and better ways for creators to connect with their fans. Today, we are announcing new tools that will bring video creators around the world the ability to upload, manage and publish media more efficiently and effectively than ever before.

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Media Studio, which replaces, is an even more comprehensive desktop destination where you can access all of our video publishing tools and resources in one place.

It includes new features which could be valuable to any professional creators who upload video content to Twitter.

I did have all required codecs, tools & libs installed (ffmpeg, restricted extras, etc), but still was getting a lot of (but not all) media not playing -- mostly noticeable on twitter. Some played, others did not.

I was able to resolve this by going into Firefox preferences > content > DRM content; the check box "Play DRM Content" was not checked. After checking the box and restarting firefox, these media once again started playing in firefox. (Sample test tweet to verify.)

Voice of America reporter Wenhao Ma previously reported that Twitter was no longer fully enforcing its state-affiliated media policy. Ma found that the platform had begun automatically recommending Chinese government-backed publications to users through its For You page, which is controlled by an algorithm.

LiveCut is a video-editing tool within Media Studio that allows you to create video clips from the most compelling moments in your live stream and share them to Twitter in real time. Designed to require no technical editing expertise, LiveCut empowers social media editors with easy-to-use video production tools to get your video clip content in front of wider audiences faster.

The MIT scholars say it is possible that the same phenomenon occurs on other social media platforms, including Facebook, but they emphasize that careful studies are needed on that and other related questions.

[3] It is conceivable that in another week, one in which a major breaking news event occurred, the Twitter universe among mainstream media outlets would look different. The goal of this study, however, is to assess the nature of Twitter use during a typical week, not an extraordinary one.

Important: e-prints posted on arXiv are not peer-reviewed by arXiv; they should not be relied upon without context to guide clinical practice or health-related behavior and should not be reported in news media as established information without consulting multiple experts in the field.

Throughout the year, Digiday+ Research tracked the ups and downs in the media and marketing industries through regular surveys of publisher, agency, brand and retailer professionals. We round up the biggest trends of the year, based on the data that resonated the most with our readers.

Background:  False claims about COVID-19 vaccines can undermine public trust in ongoing vaccination campaigns, posing a threat to global public health. Misinformation originating from various sources has been spreading on the web since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Antivaccine activists have also begun to use platforms such as Twitter to promote their views. To properly understand the phenomenon of vaccine hesitancy through the lens of social media, it is of great importance to gather the relevant data.

Methods:  We started the ongoing data collection on October 18, 2020, leveraging the Twitter streaming application programming interface (API) to follow a set of specific antivaccine-related keywords. Then, we collected the historical tweets of the set of accounts that engaged in spreading antivaccination narratives between October 2020 and December 2020, leveraging the Academic Track Twitter API. The political leaning of the accounts was estimated by measuring the political bias of the media outlets they shared.

Conclusions:  The vaccine-related misinformation on social media may exacerbate the levels of vaccine hesitancy, hampering progress toward vaccine-induced herd immunity, and could potentially increase the number of infections related to new COVID-19 variants. For these reasons, understanding vaccine hesitancy through the lens of social media is of paramount importance. Because data access is the first obstacle to attain this goal, we published a data set that can be used in studying antivaccine misinformation on social media and enable a better understanding of vaccine hesitancy.

In Canada, for example, the government has provided millions of dollars directly to media outlets through direct cash infusions and tax breaks. The U.S. and Europe support public interest media around the world through overseas development assistance, providing critical state funding to media working in challenging conditions around the world. In these and other examples, does that make them either state-affiliated or government-funded?

The terms state-controlled and government-funded raise questions about the utility of employing such blunt terms and not including information about how other news media are funded and operate. The selective application of labels to some news media and not others also raise concerns about perception and consistency.

The risks of conflating editorially independent outlets with state-controlled propaganda mills not only detracts from the media and information literacy goals of such labeling, but also undermines the safety of journalists working for the outlet. Labeling independent public interest media as state-affiliated provides cover to authoritarian governments to designate those organizations and their journalists as foreign agents or spies, which could have significant implications for their safety.

As mentioned, other major social media companies including Google, Meta, and TikTok label at least some state-affiliated media, although they all use a slightly different definition and terminology and impose different types of controls on their accounts.

There are plenty of media outlets that are privately owned, which still push propaganda and spread disinformation, and plenty of public-supported news media whose public interest orientation often results in criticism of the state and government. It would be preferable for platforms to focus on designations that are as objective and fact-based as possible, rather than subjectively determined in secret or on the whim of their owner.

Deciding which news counts as independent journalism, and which media outlets are extensions of their political or financial backers, is not only difficult but ultimately political. A more nuanced approach is needed that considers the editorial independence of media outlets and assesses them on their merits, and which ideally takes these important decisions out of the hands of platforms or billionaires that control large swaths of the public sphere and the access that news media have to their audiences and advertisers.

In fact, it would be better if we could improve the labeling and algorithmic identification of all types of news media online. But making those determinations needs to be made independently from the platforms themselves. It could also help improve transparency in the media sector by requiring that news media provide information about their funding, editorial standards, and masthead.

Instead of haphazardly slapping labels on media while rescinding their verification, Twitter and its ilk should focus on ways to clearly distinguish news media agencies on their platforms and in their content moderation systems. They also should rely on a multistakeholder process that insulates these decisions from politics.

Luckily, the journalism profession has a plethora of professional groups, standards-setting bodies, and accreditation practices that could form the basis for a third-party assessment of what type of label a media organization should receive. This could be coupled with expertise from academic and practitioner communities that have created the resources that platforms use to make their proprietary designations, such as the State Media Monitor and the Media Ownership Monitor. These types of self-regulatory bodies and empirical research efforts have the expertise and legitimacy to categorize media appropriately and can help ensure that the labeling process is transparent and accountable.

Multiple Russian, Chinese, and Iranian state media outlets on Twitter simultaneously began to gain followers after months of decline or stagnation, the DFRLab has discovered. A DFRLab assessment suggests that Twitter changed its algorithms regarding these accounts around March 29, 2023. NPR confirmed on April 21 that Twitter had made the deliberate decision to stop filtering government accounts in Russia, China, and Iran. That same day, Reuters reported that Twitter had removed its state media labels from their accounts as well.

The Federal Trade Commission works to promote competition and protect and educate consumers. Learn more about consumer topics at, or report fraud, scams, and bad business practices at Follow the FTC on social media, read consumer alerts and the business blog, and sign up to get the latest FTC news and alerts.

These findings have important implications for market participants, Kurov added. Traders should now analyze social media content carefully, and entities should continue to improve transparency and market efficiency by utilizing social media, he said.

Less than 24 hours after its launch, Twitter has deleted posts referring to a policy that prohibited users from linking to certain rival social media websites, including Facebook, Instagram and Mastodon.

Twitter last week suspended the accounts of numerous journalists who cover the social media platform and Musk, among them reporters working for The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, Voice of America and other publications. Many of those accounts were restored following an online poll by Musk. ff782bc1db

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