One night Chris and I went out to see the Germs play a gig at the Starwood. The place was going nuts. Punks were climbing up the walls to the balcony and diving off head first, back into the crowd. We watched it from the back for a while, then decided to work on a song.

Million miles away was one of my favorite songs growing up. Not just because it was a hit, but it evoked the feeling of loss of a relationship and was meaningful to me at the time. And I bought a 65 Ricky in 82 so it was a perfect song for that instrument. In the 90s I was playing with David Pahoa in Psychowhich and tried to talk him into just jamming it but he was only into his own writing. Which I suppose was the way to go for him.

Download The Song Bring Me Back By Miles Away

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The repetition of the phrase "bring me back to life" in the drop signifies the desire to relive those vibrant moments and escape the monotony that has taken over. It's a plea for a rejuvenation, a fresh start, and a return to that feeling of being alive.

I'm assuming this is the fault of my 5 yo son as he was recently giving alexa a million commands. Whenever I tell my Echo to play a song it will concurrently play on the Echo but also take over whatever my wife is listening to on her IPhone. This happened while she was in the car, miles away from home. She uses Spotify and I'm assuming there's a relationship there but I can't figure out why it would control music on her phone. I'm looking at all of my devices and not even seeing her iPhone as an option to disable it. Any suggestions on how to make this stop?

It's a story about this kid that comes home from winter break and gets robbed. When he - he left the hood and went to college, and he transformed into a different person. But when he comes back, his friends expect him to be the same person. So he gets his stuff stolen, and they expect him to stand on it and be a man, you know what I mean? Go, you know, grab a gun, get your stuff back. And he faces the pressures of having to do that, but being fearful because he's not that person anymore. We forgot his little brother was sitting there on that porch, so he saw the gangbanging, the robbery. I love that song because, to me, that is what "Porches" is the epitome of, is sitting on a porch and learning all of these things, good or bad, that end up shaping you for the rest of your life.

Don't worry - it's quick and painless! Just click below, and once you're logged in we'll bring you right back here and post your question. We'll remember what you've already typed in so you won't have to do it again.

Light travels at 300,000 kilometres per second, so it takes about 1.3 seconds for light to travel from the Moon back to the Earth. In other words, the Moon is 1.3 light-seconds away from the Earth.

Since the Moon orbits the Earth and the Earth orbits the Sun, both the Moon and the Earth are the same average distance away from the Sun. On average, the Earth and Moon are about 150 million kilometres (or 93 million miles) from the Sun!

Dusk loomed a few hours away, but as the young man wandered, vacant eyed, through the back streets of his Chicago boyhood, a different kind of darkness, one that had stalked him for months, settled on him like a fog.

A few miles away, cheeks wet from panicked tears, hands slapping the steering wheel, his mother weaved through rush-hour traffic, stoplights and speed limits be damned. Her son, she had been told, was wandering the streets. With a gun.

"Miles Away" is the lead-off single release from "Full Throttle Live". The guys chose to put this song out first because it represents TESLA and the new live album's harder heavier sound. "Miles Away" is a fan favorite in concert with its heavy 6/8 rolling groove and blistering guitar solo. This is also an ironic song choice because the song lyrics are written about being a "rock star" on the road away from reality and missing home.

What if you had a bird that would deliver a message to your friend? Your friend could then write a response that your bird would bring back to you. Sound a bit like sending owls in the wizarding world of Harry Potter? That type of magic isn't entirely the stuff of books, especially if you have a homing pigeon!

Unlike the owls in the Harry Potter books, homing pigeons can't be given an address or a person to fly to. If taken a ways from home, though, they can find their way back home in a remarkably short period of time. In fact, homing pigeons have been known to find their way home from as many as 1,100 miles away, and they can travel an average of 50 miles per hour with bursts of up to 90 mph!

But how do they find their way home over such long distances? Could you imagine being dropped off 1,000 miles away and having to find your way home? You might reach for a map, smartphone, or Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver to guide you home. What do homing pigeons do?

I came back to the canyon for answers, or a deeper understanding of life and my mother, or maybe myself. But all I could see were the peaks miles away, the trees greener and prettier than I imagined, tiny dots of figures moving slowly up the switchbacks, and the stillness of the world.

Sonita Alizadeh is an Afghan rapper singing about women's rights. She's also a junior at Wasatch Academy, an international college prep boarding school in Utah. New to the country, Sonita misses her family, who live over 7,000 miles away.

This was no parade Long lines of men women and children with confident smiles laughter and song started out on foot day after day from Yenan, traveling the dusty road that led to the Yellow Raver and heading for points from 500 to 1,500 miles away in Manchuria over rugged mountainous terrain. (From Hawaii to California is about 1,400 miles)

One day when I dropped by to see Sanzo Nosaka who headed the Japanese POW re-education arid anti-Japanese militarist psychological warfare program I saw his secretary pounding dried cooked beef into powdery form. The secretary told me he was assigned to a newly liberated area hundreds of miles away. With long lines of marchers passing through the same communities day after day he said that the Yenan officials had asked everyone to carry as many rations as they could. The travellers were not to clean out wayside village stores by buying everything they had for sale, but to consider the day to day needs of local people.

Months later in Shantung province I met a young college student who had joined a contingent. She told me that on the first day her unit covered 81 li. (27 miles) She said the pace was the same every day. Then every night dramatic corps of the army including adolescents, put on skits in villages. Yang ko, the folk dance of Northwest China which had spread the length and breadth of Yenan territory, made a big hit with the peasants in newly liberated villages. Peasants learned the simple three steps and danced to the songs with a message for peace democracy, land reform lower taxes, clean government and abundant production.

In the Fall of 2005 I rented a small house in the Horseshoe Valley (about one hour North of Toronto) a tiny little cottage on a beautiful piece of land that backed on to 40 acres of woods. Running through the woods was a stream that was still used by salmon during the autumn spawning season. I called the house 48 Mill Pond Rd. This is where I escaped to work on the songs that would eventually become At The End Of Paths Taken. 006ab0faaa

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