This hands-on guide will get you up and running with tmux pretty quickly. It will only cover the basic features which should be more than enough to get started and be productive with tmux. Simply open your terminal and follow the instructions.

tmux is an open-source terminal multiplexer for Unix-like operating systems. It allows multiple terminal sessions to be accessed simultaneously in a single window. It is useful for running more than one command-line program at the same time. It can also be used to detach processes from their controlling terminals, allowing remote sessions to remain active without being visible.[2]

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tmux includes most features of GNU Screen. It allows users to start a terminal session with clients that are not bound to a specific physical or virtual console; multiple terminal sessions can be created within a single terminal session and then freely rebound from one virtual console to another, and each session can have several connected clients.

So, I ended up doing 80% of my work in terminals with tmux. But, the prefix thing? Pardonnez-moi, but usability matters. Pressing a chorded prefix hotkey only to press another chorded hotkey to perform a single action is clear nonsense.

Tmux also decouples your programs from the main terminal, protecting them from accidentally disconnecting. You can detach tmux from the current terminal, and all your programs will continue to run safely in the background. Later, you can reattach tmux to the same or a different terminal.

In addition to its benefits with remote connections, tmux's speed and flexibility make it a fantastic tool to manage multiple terminals on your local machine, similar to a window manager. I've been using tmux on my laptops for over eight years. Some of tmux's features that help me and increase my productivity include:

It's also available with many other Linux distributions, and you should be able to install it by using your favorite distribution package manager. For other operating systems, consult the tmux installation guide.

You can detach from your tmux session by pressing Ctrl+B then D. Tmux operates using a series of keybindings (keyboard shortcuts) triggered by pressing the "prefix" combination. By default, the prefix is Ctrl+B. After that, press D to detach from the current session.

You can disconnect your SSH connection at this point, and the command will continue to run. When you're ready, reconnect to the server and reattach to the existing tmux session to resume where you left off:

Tmux is most often used with the keyboard, and it provides many keybindings to make it easier to execute commands, create new panes, and resize them. If you prefer using the mouse, tmux also allows that, although the mouse is disabled by default. To enable it, first enter command mode by typing Ctrl+B :, then toggle the mouse on (or off) with the command set -g mouse.

When you start a tmux session on this machine, you can execute the commands listed above by pressing Ctrl+A first. Use the configuration file to change or add other tmux keybindings and commands.

Tmux is a fantastic tool to safeguard your remote connections and is useful when you spend a long time using the terminal. This article covers only the basic functionality, and there is much more to explore. For additional information about tmux, consult its official wiki page.

You can also expand tmux's functionality with extra-official plugins. These plugins add more commands, integrate with applications such as Vim, and add new functionality to the status bar. For more information, consult the tmux plugins project.

I'm using one .tmux.conf for multiple computers, each with different $TERM, so I have to fine-tune the setting for default terminal for each. Is there any way I can automate this with shell script inside tmux config file? Example:

The default key is C-b because the prototype of tmux was originally developed

inside screen and C-b was chosen not to clash with the screen meta key. It

also has the advantage of not interfering with the use of C-a for start-of-line

in emacs and the shell (although it does interfere with previous-character).

Couldn't you also just create a custom ~/.tmux.conf, add the one changed setting you want, and see if it uses the defaults for the rest? Often times that will be the case. As for which one the default is - I have no idea, it's possible that they are coded into tmux itself.

I want to use tmux to monitor a server, real time. All I need is the ability to split the terminal and navigate between panes, using keys that make some kind of sense to me.

I've accomplished that on my desktop, so I'll install it on my server now.

Upon starting to use tmux, I noticed that I had to add a noticeable delay between two characters in a command sequence for it to recognize the command, for example between the C-a and n in C-a n. This is because tmux is waiting for an escape sequence. Fix that by setting escape time to zero.

However, this usage of tmux results in the problem that detaching from these mirrored sessions will start to litter your system with defunct sessions which can only be cleaned up with some pretty extreme micromanagement. I wrote a script to solve this problem, call it tmx and use it simply with tmx .

Am I correct in understanding that the clear command is supposed to clear the screen like Cmd-k does in a normal Mac terminal session? I tried entering :clear directly in the tmux command line, but nothing happened.

In MacVim and terminal Vim, everything works fine and I have no problems. As soon as I jump into tmux and run Vim there, the escape key starts having a delay of about 1 second and shows up in Vim as ^[.

By adding the lines bind j pasteb -t right in my .tmux.conf and set clipboard+=unnamedplus in my init.vim (.vimrc for Vim), I can now copy some code in the Neovim pane on the left and send it to the REPL on the right by typing C+b and j.

Also, I modified a bit my setting, since I was experiencing a very annoying delay when typing and editing files directly on the server. Now I open tmux locally, with neovim on the left pane to edit files in my local repository, while on the right pane I nest another tmux instance which run julia on the server.

tmux is a "terminal multiplexer: it enables a number of terminals (or windows), each running a separate program, to be created, accessed, and controlled from a single screen. tmux may be detached from a screen and continue running in the background, then later reattached."

By default, tmux looks for user-specific configuration at ~/.tmux.conf, though ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf (hardcoded, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is ignored) works too. A global configuration file may be provided at /etc/tmux.conf though by default Arch does not ship such a file.

Key bindings may be changed with the bind and unbind commands in tmux.conf. For example, the default prefix binding of Ctrl+b can be changed to Ctrl+a by adding the following commands in your configuration file:

If you enable xterm-keys in your tmux.conf, then you need to build a custom terminfo to declare the new escape codes or applications will not know about them. Compile the following with tic and you can use "xterm-screen-256color" as your TERM:

Furthermore, any customization attached to your tmux session will be retained and your tmux session can be made to persist even if you have never logged in, if you have some reason to do that (like a heavily scripted tmux configuration or shared user tmux sessions).

Alternatively, you can place this file within your systemd/User directory (without User=%I and by replacing with in WantedBy), for example ~/.config/systemd/user/tmux.service. This way the tmux service will start when you log in, unless you also enable systemd/User#Automatic start-up of systemd user instances.

It is possible to copy a tmux selection to the display server clipboard (both primary/secondary selections), and paste from it into tmux. The following tmux configuration file snippets integrate X11 and Wayland clipboard/selection with the current tmux selection.

xclip could also be used for this purpose. Unlike xsel, it works better when printing a raw bitstream that does not fit the current locale. Nevertheless, it is neater to use xsel because xclip does not close STDOUT after it has read from the tmux buffer. As such, tmux does not know that the copy task has completed, and continues to wait for xclip to terminate, thereby rendering tmux unresponsive. A workaround is to redirect STDOUT to /dev/null:

While in tmux, Shift+MiddleMouseClick will paste the clipboard selection while just MiddleMouseClick will paste your tmux buffer.Outside of tmux, just use MiddleMouseClick to paste your tmux buffer and your standard Ctrl+c to copy.

Knowing this, you can exit the current tmux session. Following this, you create your default tmux session layout by editing tmuxinator's configuration file (Do not copy the example, get your layout values as described above)

The example defines two windows named "default" and "remote". With your determined layout values. For each pane you have to use at least one - line. Within the first window panes you start the commandline "clear" in pane one, "vim" in pane two and "clear && emacs -nw" executes two commands in pane three on each tmux start. The second window layout has two panes without defining any start commmands.

This script checks for a program presumed to have been started by a previous run of itself. Unless found it creates a new tmux session and attaches to a window named after and running the program. If however the program was found it merely attaches to the session and selects the window.

If you SSH into a host in a tmux window, you will notice the window title of your terminal emulator remains to be user@localhost rather than user@server. To allow the title bar to adapt to whatever host you connect to, set the following in ~/.tmux.conf ff782bc1db

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