New!: If you just want to set different colours for tags, you can now enable todo-tree.highlights.useColourScheme. This will apply a set of colours (which can be changed) to the tags in the order that they are defined.

icon - used to set a different icon in the tree view. Must be a valid octicon (see ) or codicon (see -codicons/dist/codicon.html). If using codicons, specify them in the format "$(icon)". The icon defaults to a tick if it's not valid. You can also use "todo-tree", or "todo-tree-filled" if you want to use the icon from the activity view.

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The contents of the tree can be exported using Todo Tree: Export Tree. A read-only file will be created using the path specified with todo-tree.general.exportPath. The file can be saved using File: Save As.... Note: Currently File: Save does not work which seems to be a VSCode bug (see ).

todo-tree.general.periodicRefreshInteval (0)Interval (in minutes) for automatically refreshing the tree. Set to '0' to disable, or to the number of minutes between refreshes. Note: This is not typically needed as the tree will be refreshed when files change.

todo-tree.general.automaticGitRefreshInterval (0)Polling interval (in seconds) for automatically refreshing the tree when your repository is updated. This will check if your repository HEAD has changed and trigger a rescan of the workspace if it has. This replaces the file watcher functionality. Set to '0' to disable, or to the number of seconds between checks.

todo-tree.general.exportPath (~/todo-tree-%Y%m%d-%H%M.txt)Path to use when exporting the tree. Environment variables will be expanded, e.g ${HOME} and the path is passed through strftime (see ). Set the extension to .json to export as a JSON record.

todo-tree.general.rootFolder ("")By default, any open workspaces will have a tree in the view. Use this to force another folder to be the root of the tree. You can include environment variables and also use ${workspaceFolder}. e.g."todo-tree.general.rootFolder": "${workspaceFolder}/test"or"todo-tree.general.rootFolder": "${HOME}/project".

todo-tree.general.schemes (['file','ssh','untitled'])Editor schemes to find TODOs in. To find TODOs in settings files, for instance, add vscode-userdata or for output windows, add output.

todo-tree.general.revealBehaviour (start of todo)Change the cursor behaviour when clicking a todo in the tree. You can choose from: start of todo (moves the cursor to the beginning of the todo), end of todo (moves the cursor to the end of the todo), start of line (moves the cursor to the start of the line) or leave focus in tree which leaves the focus in the tree, allowing keyboard navigation of the tree.

todo-tree.general.statusBar (none)What to show in the status bar - nothing (none), total count (total), counts per tag (tags), counts for the top three tags (top three) or counts for the current file only (current file).

todo-tree.general.statusBarClickBehaviour (reveal)Set the behaviour of clicking the status bar to either cycle through the status bar display formats (cycle), reveal the tree (reveal) or to toggle highlights (toggle highlights).

todo-tree.filtering.includeGlobs ([])Globs for use in limiting search results by inclusion, e.g. [\"**/unit-tests/*.js\"] to only show .js files in unit-tests subfolders. Globs help.

todo-tree.filtering.useBuiltInExcludes (none)Set this to use VSCode's built in files or search excludes. Can be one of none, file excludes (uses Files:Exclude), search excludes (Uses Search:Exclude) or file and search excludes (uses both).

todo-tree.highlights.useColourScheme (false)Use a simple scheme for colouring highlights. This will simply apply a list of colours in the same order as the tags are defined. Use this as a much simpler alternative to setting up custom highlights for each tag.

todo-tree.highlights.backgroundColourScheme (["red","orange","yellow","green","blue","indigo","violet"])Defines colours for use in conjunction with todo-tree.highlights.useColourScheme to colour highlights. Colours can be defined in the same way as other colours (e.g. hex code, theme names, etc.). If there are more tags than colours, the sequence is repeated.

todo-tree.highlights.foreroundColourScheme (["white","black","black","white","white","white","black"])Defines colours for use in conjunction with todo-tree.highlights.backgroundColourScheme to colour highlights. These colours should be complementary to the background colours.

todo-tree.regex.enableMultiLine (false)Normally, multiline support is enabled by detecting the use of \n in the regex. Set this to true, to enable multiline support by default. This allows the use of [\s\S] as an alternative to matching any character including newlines.

todo-tree.regex.subTagRegexThis is a regular expression for processing the text to the right of the tag, e.g. for extracting a sub tag, or removing unwanted characters. Anything that the regex matches will be removed from the text. If a capture group is included, the contents are extracted into a sub tag, which will be used in the tree to group similar tags. The sub tag can also be used as a placeholder in todo-tree.tree.subTagClickUrl and todo-tree.tree.labelFormat. Sub tags can also be highlighted by specifying a section in the todo-tree.highlights.customHighlights setting. To highlight the sub tag itself, set "type" to "tag-and-subTag" in custom highlights for the tag.

todo-tree.ripgrep.ripgrep ("")Normally, the extension will locate ripgrep itself as and when required. If you want to use an alternate version of ripgrep, set this to point to wherever it is installed.

todo-tree.ripgrep.ripgrepMaxBuffer (200)By default, the ripgrep process will have a buffer of 200KB. However, this is sometimes not enough for all the tags you might want to see. This setting can be used to increase the buffer size accordingly.

todo-tree.ripgrep.usePatternFile (true)A pattern file is used with ripgrep by default. If you experience issues with deleting the pattern file, set this to false to use the legacy method of providing the regex to ripgrep.

todo-tree.tree.scanMode (workspace)By default the extension scans the whole workspace (workspace). Use this to limit the search to only open files (open files) or only the current file (current file).

todo-tree.tree.sort (true)ripgrep searches using multiple threads to improve performance. The tree is sorted when it is populated so that it stays stable. If you want to use ripgrep's own sort arguments, set this to false.

todo-tree.tree.disableCompactFolders (false)The tree will normally respect the VSCode's explorer.compactFolders setting. Set this to true if you want to disable compact folders in the todo tree.

todo-tree.tree.subTagClickUrlA URL (which can contain placeholders), which will be opened when clicking on a sub tag in the tree, e.g. ${subTag} could be used if the sub tag extracts a user name.

If the regex contains \n, then multiline TODOs will be enabled. In this mode, the search results are processed slightly differently. If results are found which do not contain any tags from todo-tree.general.tags it will be assumed that they belong to the previous result that did have a tag. For example, if you set the regex to something like:

To restrict the set of folders which is searched, you can define todo-tree.filtering.includeGlobs. This is an array of globs which the search results are matched against. If the results match any of the globs, they will be shown. By default the array is empty, which matches everything. See here for more information on globs.

Grouping by tag will only work when your configuration defines the tags using the todo-tree.general.tags setting. Older versions of the extension had the tags directly defined in the todo-tree.regex.regex whereas now, the regex replaces $TAGS with the contents of todo-tree.general.tags.

Build and run the app by executing the dotnet watch run command in the command shell from the TodoList folder. After the app is running, visit the new Todo page by selecting the Todo link in the app's navigation bar, which loads the page at /todo.

The title text for each todo item can be made editable, and a checkbox can help the user keep track of completed items. Add a checkbox input for each todo item and bind its value to the IsDone property. Change @todo.Title to an element bound to todo.Title with @bind:

The todo list plugin implements a simple "to do" list of objects (either nodes, ways, or a combination of the two) which need to be examined by the user one at a time in order to edit or update them. You can download it using internal JOSM plugin manager.

You begin by selecting a list of objects you need to work on (either with the mouse, or with a search) and then clicking the Add button in the todo list panel (the panel can be brought up with Ctrl+Shift+t or by clicking the todo list icon on the left side bar). This will add all of the OSM objects you have currently selected to the todo list; any items already in the list will be ignored so they are not added twice.

Once you have built up a list of items that need attention you can either select one from the list and zoom to it with the Zoom button (or simply double click on the entry in the todo list). After examining the object in question and optionally editing it as necessary, you can mark the object as finished by clicking the Mark button on the todo panel (make sure you have the correct object selected in the todo list as it is the selected entry there that is marked, the selection in the main editor window is ignored). e24fc04721

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