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Edit: also, small disclaimer: I'm fluent in Chinese but grew up in the US, so my Chinese is only somewhat serviceable in online / streaming settings (sometimes help the gf buy things off Xian Yu in Chinese; she rates me thoroughly b-stock, 3/5 stars). As such, there may be inaccuracies, and you should give Oliveira the benefit of the doubt if something rubs you the wrong way (and blame me). Welcoming corrections!

So this game, let me tell you guys why I got cloak this game, I felt like I could just play normally and be fine, I can just play 8 hellion 2 banshee and play standard, I'll definitely be fine. And he did make a lot of mistakes. See, look here (6:30), look at his money, his minerals and gas haven't moved in so long. Not only has he not yet started 1/1, he completely forgot bane speed. He completely forgot. A world-class zerg, forgetting bane speed, you can see the pressure he was under. He completely wasn't playing like himself, even look at his bank, compared to his usual macro. And lemme tell you another detail, something Clem told me, Clem told me a lot. The two of us watched so many VODs and replays. We had already finished playing, and then we would continue practicing and chatting. Let me show you a small detail, what Clem and I chatted about. If, in the early game, you feel like you did well with your hellion banshee, you can bring a tank with your first push like I did here. Only one, the other one you place not at your third but at the depot at your nat. This is what Clem and I figured out by watching each other's replays. See, you see his counterattacking squad of lings up there, going towards my base, watch the minimap [looking for the runby, finds it at 7:30]. See, look at these lings. See my mouse here (in his own nat)? I have a tank here, this tank position was the one we decided on after a lot of analysis, it's a really good position. Normally you put a tank at your third to stop the bane runbys there, and a tank on the high ground of the nat to stop the bane runbys at the fourth. You have to have a tank there, because it covers the entire nat choke, and a second tank would cover the third base. But I don't need the second tank, because everything is at the front in the push at the bottom. This is because I've already cleared the attacks on bottom, so I don't need a tank to cover the bottom attack threat. The only place he can runby is from top or middle, but my tank at home covers these attacks. We used this tank a lot in practice, it works on every map. And then for example, if his runby kills my tank at the third, this backup tank still holds. It's a really good tank position. And here, I actually think I improved my play a lot. With my old play, I would have easily put the hellbats forward on the front ledge and had nothing defending the tank in the back. And here, even though I don't kill him, I take a great trade. And honestly, here [8:47] I misplayed, too hastily, I wanted to win already, you know? I felt the win, I wanted to win, so my mentality broke a bit. I should have taken the base at the bottom, with just some marines or even just the two banshees, I played so smartly and set it up but I just didn't snipe the base, I was in such a hurry. I wanted to win at this point. And here I started to make mistakes, I'm floating money and my supply is going down, it's not great. But here, look, when I retreat I slow the game down. Here I played super smartly. Here, see these three tanks? If they get surrounded, I lose to this counterattack. I remember thinking "I absolutely have to save these tanks" [9:53]. If I lost these tanks then I'm dead. And here, I was thinking "just play slowly, we can still win. You absolutely must not panic." So I started spreading out the army to prepare for a bigger push. If this were the normal me, I'm telling you, I would have gone completely in here. [goes back in the VOD] Let me tell you what would have happened. When I see that I lose my marines here (to the banes), and I saw the lings leave the top, I knew he was playing to surround my push, so I left immediately. This was too crucial. And here [11:00], you can see that I left tanks at home, I only brought some of them. Normally, I definitely bring all my tanks here. Wait, did I forget them?? I don't actually know. Just mysteriously these two tanks stayed home. I didn't even think that I would have these tanks here [at 11:00 for the hydra counterattack at the bottom]. Maybe it was really subconscious, when you get into one of those states of mind, you just subconsciously do these things, I don't know how to describe it. Maybe I forgot them, I don't know. Let me tell you how this usually goes. You F2 once, you press "table" [tab] to the tanks, you press D (unsiege) and you go [LMAO]. I don't know what happened here, I'm also mystified. So lemme tell you, even though I have the championship, I still am in a bit of disbelief [not knowing how he played the games out]. At this point I knew the game was over [12:30]. But even here, I was pretty clutch. You see these marines at the bottom and his army here? The normal me would have just taken the tanks straight to the nat from this top path here and pushed here, but see what I do here. My tanks are sieged, so I can hold this position, and he didn't break. And here you can see it, he knows that his only chance back into the game just passed right here. I really don't know what I was thinking, but I was really aware in hindsight. This was his final chance back into the game. If he takes his vipers, breaks my tanks up top, double expands and transitions into lurkers, it's still playable. But it was this one last breath of life. And then here [slightly earlier, 12:15], I saw him trying to surround my bottom army, then he backed. And here I knew he was coming to flank my top army. And look, I immediately siege, and it's perfectly in time for his flank, so he can't break and has to go back and he is really dejected. Yeah, I've lost so many games in this way, lost so many opportunities. You guys know this saying, "he who has everything fears most he who has nothing." Here, there was no burden for me, it couldn't possibly go worse any more than Atlanta, so I was very chill. Last year, I lost way too much. I remember TSL, I couldn't go because of visa issues, the only time that I had a chance to get into the Ro4/Ro8. Then in Atlanta, I finally got an offline tournament and went 0-6. I really lost way too much. At the time, I already felt zen, like nothing mattered. And look at these liberators, "so patient" [echoing the casters in english], so patient. I don't know why I was so patient, this was such a patient game. I don't even remember thinking to kill these rocks, it was pure instinct. I thought suddenly that maybe he would flank, so I killed the rocks and put the lib here and he couldn't any more. Perfect. This kind of looks like an Innovation game. Yeah, dude, holy sht, I have no idea how I played like this. Have you seen a game of mine where my nat is defended, chat??** And even here (14:30), I was still telling myself "don't rush, we need to expand more," what if he comes out with lurkers and actually breaks, so we should expand and go ghosts, then we absolutely can't lose the game in any way. I have to tell you something from the bottom of my hearts, my friends: "when you've lost a lot, only then do you learn to have patience, because you know how many games you've lost from these situations, and if you don't slow the game down then you'll still lose." 17dc91bb1f

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