I felt this was a necessary thing to have on a Hitachiin Twins blog. XD Especially since telling them apart is kinda hard(my sister messes up all of the time -____-), and the Takagi twins (the actors who play the Hitachiins in the Ouran Live Action Drama) are even harder to tell apart.

So yeah, everyone's been there. Trying to tell twins apart especially when they are identical is HARD, but even though they look the same, some characteristics stand out more than others such as freckles, moles, etc. That is no exception for our lovely Momobami twins. Here's something I noticed in both the manga and anime:

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We administered the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ) to 217 monozygotic and 114 dizygotic reared-together adult twin pairs and 44 monozygotic and 27 dizygotic reared-apart adult twin pairs. A four-parameter biometric model (incorporating genetic, additive versus nonadditive, shared family-environment, and unshared environment components) and five reduced models were fitted through maximum-likelihood techniques to data obtained with the 11 primary MPQ scales and its 3 higher order scales. Solely environmental models did not fit any of the scales. Although the other reduced models, including the simple additive model, did fit many of the scales, only the full model provided a satisfactory fit for all scales. Heritabilities estimated by the full model ranged from .39 to .58. Consistent with previous reports, but contrary to widely held beliefs, the overall contribution of a common family-environment component was small and negligible for all but 2 of the 14 personality measures. Evidence of significant nonadditive genetic effects, possibly emergenic (epistatic) in nature, was obtained for 3 of the measures.

The research team, led by Bouchard, includedDavid T. Lykken, Matthew McGue, Nancy L. Segal, and Auke Tellegen.The team conducted the study at the University of Minnesota, whereBouchard directed the Minnesota Center for Twin and AdoptionResearch. Bouchard, Lykken, McGue, Segal, and Tellegen studieddifferent aspects of psychology and behavioral genetics. Many ofthose scientists had previously conducted twin studies. Often, twinsare a subjet of interest to scientists because identical ormonozygotic twins share all of their genes, which allows for thecontrol of genetic differences that is otherwise difficult toachieve with non-identical individuals.

In the introduction, the authors describe the twins in theirsample and how they were recruited for the study. The authorsmention the rarity of reared-apart twin and that the study involvedover one hundred sets of twins recruited from many places around theworld, including the US, UK, Canada, China, and Germany. The authorsstate that they recruited the twins in several ways. First, theyestablished a way for friends and relatives of the twins, or thereunited twins themselves, to contact the Minnesota Center for Twinand Adoption Research (MICTAR) upon hearing about the project. Inaddition, members of the adoption community, social workers, andprofessionals who encountered reared-apart twins were able to serveas intermediaries between the twins and the researchers. Finally,the scientists were able to recruit individuals who were aware ofhaving a separated twin and who had asked for assistance in locatingthem from the MICTAR staff.

The authors explain that thestudy sample consisted of adult twins, separated very early in life,reared apart during their formative years, and reunited inadulthood. The authors mention that they recruited both monozygoticreared apart and dizygotic reared apart twins, and identified theirzygosity with extensive serological or body fluid comparisons,fingerprint ridge count, and anthropometric measurements.

Theresearchers continue the introduction to describe what tasks theparticipants performed during the experiment. As part of the studythe twins underwent approximately fifty hours of medical andpsychological assessment. The authors explain that they usedmultiple test instruments from each major domain of psychologicalassessment, including personality traits, occupational interests,and mental ability tests to ensure adequate coverage. The authorsalso explain that an assessment was performed to determine theinfluence of the rearing environments on the psychologicaldevelopment of the twins involved in the study. The authors statethat separate examiners administered IQ tests, life historyinterviews, psychiatric interviews, and sexual life historyinterviews with all the twins in the study. The twins alsoindependently completed questionnaires, under supervision from thestaff member. The authors do not mention any details about thequestions they asked twins during those examinations.

IQ tests thatthe twins performed. As the authors explain, the twins performedthree different intelligence quotient (IQ) measurements, includingthe Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), which involvedadministering a set of six verbal and five performance subtests tothe twins at the same time in different rooms. According to theauthors, the twins also completed the Raven, Mill-Hill compositemeasurement, which involved nonverbal measurement of problem-solvingability, vocabulary tests, and multiple-choice word knowledge tests.Finally, the authors administered the first principal component (PC)measurement to measure the cognitive and comprehensive ability ofthe twins. These tests were done to examine if the twins hadsignificant individual differences in their IQ scores, or if theywere mostly similar. Based on the results the authors obtained fromthe examinations, the authors conclude that the IQ scores ofmonozygotic co-twins reared apart were similar.

In the last threesections, the authors move on to explain the results of their study.According to the authors, the monozygotic reared apart twins showedsimilarities in behavior, interests, religion, and intelligenceregardless of their rearing environment. The IQ scores were alsoconsistent between the monozygotic reared apart twins. Bouchard andhis colleagues compare the correlation of IQ between monozygoticreared apart twins and the correlation of IQ between monozygotictwins that are reared together, and found that those values weresimilar. That similarity led them to conclude that rearingmonozygotic twins together or apart has no significant effect on IQ.Based on that comparison, Bouchard and his colleagues conclude thatmonozygotic twins reared apart were just as similar as monozygotictwins reared together.

Finally, the authors state threedifferent possibilities that could cause the similarity betweenmonozygotic twins reared apart. First, the authors state that thegenetic factors strongly influence the behavior and generalintelligence of individuals and accounts for about 70 percent of thevariation in IQ. Second, the authors claim that environmentalfactors did not have a significant effect on the development ofmonozygotic twins when they were reared apart which caused them tobe similar in social attitude due to the genetic factor. Finally,the authors state that genetic factors control the effects ofenvironmental factors. That means the even if environmental factorshad a significant effect, the genetic similarity between themonozygotic reared apart twins might have influenced the twins tofocus on, and retain similar environmental influences and, as aresult, the twins become similar.

In early March, Sofi Rodriguez tweeted that she had to take her twins to the police station for fingerprints. She couldn't tell her identical twins apart and needed help figuring out who was who. Rodriguez joked she was winning the "Best Mom" award of the year.

I knew my twins were identical before they were born. Because I was over 35 when I got pregnant, I took genetic testing to ensure everything was OK with my unborn daughters. One of those tests determined that they were genetically identical.

If a color scheme seems too limiting or redundant, LaCross says that painting the babies' toenails is safe as long as it's done with nontoxic nail polish. She also recommends being intentional about the spaces babies spend time in, like putting one baby always on the left side bassinet and the other always on the right, or choosing a side on the stroller for each and sticking to it. I do this with my twins and their car seats and haven't ever switched sides in three years.

This is true for my twins. While physically identical, their personalities could not be more different. One of my girls is a daredevil and very independent, while the other wants to cuddle all day and is super gentle.

All parents of twins know that at some point in your life, you will call your child by the other twin's names. Even when I know who is who, in the chaos of parenting multiple children, I sometimes go through the list of all the household's names before getting it right.

Casey Morrow, Ph.D.The UAB researchers found significantly more shared strain pairs in child-aged twins who still lived together, as compared with adult twins after living apart for periods of time. Among the adult twins, those who had lived apart less than 10 years shared significantly more related strain pairs than twins living apart for longer periods, from 10 to 60 years.

Specifically, 80-year-old twins who had lived together for 79 years then were apart for 1 year showed the highest number of related strain pairs. The next highest numbers of related strain pairs were found in 56-year-old twins who had lived together for 51 years then apart for five years, in 73-year-old twins who lived together for 66 years and then apart for seven years, and in 36-year-old twins separated for 19 years.

My husband has twin brothers, and one of those brothers had twin daughters (busting the twins-skip-a-generation myth), so our family is quite familiar with the twin bond. Over and over, we've watched with amusement as one adult twin will move across the country for one reason or another, with the other twin eventually, but inevitably, following them. Twins redefine the word "inseparable," which makes sense since they've literally been together since before they were even born. e24fc04721

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