When I do a new Block Group, like a normal layout of columns and rows containing some images and paragraphs (all blocks), it all works, and I can save it as a Reusable Block (so I can use it elsewhere).

If I load that Reusable block in another page though, it is always loaded as Classic (!!). If I go and edit the same component in Reusable Blocks, it's still all Blocks and I can edit it still as blocks. So it happens only when loaded in another page.

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I'm very confused, I don't understand. It seems when loading a Reusable Block it's loaded as Classic. I can select "Convert to regular blocks" so I don't modify the original Reusable, and it remains Classic.

I suggest editing the original reusable block via [site.tld]/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=wp_block via 'Edit' and recreate it in the Editor. This way, all the references to your reusable block stay the same where its used in posts/pages, eg. .

This chapter explains the syntax to declare and refer to blocks, and shows how to use blocks to simplify common tasks such as collection enumeration. For further information, see Blocks Programming Topics.

The firstValue and secondValue are used to refer to the values supplied when the block is invoked, just like any function definition. In this example, the return type is inferred from the return statement inside the block.

If you need to be able to change the value of a captured variable from within a block, you can use the __block storage type modifier on the original variable declaration. This means that the variable lives in storage that is shared between the lexical scope of the original variable and any blocks declared within that scope.

In addition to general completion handlers, many Cocoa and Cocoa Touch API use blocks to simplify common tasks, such as collection enumeration. The NSArray class, for example, offers three block-based methods, including:

The block itself takes three arguments, the first two of which refer to the current object and its index in the array. The third argument is a pointer to a Boolean variable that you can use to stop the enumeration, like this:

This flag indicates that the enumeration block invocations may be distributed across multiple threads, offering a potential performance increase if the block code is particularly processor intensive. Note that the enumeration order is undefined when using this option.

A block represents a distinct unit of work, combining executable code with optional state captured from the surrounding scope. This makes it ideal for asynchronous invocation using one of the concurrency options available for OS X and iOS. Rather than having to figure out how to work with low-level mechanisms like threads, you can simply define your tasks using blocks and then let the system perform those tasks as processor resources become available.

OS X and iOS offer a variety of technologies for concurrency, including two task-scheduling mechanisms: Operation queues and Grand Central Dispatch. These mechanisms revolve around the idea of a queue of tasks waiting to be invoked. You add your blocks to a queue in the order you need them to be invoked, and the system dequeues them for invocation when processor time and resources become available.

If you need to schedule an arbitrary block of code for execution, you can work directly with dispatch queues controlled by Grand Central Dispatch (GCD). Dispatch queues make it easy to perform tasks either synchronously or asynchronously with respect to the caller, and execute their tasks in a first-in, first-out order.

Is it possible when previewing the page listed in the dataview results to go directly to where that tag is? (I can see a problem here if there are multiple tags). Or can it return the block or heading in the form of a heading block reference?

Is anyone else having trouble with their website? I logged in to find their new, minimalist look. Clicked prior years, 2019, and it says to choose "Download Return". Only there's no download button to be found. It's nuts. There's literally no way to get my return right now.

In my application I want the location "/" to return a static index.html file, I want "/static" to serve static files from a folder and I want all other requests to return 404 NOT FOUND. At a later point I'm going to redirect all other requests to a WSGI server.

However, now with the block also returning descending lists, the above code does not work when MY_LIST is short. For example, if MY_LIST has two items, then the above script will say the second item in the list, and then the first item in the list, when in fact it should say nothing.

Interesting discussion! The idea to also support counting down was mainly to be consistent with what we're doing in the FOR block already, and that returning an empty list instead of a decrementing one would probably not be what the users are expecting. So, yours is an interesting use case that exploits that quirk we had before! (I was actually somewhat surprised that we didn't count down already ... and I wrote that code myself, haha!).

I'm working with high school students in an introduction to computer science class (TEALS). The "all but last" question was a simplified version of a question in the second lab students do on lists (2.3.4 Not first 2 or last 2 -cs/unit_4/lesson_43/lab_43). Given that it took me quite a bit of time to understand your recursive solution, I doubt students will get it. Recursion isn't part of the TEALS curriculum, though I am trying to add it to our class this year ( :Username=milliones&ProjectName=Lab%203.3%3A%20Fractal%20Inception). For comparison, here's what I had originally:

Here is another assignment: -cs/unit_4/lesson_44/lab_44. How would you do question 1.4 of that, which is to write a custom SNAP predicate block called "increasing?" that takes a list of numbers as an argument and reports true if each value in the list is greater than or equal to the one before it.

I'm not set to insisting that our numbers block also has to support counting down. And your pointing out that we also have reverse for lists in libraries is very valid. So let's think about this some more!

So, @jens, when you implemented NUMBERS as a primitive we had a brief conversation (in my home office, I'm pretty sure) about this in which you asked what the Tools version did, and I said it returned an empty list in that case.

So, @jens, how about if the ring in MAP, KEEP, and FOR EACH (but not COMBINE) automatically generates names ITEM, INDEX, and LIST (or DATA, which I have mostly been using since a student complained that an orange LIST variable block looks too much like a red empty LIST block) for the first three formal parameters? That would make this super-undiscoverable feature a little easier to grok. (If the user drops a ring that already has formal parameters into that slot, though, use the user's names.)

Another general proposed solution is to write own FOR. How do you create a custom C-block? My best interpretation of this is to create a custom "ascending ___ to ___" block that acts like "numbers from ___ to ___" but returns an empty list if the first arg is greater than the second.

There are two problems with that approach. First, channeling @Jens, every runtime test slows down all projects, not just the ones that care about descending order. Second, there are a lot of things for which option flags would be helpful. Top of the list: case independent comparison and case independent symbols (names of variables, blocks, etc.). But also things like degrees vs. radians, CCW-from-East vs. CW-from-West, etc.

Here is the XML to import for both an "ascend index = ___ to ___" and "descend index = ___ to ___" custom blocks that I plan to use for TEALS assignments. They are copied from your custom "for" block above, just with some renaming to avoid confusion with the existing "for" block. So thank you for that script pic, and thank you for the thoughtful discussion @bh and @jens.

After this first year of teaching lists to students, I think a "for location and item in my_list" block would be better. In Python terms, this would be like "for location, item in enumerate(my_list)".

The ascend/descend blocks I originally proposed were problematic. Students initially struggled with remembering "item index of my_list" block, and then later struggled with how and when to use it. I believe making the custom block traverse my_list more directly could make it easier for students. Also, the descend block was only used to reverse a list. For next year, I'd just make reversing a list a bonus question.

The return statement can only be used within function bodies. When a return statement is used in a function body, the execution of the function is stopped. The return statement has different effects when placed in different functions:

All tasks in a block inherit directives applied at the block level. Most of what you can apply to a single task (with the exception of loops) can be applied at the block level, so blocks make it much easier to set data or directives common to the tasks. The directive does not affect the block itself, it is only inherited by the tasks enclosed by a block. For example, a when statement is applied to the tasks within a block, not to the block itself.

Names for blocks have been available since Ansible 2.3. We recommend using names in all tasks, within blocks or elsewhere, for better visibility into the tasks being executed when you run the playbook.

The tasks in the block execute normally. If any tasks in the block return failed, the rescue section executes tasks to recover from the error. The always section runs regardless of the results of the block and rescue sections.

If an error occurs in the block and the rescue task succeeds, Ansible reverts the failed status of the original task for the run and continues to run the play as if the original task had succeeded. The rescued task is considered successful and does not trigger max_fail_percentage or any_errors_fatal configurations. However, Ansible still reports a failure in the playbook statistics. e24fc04721

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