Does anyone know definitely (as opposed to urban legend) whether your download speed is affected by your "Upload / Download" ratio either by client software or tracker, or by individual torrents or total throughput?

- You prefer to select a low upload speed on a particular torrent while it's downloading because you are seeding other torrents that are more important. Perhaps the one you're downloading has 100 seeds and the one your seeding has no other.

Download To Upload Ratio

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I've been experimenting with utorrent for a few weeks now and can't say I've seen any affect of ratio upon download speed, and can't see how it could be implemented without putting undue restraints upon the user. As soon as a user saw they were being penalized, they'd investigate the source and fix the problem, whether it be the client or tracker, even perhaps seeding their own torrents in a manner that couldn't be penalized.

A torrent should survive because it's popular, not because people feel impelled to perpetuate some piece of garbage. Statistics such as ratio reflect the health and popularity of a torrent. As analogy, a baseball player doesn't hit or catch a ball in order to change his statistics.

So what gives? Are poor ratio's really penalized and good ones rewarded? Or is it urban legend. Do torrent client software developers and trackers really design their product with a priority of herding dipshits that don't seed? I speculate that they don't.

And you can be uploading at 100 KB/sec and not getting much in return if you're running 50 torrents at once with 20 upload slots each. ...because from each person's point of view that you're uploading to, your upload speed to them (their download speed) is only 0.1 KB/sec. You'll probably still get 20-200 KB/sec download speeds -- but that'd only be due to good torrents (which if you have 50 no doubt SOME will be good).

In a closed torrent, the total DOWNLOAD speed of the whole is always equal OR LESS (due to hashfails and duplicate data) than the total UPLOAD speed of all participants. If someone uploads less, they may not suffer themselves...but it does reduce the max for everyone. If you're downloading faster than you're uploading, someone else isn't...possibly a LOT of people aren't! (Note: They may just be seeders. But even seeders may want to download something else and not just give their upload away indefinitely.)

Thanks for the replies. Reading around the net, I got the impression that clients & trackers try to reward or penalize you. There's even pages on how to cheat - get around the penalty or alter your ratio to obtain a reward.

So I think you are agreeing with me that there is no algorithym in a client, at least in utorrent, that looks at your ratio to decide to give you more or less download bandwidth. There are apparently some tracker sites that try to reward you for seeding a lot (and apparently penalize the others in a swarm to do it). However, I don't quite see how they hope to make that work either.

The bottom line seems to be that, if you want the bittorrent network to be a success, you should do your best to seed your share or more in the Total Uploaded/Downloaded Statistics but not worry about a particular torrent. In a particular torrent, you do whatever seems advisable to get the best download rate and that may include increasing your upload rate on that torrent since giving more blocks out to other peers just naturally frees up other peers to give more to you.

What you heared about this penalty thing, was probably related to private trackers. Private trackers don't tolerate a low ratio, and will eventually kick you out if you don't improve it (I'm talking about your overall ratio, not the ratio for one particular torrent). But even in this case, the tracker does not control how fast you download, the only penalty is that you get kicked out (meaning that your username and password is revoked and you can't log in to their website or use any torrent with their tracker).

When I was new bee, I found a torrent in the newsgroups from a private site. They let me download without creating an account. They advertised they were reseeding every other day, so I usually reseeded only 25%. After a few days I found my download rate to be in single digits instead of triple and my upload was maxed. So I started to force 100% reseed. My download returned to triple digits.

when the utorrent progam looks at the download vs upload ratio, does it look at the current session ratio in the lower right corner.? or does it look at the total download - upload ratio in the help tab under "show statistics".? much mahalo

what i am saying is, when you seed more than you download, then when you do download something, the utorrent progam looks to see what your download to upload ratio is, and if you have seeded more than you have downloaded then it gives you preference to the better peers in which to download from, hence faster speeds. as to what i am trying to get at is, does the utorrent progam look at current session ratios which is in the lower right of the utorrent window or total lifetime ratio as found in the help tab in the upper left under "show statistics" when making it`s decision as to what your ratio is. does anybody know? or do i have to make life more difficult for firon! much mahalo

What matters as far as download speed is concerned is firstly if there's enough seeds to keep all the peers "happy", and secondly if you're uploading faster PER upload slot than other you get the "lion's share" of other peer's upload speed.

Please, before I get slammed for being "stupid" or some other negative, while I AM a relative newbie, I've done everything up to this post by searching and reading and applying what I've found. My download and upload setup is per this site's recommended procedure and according to my current line speed.

Leave the torrent seeding and the ratio increases as long as you upload to people. Proper settings will improve this. Sometimes a torrent dies out (no more new peers aka downloaders or it is remove from the tracker) before you get to a 'decent' ratio and there is nothing to be done.

so if i start the program, let it seed overnight without downloading anything, in the morning i have uploaded a little over 1 gb, and my download reads 30 to 40 mb due to protocal for uploading. does this positve upload ratio improve my download speed, access to seeds, or anything in anyway? because it is clear to me that my friend "the computer expert" don`t understand what he is saying when it come to utorrent and ratios. but you folks seem to have your heads on straight and don`t shovel bull just to appear brainy. many mahalos. p.s. i noticed a decent increase in speed when i switched my modem to pc connection from usb cable to ethernet cable.

Seeding on a torrent won't help you download that torrent any faster, because if you're already HAVE that torrent. Seeding 1 torrent on a tracker will only affect another torrent on the same tracker IF the tracker records ratios, but if it does it may ban your ip (range!) from the tracker for awhile/indefinitely if you don't have a ratio of at least 0.5 to 1.

My max download speed is over 15 times faster than my max upload speed, yet my overall ratio is over 11. Most of this is on a tiny number of rare torrents I continue to seed that most people download and just leave with their ratio probably

thank you switeck, you cleared up alot of questions i had. i`am still going to seed 24/7 cause i believe as freely as you recieve, freely give, and then some! my only ? is how many torrents should i seed at once, just one, so it can have all my upload speed, or multiple torrents so every body gets a little of everthing, if it is multiple, how many? i can upload at 512kb which is 64kB overall, how many kB`s upload per torrent is considered good etiquette. much mahalo. p.s. viva la seeders

I have been having an issue with DL and UL in the last few weeks. I share and have a UL of 40-60KB and a DL of only 1KB or less, so I have temporarily turned off all my sharing. And I still am unable to DL anything. Nothing has changed with my configuration and my bandwidth test shows 5MB speeds.What is going on with the torrents?

boanerges, use the ethernet connection and follow the settings (mainly Upload Slots, Active Torrents and Active Downloading torrents) suggested by the speed guide (when you pick your upload from the connections list) and in most of the cases you have your ideal seed/upload settings.

And regarding seeding. I always say you can only leech as much as you can seed. In general I upload with 70kb/s (24/7) which is roughly 5,7 GB a day. So I don't add more then that in torrents each day. Although not every file uploads back to a ratio of 1 overall I do keep a ratio of 1 and thus keep my conscious semi-clean

"And regarding seeding. I always say you can only leech as much as you can seed. In general I upload with 70kb/s (24/7) which is roughly 5,7 GB a day. So I don't add more then that in torrents each day."

The BitTorrent protocol has a suggestion in BitTorrent client design to not choke the TCP/IP connections with too many upload slots at once. So I figure it's best to try to give each upload slot roughly 1 mostly-full data packet every second. Since MTU (maximum transmission unit) over much of the internet is 1500 Bytes, that works out to be 1 KiloBYTE/sec per upload slot.

So 4 max torrents with 4 upload slots is actually 16 total upload slots when all 4 torrents have well over 4 peers each connected to you. And that would take 16 KiloBYTES/sec minimum to really be fair.

With 512 kilobits/sec upload bandwidth, not all of it can be devoted to pure upload speed. There's TCP/IP overheads, BitTorrent protocol overheads, and also the random "chatter" from other programs wishing to use the internet. So instead of 8 bits of bandwidth being roughly equal to 1 BYTE of file transfer, it's more like 8.5-10 bits of bandwidth to transfer 1 BYTE of a file...on average. So you can set your normal upload speed to 45-50 KiloBYTES/sec (depending on how much lag it causes your connection) and possibly as high as 55-58 KiloBYTES/sec "alternate upload speed" while only seeding. That's about 10 KiloBYTES/sec faster than my line will do. e24fc04721

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