When you use the CloudFront console to create or update a distribution, you provide informationabout one or more locations, known as origins, where you store the original versions of your web content.CloudFront gets your web content from your origins and serves it to viewers via aworldwide network of edge servers.

If you delete an origin, confirm that files that were previously served bythat origin are available in another origin and that your cache behaviorsare now routing requests for those files to the new origin.

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The files must be publicly readable unless you secure your content in Amazon S3 by using aCloudFront origin access control. For more information about accesscontrol, see Restricting access to an Amazon S3 origin.

If the origin is an Amazon S3 bucket, the bucket name must conform to DNSnaming requirements. For more information, go to Bucket restrictions and limitations inthe Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

When you change the value of Origin domain for anorigin, CloudFront immediately begins replicating the change to CloudFront edgelocations. Until the distribution configuration is updated in a given edgelocation, CloudFront continues to forward requests to the previous origin. As soonas the distribution configuration is updated in that edge location, CloudFrontbegins to forward requests to the new origin.

Changing the origin does not require CloudFront to repopulate edge caches withobjects from the new origin. As long as the viewer requests in yourapplication have not changed, CloudFront continues to serve objects that arealready in an edge cache until the TTL on each object expires or untilseldom-requested objects are evicted.

If you want CloudFront to request your content from a directory in your origin,enter the directory path, beginning with a slash (/). CloudFront appends thedirectory path to the value of Origin domain, forexample, cf-origin.example.com/production/images. Donot add a slash (/) at the end of the path.

A name is a string that uniquely identifies this origin in this distribution. If youcreate cache behaviors in addition to the default cache behavior, you usethe name that you specify here to identify the origin that you want CloudFront toroute a request to when the request matches the path pattern for that cachebehavior.

Use this setting together with Connection timeout tospecify how long CloudFront waits before attempting to connect to the secondaryorigin or returning an error response to the viewer. By default, CloudFront waitsas long as 30 seconds (3 attempts of 10 seconds each) before attempting toconnect to the secondary origin or returning an error response. You canreduce this time by specifying fewer attempts, a shorter connection timeout,or both.

If the origin is part of an origin group, CloudFront attempts to connectto the secondary origin. If the specified number of connectionattempts to the secondary origin fail, then CloudFront returns an errorresponse to the viewer.

Use this setting together with Connection attempts tospecify how long CloudFront waits before attempting to connect to the secondaryorigin or before returning an error response to the viewer. By default, CloudFrontwaits as long as 30 seconds (3 attempts of 10 seconds each) beforeattempting to connect to the secondary origin or returning an errorresponse. You can reduce this time by specifying fewer attempts, a shorterconnection timeout, or both.

If all the connection attempts fail and the origin is part of anorigin group, CloudFront attempts to connect to the secondary origin. Ifthe specified number of connection attempts to the secondary originfail, then CloudFront returns an error response to the viewer.

The keep-alive timeout is how long (in seconds) CloudFront tries to maintain a connection toyour custom origin after it gets the last packet of a response. Maintaininga persistent connection saves the time that is required to re-establish theTCP connection and perform another TLS handshake for subsequent requests.Increasing the keep-alive timeout helps improve the request-per-connectionmetric for distributions.

Match viewer: CloudFront communicates with yourorigin using HTTP or HTTPS, depending on the protocol of the viewerrequest. CloudFront caches the object only once even if viewers makerequests using both HTTP and HTTPS protocols.

For HTTPS viewer requests that CloudFront forwards to this origin,one of the domain names in the SSL/TLS certificate on yourorigin server must match the domain name that you specify forOrigin domain. Otherwise, CloudFront respondsto the viewer requests with an HTTP status code 502 (BadGateway) instead of returning the requested object. For moreinformation, see Requirements for using SSL/TLS certificates withCloudFront.

Port 80 is the default setting when the origin is an Amazon S3 staticwebsite hosting endpoint, because Amazon S3 only supports port 80 forstatic website hosting endpoints. The CloudFront console does not supportchanging this setting for Amazon S3 static website hostingendpoints.

(Optional) You can specify the HTTPS port on which the custom origin listens. Validvalues include ports 80, 443, and 1024 to 65535. The default value isport 443. When Protocol is set to HTTPonly, you cannot specify a value for HTTPSport.

Choose the minimum TLS/SSL protocol that CloudFront can use when itestablishes an HTTPS connection to your origin. Lower TLS protocols areless secure, so we recommend that you choose the latest TLS protocolthat your origin supports. When Protocol is set toHTTP only, you cannot specify a value forMinimum origin SSL protocol.

If you use the CloudFront API to set the TLS/SSL protocol for CloudFront to use,you cannot set a minimum protocol. Instead, you specify all of theTLS/SSL protocols that CloudFront can use with your origin. For moreinformation, see OriginSslProtocols in theAmazon CloudFront API Reference.

By setting the cache behavior, you can configure a variety of CloudFront functionality for agiven URL path pattern for files on your website. For example, one cachebehavior might apply to all .jpg files in the imagesdirectory on a web server that you're using as an origin server for CloudFront. Thefunctionality that you can configure for each cache behavior includes:

When you create a new distribution, you specify settings for the default cachebehavior, which automatically forwards all requests to the origin that youspecify when you create the distribution. After you create a distribution, youcan create additional cache behaviors that define how CloudFront responds when itreceives a request for objects that match a path pattern, for example,*.jpg. If you create additional cache behaviors, the defaultcache behavior is always the last to be processed. Other cache behaviors areprocessed in the order in which they're listed in the CloudFront console or, if you'reusing the CloudFront API, the order in which they're listed in theDistributionConfig element for the distribution. For moreinformation, see Path pattern.

When you create a cache behavior, you specify the one origin from which youwant CloudFront to get objects. As a result, if you want CloudFront to distribute objectsfrom all of your origins, you must have at least as many cache behaviors(including the default cache behavior) as you have origins. For example, if youhave two origins and only the default cache behavior, the default cache behaviorcauses CloudFront to get objects from one of the origins, but the other origin isnever used.

When you create a new distribution, the value of PathPattern for the default cache behavior is set to* (all files) and cannot bechanged. This value causes CloudFront to forward all requests for your objectsto the origin that you specified in the Origin domain field. If the requestfor an object does not match the path pattern for any of the other cachebehaviors, CloudFront applies the behavior that you specify in the defaultcache behavior.

If you're working with a MediaPackage channel, you must include specific pathpatterns for the cache behavior that you define for the endpoint type foryour origin. For example, for a DASH endpoint, you type *.mpdfor Path Pattern. For more information and specificinstructions, see Serving live video formatted withAWS Elemental MediaPackage.

Enter the value of an existing origin or origin group. This identifies the origin ororigin group to which you want CloudFront to route requests when a request (suchas ) matches the path pattern for a cachebehavior (such as *.jpg) or for the default cache behavior (*).

If you choose GET, HEAD, OPTIONS orGET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE,you might need to restrict access to your Amazon S3 bucket or to your customorigin to prevent users from performing operations that you don't wantthem to perform. The following examples explain how to restrictaccess:

If you're using Amazon S3 as an origin foryour distribution: Create a CloudFront origin accesscontrol to restrict access to your Amazon S3 content, and givepermissions to the origin access control. For example, if youconfigure CloudFront to accept and forward these methodsonly because you want to usePUT, you must still configure Amazon S3 bucketpolicies to handle DELETE requests appropriately.For more information, see Restricting access to an Amazon S3 origin.

If you're using a customorigin: Configure your origin server to handleall methods. For example, if you configure CloudFront to accept andforward these methods only because you wantto use POST, you must still configure your originserver to handle DELETE requests appropriately.

Regardless of the option that you choose, CloudFront forwards certain headers toyour origin and takes specific actions based on the headers that youforward. For more information about how CloudFront handles header forwarding, seeHTTP request headers and CloudFront behavior(custom and Amazon S3 origins). e24fc04721

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