I have a trixbox installation that refuses to accept incoming calls via IAX2 from a certain VoIP provider. Initially, I thought it was a firewall problem but I think I've established now that is not the case. I've tried everything I can think of (and I'm no expert in this area) without success. Here's what I've established:

trixbox is an open telephony platform utilizing the best of the open source telephony tools into one easy-to-install package. Based on an enhanced LAAMP (Linux, Apache, Asterisk, mySQL, PHP) the trixbox dashboard provides easy to use web-based interfaces to setup, manage, maintain, and support an complete IP PBX system.

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trixbox CE comes with the Asterisk Mail voicemail system. Asterisk mail is a fairly robust and useful voicemail system. The Asterisk Mail voicemail system can be accessed by any internal extension or by dialing into the main IVR system.

trixbox CE includes CentOS Linux, mysql, and all the tools needed to run a business quality phone system. A web GUI makes configuration and operation easy. The install CD also includes an xPL (home automation) interface for easy interaction with other devices in the home.

trixbox CE, the community edition founded by Kerry Garrison and Andrew Gillis, was completely free and was available under a GPLv2 license.

trixbox Pro is the commercial version and contains closed-source components which better able to fulfill the needs of larger companies and call centers.

trixbox Appliance is a server appliance available from Fonality which comes preloaded with either trixbox CE or trixbox Pro.

I continued my initial proof of concept test with the X100P card and aLinksys EIP300 WiFi VoiP phone in order to get the go ahead from my wifeJennifer before investing in some higher quality hardware. She wasn'thappy that the EIP300 didn't have a charging stand, but the voicequality was great throughout the house. I decided to get the DigiumWildcard TDM400P for my real installation. Specifically I got a TDM422Pthatallows me to have both my voice and my fax line potentiallyintegrated with Asterisk, as well as two POTS analog lines hooked up.Installing trixboxtrixbox is a CentOS based distribution that will automatically installAsterisk, FreePBX, autodetect common digital telephone hardware, etc.So painless its almost embarassing to admit I used it. The communityedution known as trixbox CE is completely free.

You can used the Packages page to install additional software on yourtrixbox. The packages are really just managed with yum underneath, soyou can use that if you prefer. On my old machine, I received atimeout after 30 seconds trying to access the Packages page. To fixthis, I had to change /etc/php.ini to increase the"max_execution_time" from "30" to "180", higher then I did in theolder trixbox 2.4 version.

I wrote this section since I was upgrading this time with trixbox 2.6instead of doing a fresh like I did with trixbox 2.2. However, if youare doing a fresh install, just skip to the next section to proceedwith your own setup from scratch.

FreePBX can only backup and restore from the same FreePBX version. Somigrating from trixbox 2.2 to 2.6 is a two step process. First we needto upgrade the trixbox 2.2 FreePBX to version 2.4 and then restore thea newly created backup to trixbox 2.6 system.

Setting up a TDM400P is pretty easy. Generally if the card isinstalled in the machine before you install trixbox, it should beautomatically configured. If not, you can get asterisk toautomatically configure it after the fact simply by running"genzaptelconf". This is shown in the the Digium "TDM400P User'sManual" that comes with the TDM400P card and is also available onlineat

Now when I call in, both of my extensions ring. One minor issue withthis is that I have to remember to update my ring group whenever I addnew extensions. A more major issue is that if none of the extensionsanswers, we just hang up on on the caller. The next step is to setupvoicemail so we can direct unanswered calls there. One minor issue isthat FreePBX 2.2 seems to only allow creating a voicemail box as part ofa specific extension, as opposed to creating a shared mailbox directlywhich is apparently possible in trixbox 2.3. So as part of setting upvoicemail, we'll have to use an extension to create the voicemail box touse for the ring group. We also need to point other extensions such as101 to use a mailbox of 100@device so that voicemail notification suchas stutter dialtone and message waiting indicator (MWI) lights will work.

Unfortunately, compared to most generic IP phones, Cisco phones are apain to setup. The first reason is that by default Cisco uses their ownSCCP (aka Skinny) protocol, as opposed to the standard SIP protocol.Although Asterisk has a few options to support SCCP, they are not aswell documented or integrated with tools such as FreePBX or trixbox. Thesecond reasons is that the phones want to talk to a TFTP server when theboot up to configure themselves. The TFTP server needs to be specifiedby the DHCP server, and probably no home routers built in DHCP server donot allow a TFTP server option to be specified. So now I need to make my trixboxserver a DHCP box so I can tell DHCP clients such as Cisco phones thatthe TFTP server is also on my trixbox.

Now when we boot a Cisco phone on the network with the trixbox server,it should see the new DHCP server and then try and contact the trixbox'stftp server. However, we still need to configure that to support theCisco phones.

The "Phone Directory" is setup to pull from SugarCRMcontacts. Unfortunately, although SugarCRM was bundled in earlierversions of trixbox, it is no longer included in 2.6. Rather thansetup all of SugarCRM to get the "Phone Directory" working, I insteaddecided to just create a fake sugarcrm database and contacts table itand populate it with contacts exported from another system.

The "RSS Feeds" service by default tries to provide the Wall StreetJournal "What's News" feed. Unfortunately, it is broken out of the boxin trixbox 2.6. I downloaded the original codefor xmlrssparse and found thatthe trixbox had a broken xmlrssparse.html file which stripped out theHTML comments which actually were being used as markers in thetemplate.

In my "Family_Friendly" outbound route I made sure to include 611 as adial pattern to go to the ZAP/3 trunk. However, 611 is hardwired to goto nv-weather.php in /etc/asterisk/extensions_trixbox.conf. I googledabout 611 and found some references to setting it up using the "MiscDestinations" module. I figured I should install that to see if it wouldlet me remap 611 to some other number.

Unforunately it is not managable through the "Misc Destinations" modulelike it probably should and could be... The simple solution to get real611 working is do replace the string 611 with something else like 612 inextensions_trixbox.conf file followed by a "service asterisk restart".

Having done this, I found that weather, now on 612, didn't actually workanyway. Seems like the provided script depended on pdaweather.org whichchanged its website. A newer version using NOAA data seems to beavailable from: -airport/I just commented out the 612 extension in extensions_trixbox.conf.

While I was in extensions_trixbox.conf, I noticed *61 as an alternativeweather script, but it also was not functionally so I disabled it aswell. I did also find the *62 wakeup call application which seemed to work...

I had something sort of working for trixbox 2.2 based on the *3/*4approach found in -users/2006-February/140818.htmlalthough I had changed it to be *0 for both the callee and callercase, since only one of the two DYNAMIC_FEATUREs would be enabled at atime. However, it was flakey enough that my wife gave up on using it.

When I moved to trixbox 2.6 I want to make sure I had a solid solutionthat worked. I first updated my 2.2 code for 2.6, setting outflash inmacro-dialout-trunk-predial-hook and inflash inmacro-from-zaptel-3. After much debugging, I found that for theinflash case I needed to use _DYNAMIC_FEATURES (note the underscore)to indicate that I wanted the DYNAMIC_FEATURE variable copied from thezap channel to the sip channel.Addtion to /etc/asterisk/extensions_custom.conf[macro-from-zaptel-3]exten => s,1,NoOp(macro-from-zaptel-3 before set: DYNAMIC_FEATURES: ${DYNAMIC_FEATURES})exten => s,n,Set(_DYNAMIC_FEATURES=inflash)exten => s,n,NoOp(macro-from-zaptel-3 after set: DYNAMIC_FEATURES: ${DYNAMIC_FEATURES}); end of [macro-from-zaptel-3][macro-dialout-trunk-predial-hook]exten => s,1,NoOp(macro-dialout-trunk-predial-hook before set: DYNAMIC_FEATURES: ${DYNAMIC_FEATURES})exten => s,n,Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES=outflash)exten => s,n,NoOp(macro-dialout-trunk-predial-hook after set: DYNAMIC_FEATURES: ${DYNAMIC_FEATURES}); end of [macro-dialout-trunk-predial-hook]Addtion to /etc/asterisk/features_applicationmap_custom.confinflash => *0,caller,Flash,()outflash => *0,callee,Flash,()However, with this configuration, with the inbound case I was gettingan app_flash.c error complaining that the sip channel "is not a Zapchannel". After changing caller to callee in thefeatures_applicationmap_custom.conf, things finally worked. However,then there was no point to setting different features for the inboundand outbound case! So I changed to a much simpler two lineconfiguration shown here:

The webmin tool lets you administer common linux settings from a webgui instead of directly from text files. In trixbox 2.4 webmin wasinstallable via the Packages page or yum. However, in trixbox 2.6 youneed to follow the instructions here:

Trixbox Pro is the newest addition to the trixbox family. trixbox Pro runs on hardened PBXtra technology with a hybrid-hosted solution, which means you get 24x7 monitoring, Anywhere Management, complete phone mobility, and automatic software updates. trixbox Pro comes in three editions; trixbox Pro Standard Edition (SE), Enterprise Edition (EE), Call Center Edition (CCE), and Unified Agent Edition (UAE) trixbox Pro is all about choice! All editions are available at a low per-month cost or an affordable lifetime license fee. 17dc91bb1f

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