The chorus emphasizes the importance of reliability and support. The singer asks if she can count on her partner, whether she's going through ups or downs. The reference to pulling the trigger and the partner busting back can be interpreted metaphorically, representing the idea of being able to rely on each other during challenging situations.

In battle Tink is... unusual. He can switch between his cowardly and perverted forms, each giving him a special inherent ability. While blue, Tink gains +2 movement; while red he gains a stat boost from female humanoids that are next to him. Tink has good Movement, Jump, SP, Speed and Hit, although his special attacks tend to be more humorous than function, they can deal heavy hits when Tink is "pimping out" in his red form. His most unusual special attack is one that allows Tink to make himself explode. While this may sound amusing and powerful, that's because it is. The attack also does not count as an ally kill, so you may detonate him as much as you please and as long as you keep up with his hospital bills. A common way to use Tink (while red) is to surround him with Beastmasters armed with Spears or Bows. Not only is Tink getting a huge stat bonus because the Beastmasters are lovely ladies, but each Beastmaster is also boosting his stats because of her inherent ability! This seriously makes Tink into a one frog, sexually charged, killing machine.

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At what ages did your lo's learn to count and know their colours?

Yesterday my ds counted to 9 while walking down stairs (he then said 12 instead of 10 and announced that there was 12 stairs). He often does this as well as counting how many cars/grapes or whatever there is. he doesn't always get it right but is pretty good.

He also knows loads of colours including more unusal ones like pruple, grey, brown. Sometimes gets green and blue the wrong way round but the rest he virtually always gets right.

He also knows quite a few shapes.

I haven't made a big concious effort to teach him, he just seems to pick things up really quickly.

Don't want to sound like I'm showing off (although I suppose I am a wee bit ), just wondering what age was seen as 'the norm' for these things. He is 22 months.

DD is 2.5 and she counts up to 4 in Turkish, and up to 3 in English and French. She also knows most colors in Fr, Tr, and Eng. 

Can't say she is 'the norm', though. The whole trilinguality thing has royally confused her and her language skills are behind her peers.

I think reciting numbers is quite common at this stage (although if he's actually counting that there are 12, that's unusual).

I think colours are meant to be around now also, but DD has known quite a number (well, boo, geen, lellow, back, bown, gay, purpull, aunge and PINK!) since being around 14 or 15 months. I think that's just becuase we hassled her so much on it.

ds1 was reciting numbers up to 13 at that stage (because we have 13 stairs) and was managing most colours (although not getting it right every time) but only started really counting at about Christmas when he was 2.8. He still says that white is yellow but if you ask him a second time he says "no WHITE! Silly silly me!" I don't want him to be able to do white and yellow because its so cute!

ds could count to about 12 at that age, and actually recognise the numbers too. He also knew all his colours. DD is 22 months though and can say different numbers but doesnt have a clue what order they go

Tink counts when she has her inhalers she managed to 8 and you get some random numbers after that to 10, she's 19 months. We have a spare inhaler that we let her play with because it gets her used to it and she will count when she plays with it. I also do 1, 2, 3 games like dropping or swinging her and she always counts with me. Yesterday she was saying "1, 2 raaaagh!" to "scare" me.

Mum has one of those VTech shape sorter rockets at hers and Tink will press the buttons and say the colours as she does, she's knows the primary colours and green.

I think if you are doing counting/ colour play with them a lot they pick it up really quick.

My dd2 is close in age to yours she is 20 months. She is just starting to say colours ie linking words. red cup, blue cup etc.

I have never heard her say numbers though.

DD1 seemed to learn to count to 20 very early, but wasn't really counting just reciting. Didn't get much beyond that for ages. Not sure exact age probably around 2.

DD could count and recognise numbers up to 20 at about 2 1/2 colours at 2

DS cant talk yet at 2 so no Idea but cant do colours cos if I say give me the Blue car etc he has not clue

All children are different thats what makes them all so special

dd3 could count to 10 at 18 months and knew all her colours inc whether it was light blue or dark blue and gold, silver etc when she was 20 months or so. She also knew her shapes, animals and sounds etc

The girl hasn't stopped talking since she first started.. e24fc04721

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