What happens when you combine a Puerto Rican island singles resort for toned hotties with a man-eating shark? What if said shark is also capable of projectile spitting a stream of poisonous, green sludge at its would-be victims? And what if the same horrid toxins that infected the shark can transform people into zombies? Jiminy Christmas, The Doctor has no idea, but you can be certain that in the name of science I aims to find out.

The thing is, despite it being predictable shark movie fodder, on one hand, the zombie storyline makes up for it with the most hilarious results! The characters are likable and the dialogue is pretty entertaining and funny. Towards the end, there are delightful surprises that leave you with a spring in your step and a song in your heart.

Download Toxic Shark

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The Toxic Shark is a shark that appeared in the 2017 movie of the same name. It is a mutated great white shark that's about the size of a blue whale and has a strange protrusion on the top of its head. It has a blowhole-like orifice on the top of its body. This orifice, instead of spewing out water, sprays an acidic substance that covers a wide area and burns through most organic materials. Although most encounters with it do not end well, those who do survive its bites are infected with a pathogen that seems to only exist inside the shark's body and on its teeth and skin. This pathogen affects the brain, slowly degrading the mental states of those infected to the point where those bitten by it become cannibalistic savages with no regard for their own lives.

Scientists were able to study the shark after a Texas fisherman, who spent 2 1/2 hours wrestling it from the water, donated it to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists. The scientists cut open its stomach and performed a litany of tests.

The Toxic Shark is a large 35-foot great white shark with a dark back and lighter underbelly. Its skin is scarred and covered in red veins. The shark appears to have a horn-like projection sticking out of its forehead.

A couple (Vince and Maggie) were riding on ATVs at a beach, Vince tried to show Maggie a trick on his ATV but runs into a massive rock causing him to flip right into the water, Maggie and Vince get pulled into the water and gets devoured alive by the toxic shark.

After Gregory and Damiano were hunting for fish and suddenly smell funny and nasty, Gregory starts to accuse Damiano for not shower bbt argues back saying it wasn't the Toxic shark then pops out and sprays Toxic waste on Gregory's face and all over Damiano, the Toxic shark immediately devours Damiano while Gregory tries to get away but the Toxic shark jumps out the water and on Gregory eating him alive.

Gabriella goes into ocean for a swim and gets carried back to shore with a toxic burn on her leg, a woman was riding her horse by the water she then gets eaten fresh off of her horse leaving her horse behind, a yoga instructor and 2 of his trainees get devoured while swimming together in the ocean, 4 surfers go surfing in the ocean all of them get devoured whole by Toxic shark one by one, Audra, Eden, Erin, Zane and Sam were playing tug o war in the water and were alerted about a shark and were told to get out the Toxic shark pops up and sprayed Toxic waste Ryan tried to escape but was caught in a rope he then gets eaten by Toxic shark.

Gabriella limps and then passes out and wakes up in the hospital room and starts flipping out being infected by the toxic waste in her leg, Gabriella then bites Jesse and devours Gabriella alive, Reese attempts to escape with Audra but suddenly the boat breaks down the toxic shark jumps out and eats Reese alive the toxic then blows up the boat. Audra survives the explosion and gets infected with toxic waste. Zane, Liam, and Hayden team up and swim in the ocean with spears Liam then gets devoured by the toxic shark Hayden then spears the toxic shark.

Eden walks into to test her shark bracelet she was saved by sam when the toxic shark was about to approach her. Sam and Zane go on a boat the toxic shark tipped their boat over causing Zane to fall in biting his leg, Jesse revealed to have been infected by the toxic waste bites Hayden in the neck infecting her, Toxic shark then follows Zane and Sam as they try to escape on the boat. Eden and Erin into the water being chased by a mob of infected people the toxic then eats the infected people alive including Audra and Jesse. Eden and Erin gets saved by Sam and Zane, the toxic shark then sprayed its toxic waste trying to infect them sam tries to start up the boat and drives off and soon found out that the engine is covered in toxic waste causing the toxic waste to spread around the ocean.

Sam and Eden dive into the water to find a flail gun in Reese's sunken boat, the toxic waste in Zane kicked in tries to attack Erin she then knocks Zane out into the water and gets eaten shortly after. Sam tries load the flail gun and shoots the toxic shark misfiring Sam then shoots the second time missing again, Eden then gives Sam a bag of magnets which he uses to throw in the toxic shark's mouth Eden then shoots the last flail into the toxic shark's mouth causing to explode killing it instantly.

Greenland sharks (Somniosus microcephalus) are the longest-living animals with a backbone, and survive for up to hundreds of years in the deep, cold waters of the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans. Greenland sharks belong to a family called sleeper sharks, which move slowly and stealthily through the water.

These sharks sneak up on live prey and scavenge a variety of dead animals, including other sharks, seals, drowned horses and polar bears. Greenland sharks rarely encounter humans and scientists still have much to learn about their lifestyles.

Greenland sharks grow up to 24 feet (7.3 meters) long and weigh up to 2,645 pounds (1,200 kilograms), according to the St. Lawrence Shark Observatory (ORS). That's longer than great white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias), which are estimated to grow up to 20 feet (6 m) long. (Although unconfirmed reports suggest they can reach 23 feet (7 m) in length, according to the Florida Museum of Natural History.)

Greenland sharks have cylindrical bodies covered in teeth-like scales, called dermal denticles. These specialized scales reduce drag and help the sharks move more silently through the water, according to the ORS. The sharks can be black, brown, gray or a mixture of all three colors, and they may have spots.

A Greenland shark's mouth contains 48 to 52 teeth in its upper jaw and 50 to 52 teeth in its lower jaw. The upper teeth are pointed, to help the sharks hold on to larger food, while the lower teeth are wide and curved sideways so the sharks can carve out round chunks of flesh from prey by moving their head in a circular motion, according to the ORS.

Ocean parasites called Ommatokoita elongata can render Greenland sharks partially blind. Ommatokoita elongata attach themselves to the eyes of Greenland sharks and can grow up to 1 inch (2.5 centimetres) long, according to the Encyclopedia of Life. The eye parasite tends to live in just one of the shark's eyes so they usually don't go completely blind. Because the sharks rely more on their other senses to catch prey in the dark ocean waters, the parasites don't seem to affect the sharks much, according to the Florida Museum of Natural History.

Greenland sharks' exact life span is unknown. A 2016 study published in the journal Science estimated that Greenland sharks have a maximum life span of at least 272 years, based on analysis of the sharks' eye tissue. Researchers estimated that the oldest Greenland shark in that study was about 392 years old, but the estimate had a margin of error of 120 years, which led to speculation that Greenland sharks could live to 512 years old. The estimated range hasn't been verified.

Greenland sharks live in the slow lane, with a top swimming speed of less than 1.8 mph (2.9 km/h). They also grow slowly at less than 0.4 inch (1 centimeter) per year and have slow metabolisms, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Scientists don't yet know how Greenland sharks live so long, but it may be linked to their slow way of life.

Greenland sharks live in the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans from North America to Greenland and from Portugal to the East Siberian Sea, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The sharks have a large range and can be found swimming from the surface down to depths of 8,684 feet (2,647 m), the IUCN says.

Scientists still have much to learn about how Greenland sharks live and reproduce. Female Greenland sharks give birth to live young, called pups, that hatch from soft eggs that females carry inside their bodies. In a 2020 study published in the journal PLOS One, researchers estimated that Greenland sharks can give birth to between 200 and 324 pups per pregnancy, depending on the size of the shark. Greenland shark pups are just 14 to 18 inches (35 to 45 centimeters) long when they're born. However, little is known about how Greenland shark pups spend their early lives or how many survive to adulthood.

Greenland sharks have a varied diet that includes fish, other sharks, eels and marine mammals, such as seals. They have also been found with drowned land animals, including horses and reindeer, in their stomachs, and have been seen in large numbers at the sea surface, feeding together on the remains of whales and fish killed by commercial whaling and fishing, according to the University of Michigan's Animal Diversity Web (ADW).

Scientists have even found a Greenland shark with the jaw of a young polar bear (Ursus maritimus) in its stomach, Reuters reported in 2008. The researchers were unsure how it got there; but most shark experts believed that the polar bear was likely already dead when the shark ate it, as live polar bears are too dangerous for the sharks to take on. Researchers also found some polar bear muscle tissue and skin in the stomach of another Greenland shark during a 2014 study published in the journal Polar Biology, and they concluded that the bear was likely scavenged rather than hunted. e24fc04721

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