The story format, originated and made famous by Snapchat, was added as a feature on Facebook in 2017. Today, one billion stories are shared on social media across Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp every single day.

There are two ways that a user can view Facebook Stories. First, by scrolling to the top of the feed, the users are able to view their friends' Stories and create a story. Second, swipe right from any screen on the Facebook app. Users can "like" Stories and reply to them.

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Before uploading content to a story, users are able to save it to the camera roll. Once users are done creating the story, press the down arrow to save on the camera roll, or the center arrow to share. Users are able to send a direct message to any friends, post to a timeline or add to a Story.[11]

The top row options and the blue camera icon in the bottom right corner give you two access points for those different story formats. However, when you click the blue camera icon, you can also take pictures or record videos, boomerangs or Facebook live videos.

Update Having said all that, on the mobile version of the website, facebook does serve complete video/audio files, so if you get the URL for the Story from the desktop site, e.g change it to the mobile website version by replacing "www" with "m"i.e

3. You can change who your story is shared with. Select the gear icon. On the web, you'll find it at the top left, next to the Your Story heading. On your phone, it's in the lower left and labeled "Privacy." Choose who you want to share your story with, such as "Public," "Friends," or "Custom." If you choose Custom, you can share the story with specific people only. Click "Save."

In addition to the usual kinds of stories, you can add items from your news feed to a story as well. To do that, tap "Share" under a post in your news feed and then choose "Share to Your Story." Depending upon their privacy level, not all news items can be shared.

Generally speaking, stories are watched as a way to get entertained. Humor is extremely well perceived of course, though a significant proportion of users are also expecting to learn something from watching stories. This means you should make sure your story really brings value to your customers.

I usually share songs to my Facebook story but since few days the 15-seconds audio preview stopped working. It still shows the song with the album cover but no audio. I have Spotify on both Android and iPad. The issue seems to be on both. Any ideas how to solve this will be really appreciated.

Same. I thought it was just my account that's having a problem. I was thinking if this is a marketing strategy of spotify so facebook users would listen directly instead to spotify instead of getting song previews on Facebook stories instead. Even when you share Spotify links on your Facebook wall, the songs are no longer playable and only links are provided.


I got an anwser on their twitter. Sad news the feature is removed. I have found some odd songs that works.

You can test links at facebook debug site.

Found a Norwegian X-factory cover of Toxic and some Swedish songs that still have the preview p if you re-scrape those you loose the feature.

You can see, at the bottom of the first screenshot, that the new format splits your response options into two, with either a public 'Comment' to leave a remark that would be shown on the frame, or a 'Message' prompt for private replies. In the current Stories layout, there's only a single 'Send message' field which takes up that whole area beside the Reactions. You can see, too, in the second screenshot, the note that 'Comments on this story are visible to the public'.

How do I create a story highlight on my facebook business page? Been trying for ages and cant find how to do it. I have it set up on my personal facebook page and both instagram accounts but am at a loss on facebook business

Why? Because video content appeals to the masses and brings in the most engagement and Facebook story views. So, if you want to make your audience stop and prevent them from tapping away from your story, focus on creating short videos and posting them on your stories.

To make sure your posts perform well as stories too, work on customizing them to the story format by resizing the visuals, cutting out unnecessary text, and adding stickers, emojis, and other effects that can make your content stand out.

Once you have the picture which you want to post, you can edit it. You can scroll to the left and right and add different effects to your photo or video. They are called by names of different cities like Paris, Oslo, or Lagos. If you need more fun in your Stories, Instagram has your back. By clicking on the smiley face in the header, you access different effects which you can add to your story like your location, hashtag, name tag, GIF stickers, music, poll, questions, donation feature, time of the day, temperature, quiz, send me a message sticker, countdown sticker, day in a week and much more.

Endless is another story. We were at the same town when he came back with this other project. A friend told me he was around the city, so as I often do to say hello, I sent him kind of a short musical joking track. He called back me late at night, we chilled a little, listening to the project. He asked me my point of view about it, I came the day after with few different parts produced during that same night.

I recently learned that Facebook Marketplace is the world\u2019s second-largest marketplace, in terms of monthly active users, behind only Amazon. It\u2019s ahead of Alibaba, Walmart, eBay, Taobao, and has quietly left the once-unconquerable Craigslist in the dust. For years, I\u2019ve been curious to learn what it took to make Facebook Marketplace work, when so many local marketplaces (including Facebook\u2019s previous attempts) have failed. There is no better human alive to tell this story than Deb Liu, and below, for the first time, Deb shares the story behind Facebook Marketplace.

I pitched the idea for Facebook Marketplace in 2009, when Sheryl Sandberg interviewed me for a Product Marketing role at Facebook (aka Meta). We didn\u2019t start working on Marketplace until 2015, however. Five years after launch, the Marketplace Tab on Facebook now has over a billion monthly active users, more than Snapchat and Twitter combined. The story behind it is well-known within the company but has rarely been publicly documented in detail . . . until now.

To delete an archived Facebook Story on the desktop, go to your profile page, select More (three dots) > Archive. Select the story you want to delete, click More (three dots), and then select Delete Story > Delete.

Public allows anyone on Facebook or Messenger to view your story. Friends lets all Facebook friends have access. Select Custom to share your story only with specific people. Select Hide Story From to exclude people from your story.

Here's a quick example of a story that Starbucks made to highlight the return of their s'mores latte. It's filled with bright colors, interactives, and images of Brent Rivera, a YouTuber who Gen-Z or millennial users might watch or recognize.

When these brands did post content on Snapchat, Stories were pretty similar to what you'd see on Instagram. Usually, they'd included behind-the-scenes material, how-to advice, or short narratives related to the brand's industry or product. Here's an example of a story from NASA:

A single-story card has a default video length of 20 seconds, and it is reduced to 5 seconds for images. Your Facebook Story ad will also last up to 15 seconds.

Facebook doesn't allow you to download a Facebook story. You can save your Facebook story to your camera roll, but if you want to download someone else's story, you need to use a third-party application for that purpose.

Social media stories can be compelling for several reasons. Firstly, you can connect with customers using a more casual and personal storytelling medium. A short video where you speak directly to your users can have a more significant impact than a regular text-based status update.

There are some guidelines, such as aspect ratio and size, whether an image or video story. Some online tools can handle all that hustle and instantly edit facebook story. However, in case you decided to do it manually, here are the optimum specifications:

Now, let's be honest, facebook's users shouldn't be surprised that facebook has this data. The breadcrumbs became a fingerprint representing you and your story. We willingly filled in our interests, posted photos, videos, reacted to the news, brands, and posts from friends.

What *should* come as a surprise is that nefarious actors were able to trade and use that data beyond the facebook platform and its intended use. Arguably facebook should have done a better job of protecting our data. Therein lies the problem Facebook currently face.

Here's a simple analogy. If you have a close friend and you tell them a personal story. You do so in the interests of your relationship. Sharing enables caring. Friends can offer support and advice. We get something from them and they from us. In the case of facebook, they are one of our "friends." They are in the circle of trust. There are gives and gets in the relationship. We get a platform to be social online, for free. We get targeted with ads. Oh and how nice, the ads are relevant because facebook listened to us, like any good friend, and tailored their communication to us accordingly.

When you know someone's story at a level of intimate detail you have a certain power over them. And vice versa. This power is the scaffolding of trust. Friends share and have implicit power over each other. Friends keep that power in trust. Otherwise, they are not a friend and they can work to manipulate you and how people see you. ff782bc1db

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