Note: Possible gotcha: removing middle characters

 Because trim() trims characters from the beginning and end of a string, it may be confusing when characters are (or are not) removed from the middle. trim('abc', 'bad') removes both 'a' and 'b' because it trims 'a' thus moving 'b' to the beginning to also be trimmed. So, this is why it "works" whereas trim('abc', 'b') seemingly does not.

ERROR 003206: The trim date must be older than the date the map was taken offline. [The table, GIS.SDE.survey_v2_0, participates in a feature service that was used in an offline map. SDE.Ags_Fs, 01/16/2020 08:35:53 PM]

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I unregistered the Replicas as suggested and I was then able to run the Trim Archive History Tool. However, because the Replicas were then unregistered, I was unable anymore to sync my offline map which contained the Replica. Additionally, every time a user download a map offline, a new Replica ID is created, thus, it would not be possible to set up an automatic scheduled task to trim the layer as the Replica IDs would need to be unregistered manually before the task runs.

So my work flow is to inform all my users that I I will be trimming history and that they need to sync all their changes. I also ask them to delete all their offline maps & tell them they will need to recreate them. I give them a few days to complete this task. I then delete the replicas and trim. This has worked pretty well for us. You might want to consider creating map areas on the map itself and tell the users to use those rather then creating their own. We have not been able to implement using map areas since we have secured layers and there is currently a bug creating map areas with secure layers with enterprise 10.9.1 rest services.

I can not understand why my sequences all dropped, and the final sequences are only thousands. Based on the MOVING PICTURE, I know the trim length is subjective based on the point when the quality score drop. And I have checked some related topics in the forum. Still can not find the answer.

Any sequence that contains fewer nucleotides than the trim length will be dropped. The trim length is important in if read lengths are heterogeneous in your data as the Deblur algorithm requires all reads are of the same length, or if you are performing a meta-analysis between studies of different read length and you want to normalize that study effect. You should be able to get an idea of the read lengths through qiime demux summarize if that is unclear. Does that help?

I prepare to use DEBLUR to analysis them separately and merge the rep-seqs.qza into a big one, also the table.qza into a big one. Then use q2-fragment-insert to create the tree and pick taxa together. In the above procedure, different length and also quality of different datasets drive me not to trim the reads at the same parameter --p-trim-length. But I am not sure if that is reasonable or not.

So I think that classify-consensus-blast or classify-consensus-vsearch would probably be the easiest/most transparent to use here @Brandon . It would still help to trim your reference sequences (to cut down on runtime, mostly).

For reasons I don't understand, my timeline is now in perpetual trim mode. When I hover over an edit, the cursor turns into "trim" icons, and when I click on an edit point, it automatically turns into trim mode. 

I've seen other posts that recommend toggling off the "link selection" button on the timeline smart menu, but this has no effect as far as I can tell. I have looked everywhere for possible settings that might affect this, but so far, no luck. I'm using Media Composer 2020.4.

It sounds like the 'trim type' button is active. It's located in the horizontal row of buttons along the top of the timeline window, and I've attached a screenshot of what the button looks like. Make sure it's turned off.

For those that dont know, you can hold ALT+ W,A,S,D to trim a direction on a wing or gimbal.

it would be nice to have a reset to zero feature, maybe ALT tap + ALT hold for 2 seconds?


Figure 1 shows a common type of internal trim circuitry. Trim pins connect to a tapped portion of the input stage load circuitry. Adjusting the potentiometer skews the balance of the load  a few millivolts of input offset voltage. Data sheets generally recommend a value for the pot but it is not critical. A much higher resistance potentiometer will cause the change in offset voltage to occur toward the extremes of rotation. Too low a value will reduce the adjustment range. Pots in the range of +100% to -50% of the recommended value will likely function satisfactorily.

Notice that the trim circuitry in this example is referenced to the V+ supply. Some op amps have trim circuitry referenced to the V- supply terminal. Connecting the wiper of the pot to the wrong rail or to ground on a  supply will surely cause problems. Some designers attempt tricky active circuitry to drive these pins. While this is possible, ground-referred circuitry connected to the trim pins can create power supply rejection problems.

Lacking trim pins, there are other ways to trim offsets in your system. Variable voltages from a potentiometer or other control signal can be injected or summed into various points in your signal chain. Examples are shown in figure 2. Notice that these trimming voltages are shown here to be derived from the power supplies. Regulated supplies are probably sufficient. Unregulated supplies such as batteries may not be sufficiently constant or stable.

The improved offset voltage of modern amplifiers often eliminates the need for trimming. Still, there are times when some type of offset adjustment is required. You can be ready with techniques, whether with trim pins or add-on circuitry.

IF you like to trim the offset, you have to know the heat-flow on the circuit board as to be sure that the trimming circuit does not 'untrim' because the trimming-resistors get at different temperature.

I've always been of the opinion, probably due to Pease's influence, that the trim pins are best left alone and methods like those you describe in Figure 2 are best. However, one recommendation in the circuit on the right side of figure 2 would be to consider a large cap across R4 to reduce (eliminate) the noise contributions due to Rp, R3, R4 and I_n+.

Good point, Edwin. The temperature effect when using the trim pins is the reason I don't recommend trimming other system offsets, just the op amp offset. It you limit the use of trim pins to null only the offset of the first op amp in a signal chain the effect is minimal. In fact, when using the trim pints (figure 1) with bipolar (BJT) op amps you are statistically more likely to improve the temperature drift as you null its offset. The effect on temperature drift is actually more significantly affected by the change induced in transistor characteristics as the input stage is skewed--not so much by resistor matching.

I remember the Fig. 2 trimming circuits well, been around practically since op amps were invented. One other thing you didn't mention, when using external resistors to trim the offset, they will cause a shift in the temperature coefficient of the offset voltage due to the difference in TCR between the on chip resistors and the off chip resistors. This usually is not of much concern unless the circuit's offset drift is a significant factor.

After installing and enabling Smart Trim, you will see a "Smart trimmed" option in the format dropdown for your text fields. For content types, this is located on the "Manage Display" page. With Smart Trim, you have control over:

Smart Trim is designed to be a focused, lightweight improvement over Drupal core's current formatter trimming capabilities. The maintainers' focus is stability and ease-of-use. Customizations to the module are encouraged with template overrides and Smart Trim hook implementations.

A trimmed surface has two parts: a surface that underlies everything that defines the geometric shape, and trimming curves that either trim away the outside portion of the surface or cut holes in its interior.

Those trimming curves exist on the underlying surface. The underlying surface may be larger than the trim curves, but you won't see the underlying surface because Rhino doesn't draw anything for the part of the surface that is outside the trim curves.

If you have a trim curve that runs diagonally across a surface, the trim curve itself doesn't have any real relationship to the control points structure of the surface. You can see this if you select such a trimmed surface and turn its control points on. You'll see the control points for the whole underlying surface, which doesn't necessarily have any connection with the trim curves.

When you have a trimmed surface whose underlying surface is much larger than the outside trimming boundary, you can use the ShrinkTrimmedSrf command to shrink the surface back so that it is only large enough to hold the trimming boundaries and doesn't have a large extra unused area.

Note: This API has been deprecated in jQuery 3.5; please use the native String.prototype.trim method instead. Unlike jQuery.trim, String.prototype.trim does not work with types other than strings (null, undefined, Number). Make sure that your code is compatible when migrating.

The $.trim() function removes all newlines, spaces (including non-breaking spaces), and tabs from the beginning and end of the supplied string. If these whitespace characters occur in the middle of the string, they are preserved.

String.trim() will trim away white space at the beginning and end. That would probably be the quickest way. If you need to retain other white spaces and only want to remove the \n, I think you would have to replace them manually.

Trim Galore! is a wrapper script to automate quality and adapter trimming as well as quality control, with some added functionality to remove biased methylation positions for RRBS sequence files (for directional, non-directional (or paired-end) sequencing). It's main features are: ff782bc1db

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